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Chapter 384: Invisible Sniper

Fatima watched as the heads of the sand thieves fell to the ground, a look of disbelief on her face.

There was still some distance between Luo and the group of sand thieves, so how did they manage to decapitate almost simultaneously?

The unbelievable scene even made Fatima doubt whether the deaths of the sand thieves had anything to do with Luo.

The dozen or so sand thieves were killed by Luo using Nen bullets, each no larger than a thumbnail, capable of shattering their necks and thus decapitating them.

After the sand thieves died, the armored Bull under them continued to charge at Luo, their eyes blood-red, exuding a violent aura.

The armored Bull that Luo was riding on was relatively normal. Due to its natural aversion to fighting, seeing a dozen of its kind rushing aggressively, it had the urge to retreat. If not for Luo's forcible restraint, it might have turned and fled long ago.

Although it could be barely controlled, it could no longer follow precise directions.

Luo pressed a certain spot on the back of the armored Bull's neck, calming it down a bit. Then, with a flick of his finger, he shot out a dozen Nen bullets at the charging armored Bull, each penetrating their hard foreheads.

Thud, thud, thud...

The armored Bull fell one after another, silent after a moment.

After taking down more than a dozen armored Bull in just a few breaths, Luo headed towards the battlefield.

Behind him, Fatima watched as Luo rode past a field of corpses on the armored Bull, her eyes wide open, completely unable to understand what had happened.

The Golo country's troops and the sand thieves were locked in a fierce battle, their strengths roughly equal, the only difference being their mounts.

The reason the sand thieves could roam the desert so recklessly was not due to their bravery but because they knew how to make the usually docile and timid armored Bull aggressive, thus turning them into suitable war mounts.

The soldiers escorting the sixth prince were all elite, but they could only engage in foot combat, putting them at a disadvantage from the start. It was thanks to their rigorous training and strong desert combat skills that they hadn't been defeated yet.

The Golo country's armored Bull had been slaughtered by the soldiers, their bulky bodies lying scattered on the ground, serving as makeshift sandbags to fend off the sand thieves' charges.

Nearly a hundred soldiers formed a circular formation, holding long spears to fend off the sand thieves circling around, looking for opportunities to attack. The sandy ground was littered with nearly two hundred corpses, mostly from the Golo side.

"Hurry, kill them! Kill them all!"

In the center of the circle, a young man in a gold-embroidered robe, protected by a dozen soldiers, was shouting hoarsely, waving a delicately handled steel sword to disguise his trembling arms.

His almost hoarse shouts were filled with fear.

A burly middle-aged man with a well-groomed beard stood not far from the young man, looking at the sand thieves outside the formation like a pack of wolves. His tiger-like eyes were filled with a gloomy expression. He had already foreseen their eventual defeat, but even so, he couldn't just wait to die.

The young man was the sixth prince of Golo, and the middle-aged man was the general leading the soldiers.

The supplies and treasures brought along were thrown outside the battlefield, but the sand thieves didn't even glance at them, continuing their fierce attack on the soldiers.


Their target was the supplies and treasures, but they didn't plan on sparing anyone, cold-blooded and ruthless.

The general's gaze passed through the swirling sand and the screams of battle, landing on a man with a braided beard in the distance, the leader of the sand thieves.

Gerrot sat leisurely on an armored Bull, watching the desperate struggle with interest. Suddenly, he noticed the gaze from the center of the soldiers' formation, looked up, and saw the general.

"Pleasure to meet you."

Gerrot smiled at the general, his lips moving silently. He brought his index and middle fingers together, touched his forehead, and then pointed at the general, a casual salute.

Seeing Gerrot's reaction, the general's face darkened.

At first, the sand thieves numbered nearly a hundred, but after a while, two more teams joined, increasing their number to nearly four hundred, thoroughly suppressing the soldiers.


Some sand thieves laughed wildly after killing a soldier, while the soldiers defending the formation remained silent.

About thirty minutes had passed since the battle began, and the sand thieves had lost fewer than twenty men, while nearly two hundred of their comrades had fallen.

Such a disproportionate loss ratio made the soldiers feel despair, but they still adhered to their duty, thinking of taking down as many sand thieves as possible.

Luo gradually approached the battlefield. His arrival was immediately noticed by the sand thieves on the outskirts. They realized that the dozen or so men sent to intercept him had all fallen?

Gerrot's gaze turned cold and serious as he looked at the unexpected intruder. He suddenly whistled and made a hand gesture to his subordinates.

The sand thieves attacking the soldiers saw Gerrot's command and felt puzzled. Did they need a hundred men to deal with one person?

Despite their confusion, a hundred sand thieves immediately split off to confront Luo.

The Golo soldiers, seeing the sand thieves suddenly withdraw about a hundred men, felt a surge of joy, thinking reinforcements had arrived. After all, withdrawing a hundred sand thieves must mean a considerable force was approaching.

However, when they took a moment to look, they saw only one person, and their hearts sank.

"Kill them, hurry! What are you all doing?"

The sixth prince's voice was almost gone from shouting, his face full of fear, his legs trembling uncontrollably.

The soldiers could see the outcome, so how could he not? If not for the twenty soldiers protecting him, giving him a sense of security, he might have broken down in tears already.

The general wished the sixth prince would shut up, but he couldn't overstep his bounds, even in this desperate situation.


Not far away, a hundred sand thieves charged towards Luo.

Further away, Fatima watched through a monocular, her heart filled with worry as she saw Luo facing a hundred sand thieves alone.

William, who started a bit later than Luo, saw the hundred sand thieves' formation and his mount froze in fear, almost refusing to move. He saw Luo jump off his mount and face the hundred sand thieves on foot.

William gritted his teeth and also dismounted, following Luo.

"About a hundred... Using Nen bullets alone would be too slow," Luo coldly murmured to himself as he watched the hundred sand thieves approaching, "Then I'll just waste some Nen."

Before he finished speaking, a field with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters rapidly expanded from under his feet, encompassing the charging sand thieves.

The sand thieves, unaware of Nen abilities, couldn't see the field formed by the Nen circle, but Gerrot and William could.

Gerrot had dispatched a hundred men to confront Luo because he recognized Luo as a Nen user. He didn't expect his men to kill Luo but at least hoped to learn about Luo's abilities.

The sand thieves, stepping into the field, were completely unaware, each letting out cruel laughs, ready to crush Luo into pulp.

At that moment, several dull thuds, like watermelons exploding, echoed in their ears.

Thud, thud, thud...!

Hearing the sound, the fearless sand thieves' hearts raced. They saw their comrades' heads exploding as if crushed by an invisible hand, blood and bone scattering everywhere.

Luo stopped, standing still, calmly focusing on controlling the single-point pressure within the field, bursting one sand thief's head after another.

It was as if he held an invisible sniper rifle, swiftly picking off the sand thieves.

In just five or six seconds, only less than ten sand thieves remained, all showing terrified expressions. The battle fervor in their hearts had vanished.


As soon as the thought of escape arose, the remaining sand thieves met the same fate, their heads exploding.

Seeing this, Gerrot's face turned extremely ugly, his previously confident demeanor shattered.

William, who had been approaching to help, stopped abruptly, staring blankly at the hellish scene of blood and bones ahead.

Further away, Fatima put down her monocular and clutched her stomach, vomiting.

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