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Chapter 378: North of the City

Linne was ultimately getting old. The strength, coordination, and power of her body had significantly declined, and unlike Netero, who was an Enhancer, her endurance at an old age was indeed lacking.

This match was primarily about probing. Luo only needed to fully display his abilities; it wasn't necessary to determine a winner.

However, neither of them expected that after less than fifteen minutes into the fight, Linne accidentally twisted her waist...

This outcome temporarily thwarted Linne's plan to teach Luo her Nen techniques and flow skills.

Unbeknownst to them, clouds gathered in the sky, swiftly moving across the moon, causing the moonlight to flicker.

Elba City was quiet. Soldiers patrolled back and forth expressionlessly, performing their duties and responsibilities, completely unaware of the people moving through the darkness.

After sending Linne back to her room, Luo returned to his room, lying on the bed and reflecting on the night's battle, trying to find his shortcomings.

Early the next morning, the house was filled with the loud voice of Sago. He was bringing breakfast to Linne when he discovered her twisted waist.

Linne easily dismissed Sago's concerned inquiries with a few words, naturally not mentioning the events of the previous night.

Luo went straight downstairs to the small courtyard behind the house for morning practice. When Buhara woke up, he was called by Sago to watch the shop.

Due to Linne's injury, she had to rest in bed for a while, and her daily routine of handling various spices was canceled, giving Luo plenty of free time.

After finishing his morning practice and breakfast, Luo headed to Vulture Street, partly to search for ancient artifacts imbued with Nen and partly to ask the stall owners about the Forbidden Desert.

No matter how terrifying the so-called Forbidden Desert was, even though Luo had repeatedly hinted at exchanging information for money, the stall owners remained tight-lipped.

"Old Baldy, do you have any new goods today?"

Luo approached a stall, scanning the many ancient items.

The old man sitting on a low stool rolled his eyes at Luo and said irritably, "You ask this every day. If it were that easy to get new goods, so many fools wouldn't die in the desert every year."

The term "fools" was what the stall owners on Vulture Street called those who risked their lives to find underground ruins in the desert. It wasn't meant as an insult, as "fool" was also a nickname for a type of earthworm in the desert, known for its exceptional burrowing ability.

"Then I'll change my question."

Luo looked up at the old man, smiling slightly.

"No, ask anyone but me." The old man, seemingly knowing what Luo wanted to say, cut him off.

Luo shrugged and said helplessly, "Is that place really that terrifying?"

"You little foreign kid, you have no respect for the desert. I'll warn you again: curiosity will kill the butler. I've said my piece, don't bother me again." The old man blew his beard.

The butler was a high priest of the most powerful nation in the Kendia Desert a thousand years ago, second only to the king, but he lost his position and power due to curiosity. He accidentally witnessed the king with his male lover and was killed on the spot to keep the secret. The phrase "curiosity will kill the butler" came from this story.

Luo lowered his voice and said, "Think about it. Is there anyone suitable to take the blame for you? I'll pester them instead of you."

The old man was momentarily tempted, thinking carefully about who might be able to shift Luo's attention. After a moment, he clapped his hands and excitedly said, "Go to the bartender at the Quicksand Tavern. If you give him enough money, he'll tell you everything."

"The Quicksand Tavern?" Luo looked at the old man, puzzled. "I've been to almost every bar recently and haven't seen the Quicksand Tavern."

The old man pointed in a direction and said, "Because that tavern is in the slums north of the city, you wouldn't have seen it." He then sternly warned, "The bartender is also the owner. I don't know him well. I've shown you the way. Whatever you do, don't involve me."

Luo smiled and made an OK gesture. He then reached out and swept his hand over the various ancient items on the stall, picking up a dark green hollow bracelet and tossing it over.

The old man clumsily caught the bracelet, ready to curse, but Luo said, "This is a finely crafted bracelet from the Ruluka era. It's genuine and should be worth three million Jenny. Reprice it."

Luo pointed to the price tag on the bracelet, then turned and walked towards the north of the city, not caring whether the old man believed him or not.

The old man watched Luo's departing figure, muttering a curse. He looked at the ten-thousand-Jenny price tag on the bracelet, intending to put it back on the stall, but inexplicably, he rewrote the price.

Three million Jenny...!

Luo had been wandering around Vulture Street recently, seemingly a pure newcomer interested in antiques. Despite his unremarkable presence, several stall owners felt that there was something unusual about him, though they couldn't pinpoint what it was.

The old man was one of them. This was also why, despite Luo's persistence, the old man had never spoken harshly to him. Perhaps without realizing it, he treated Luo as a peer in their exchanges.

The survival environment in the Kendia Desert was harsh, and life in the oasis was equally tough. But no matter where, there were always people living well and those struggling.

The king's palace stood in the center of the oasis, near the water source. The surrounding buildings branched out from there, and the residents nearby lived comfortably. In contrast, the slums in the north presented a completely different scene.

Luo arrived in the slums, where houses were generally low and the sanitation was poor. Even soldiers were unwilling to come here. Before long, he noticed many eyes on him.

Those eyes were like those of stray dogs, filled with restless curiosity and deeper fear.

Not wanting to cause trouble, Luo left the ground and walked on the rooftops. Soon, he found a bustling tavern. He pushed the door open and was greeted by the stench of cheap alcohol and sweat.

Luo entered, unaffected, and used Nen to block the unpleasant smell from his nose.

Inside the tavern, it was filled with shabby-dressed men. Apart from the man behind the bar, everyone else's clothes were dirty, and their faces were unkempt.

Water was a scarce resource in Elba. Those who frequented the tavern would rather not bathe for ten years and use water to dilute their alcohol.

The previously noisy patrons fell silent, all eyes on the clean and well-dressed Luo standing at the door.

The man behind the bar suddenly said, "What are you standing there for? Keep partying!"

As soon as he spoke, the tavern resumed its noisy atmosphere, and the patrons ignored Luo, returning to their revelry.

The bartender, nearly middle-aged, had several braids on his head, dark skin, and a large nose. He leaned against the bar with one hand, resting his face on his palm, and casually observed Luo.

Luo also observed the bartender.

Nen user.

Both of them had the same thought.

Luo had been in Elba City for some time and had met many people, but apart from Sago, he hadn't encountered another Nen user. He didn't expect to find one in a slum tavern.

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