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Chapter 366: Desert Bandits

It was hard to finally meet someone, but they were not friendly. Without saying a word, five poison-tipped crossbow bolts were shot at us.

"Desert bandits..."

In this desert, only desert bandits would act like this.

Luo's face turned cold as he reached out to grab the motionless bolts in mid-air, then jumped off the armored bull, heading towards the charging bandits.

Ignoring the lethality of the crossbow bolts, the poison on the arrowheads showed their intent to kill.

Linne watched Luo jump off the armored bull, slowly closed her eyes again, and muttered to herself, "The water delivery has arrived."

Massive hoofprints on the sand stirred up a lot of yellow sand. The people riding on the bulls were indeed desert bandits. When they started looting, they never announced their name, nor did they waste words. They had a style of action without chatter.

"The crossbow bolts stopped in mid-air?"

The bandits were shocked. Their excellent eyesight allowed them to see the crossbow bolts stopped by Luo.

Not knowing what kind of sorcery Luo used, the bandits, who lived by licking the blood off their knives, were never afraid of trouble. They immediately drove their bulls faster, then put down their stone crossbows and picked up their horse-cutting knives, exuding a cold-blooded killing intent.

The desert bandits in the Kendia Desert were extremely brutal. They often formed groups to harass the three major countries, and usually looked for targets to plunder in the desert.

The bandits were not picky. Whether the target was lean or fat, they treated everyone the same and never left anyone alive. Some bandits even enjoyed drinking human blood, making them a hated existence in the three major countries of the Kendia Desert.

These five bandits had observed their targets from a distance with a monocular telescope. A young man, a fat guy, and an elderly man close to death. There were no obvious valuables on their sand sled, but they still decided to attack.

Because, just one armored bull was worth their effort. Alive, it could be taken back to the Red Rock Canyon; slaughtered, it could provide meat, water from its stomach, and its hide.

As the distance between both sides closed to within 150 meters, the bandits suddenly spread out, forming a semi-circular formation.

With a wave of his hand, Luo shot the five poison-tipped bolts he held in five different directions, aiming precisely at the chests of the five bandits.

Since the arrows were poisoned, there was no need to aim for vital points. As long as the skin was pierced, it would be enough.

The five bolts whistled through the air, heading towards the five bandits. But the bandits bent their upper bodies sharply, dodging the fast bolts.

Luo was slightly surprised by this. He confirmed that these five bandits were not Nen users, yet their reactions were impressive, able to dodge his Nen-enhanced bolts.

"Not bad."

Luo stopped, waved his right hand to the side, and Nen surged from his palm, forming an invisible long knife in an instant.

The tip of the Nen blade touched the ground, and the yellow sand seemed to be stirred by an invisible force, flying in all directions.


The first two bandits shouted excitedly, raised their horse-cutting knives, and slashed down at Luo. Their fierce momentum showed their proficient killing skills.

For ordinary people, these bandits were very strong.

Luo coldly watched the two knives slashing down at him. His figure suddenly disappeared, and in the next moment, he was behind the two bandits, dozens of meters away.

The two bandits thought they had succeeded, but when their target suddenly disappeared, they showed a ghostly expression.

Their slashes missed, and the bulls charged over the spot where Luo had just stood.

The two bandits looked puzzled and wanted to turn their heads to see what had happened, but found that their heads would not move despite their commands.


Their vision suddenly tilted downward, and before they could think further, darkness swallowed their consciousness.

The two bandits' heads fell forward, and they instantly became silent.

The remaining three bandits, seeing what had happened, decisively halted their bulls and turned to flee.

They only saw Luo disappear and then reappear, with their two companions inexplicably beheaded. This was far more terrifying than stopping crossbow bolts in mid-air, and they immediately decided to retreat.

"Leaving them alive is a disaster for others."

Luo coldly muttered, his Nen suddenly contracted like a tightened spring, and then exploded outward.

In an instant, his body disappeared without causing even a bit of wind or sand.

In the next second, Luo appeared again, and the remaining three bandits followed the fate of the first two, without understanding what had happened until their deaths.

Although the bandits could dodge Luo's Nen-enhanced bolts, their reactions and physical coordination were impressive. But they couldn't avoid Luo's near-instantaneous movement when he killed them.

This was the concept of the Emitter type introduced by Ging on Devil Island. Luo had been exploring this after his stats in the six categories surpassed 60%, and eventually mastered instantaneous movement with a completion rate of 70%.

The five bandits' heads hung down, while their five armored bulls remained restless.

Luo noticed that the eyes of these five bulls were bloodshot, different from the gentle-natured armored bull he rode.

"Armored bulls are timid and avoidant by nature, with a strong instinct for danger, which makes them unsuitable as war mounts. But these five bulls are clearly different."

Luo felt puzzled but still needed to get the water.

As he approached the armored bulls, one charged at him.

Luo lightly leapt, dodged the charge, and pressed his hand on the armored bull's hard head, using Nen to kill it instantly.

The bandits only had two water bags, along with a few large hemp bags and some rations.

Luo originally planned to kill just one bull, but after killing one, the other four bulls attacked him, so he had to kill them all.

After scavenging the bandits' remaining supplies, he cut off the edible meat and water-filled stomachs of the bulls, and then left the area.

With water, Buhara, who had been lying down, was revived.

Two days later, Luo and his group arrived at Elba Oasis.

Meanwhile, at Red Rock Canyon, the desert bandits' stronghold.

The Kendia Desert had only three oasis countries and one bandit group named after Red Rock Canyon, called the Red Rock Bandits.

The oasis was the foundation for human survival here. Red Rock Canyon had a small oasis, providing security for the bandits. The canyon's shade even allowed them to make ice when conditions permitted.

The bandits used this place as their base, numbering in the thousands, with each member being a robust man.

In the shaded areas of the canyon, stone chambers were carved out, with cloth curtains acting as doors.

In the largest stone chamber, a man with a turban, thick eyebrows, tiger eyes, and a beard tied into several braids jumped off the bed and walked to the table with a water jug.

Two women lay on the bed, their alluring curves exposed, with bruises on their bodies.

The bearded man was also naked. He walked to the table and grabbed the water jug, drinking heavily.

Beside the table was a stone pillar as thick as an adult's embrace, covered with several fur-made maps. One map, looking very much like a map, was pinned to the pillar by a dagger.

The map depicted the locations of the three major oasis countries, forming a triangle, and in the vast area in the center was a drawn skull.

The dagger's tip pierced the skull's eye socket, shining with a cold gleam.

The skull usually represented danger, but to the bandits, it meant something different, not just danger!


Suddenly, a strong voice came from outside the curtain.

"Speak," the bearded man said coldly, casually tossing the copper water jug, startling the two women on the bed.

"Yage and the others haven't returned," the voice outside said.

"Oh," the bearded man responded indifferently, "then assume they're dead."

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