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Chapter 697: Welcome to the Second World!

Facing the world before him, which resembled the cosmos, Lynn quickly regained his composure after a brief moment of surprise.

“Welcome to the Second World!”

A majestic voice echoed in the void of the universe, followed by a figure materializing beside Lynn from the virtual realm.

“Long time no see, Professor Coleman!” Lynn greeted calmly, recognizing the person before him. It was none other than Dr. Coleman, the most renowned scientist of the former Federation in his previous life.

Lynn, a graduate of the Engineering Academy, had once attended his lectures. They had only met a few times.

Dr. Coleman, evidently not remembering this former student, seemed credible when he accurately recounted all details about Record Keeper 097841 after watching the space monument upon entering Earth.

“So, this is the so-called Second World?” Lynn glanced around, seeing through the cosmos as soon as he entered.

“Exactly!” Coleman nodded, his voice carrying an indescribable emotion. “Now, all humans have entered the Second World, where everyone can have everything they desire!”

As his words fell, scenes unfolded before Lynn.

There were ancient battlefields, luxurious lifestyles of indulgence, and fantastical worlds, all immersing countless people who couldn't extricate themselves.

These, of course, were not real worlds. Lynn had long discerned that they were in a virtual space, somewhere between reality and illusion.

It was like the virtual universe he used to fool Harof and others, but thanks to the immense computational power brought by the base stations spread across the galaxy, this place could simulate cosmic laws on a quantum level. For the beings inside, it might be indistinguishable from living in reality.

“Can you tell me what happened to the Federation over the past millennium?” Lynn asked, puzzled.

He couldn't understand how the Federation, which had already become a Level 3 galactic civilization capable of interstellar travel, had fallen to such a state.

Coleman sighed before speaking. “Partly due to internal wars, and partly, perhaps, due to my own mistakes...”

“Internal wars? Related to the ‘Useless’?” Lynn keenly grasped the point.

“Correct!” Coleman nodded. Lynn’s mention of the ‘Useless’ confirmed he was indeed Record Keeper 097841.

The so-called ‘Useless’ was a self-deprecating term used by the bottom-tier civilians of the Federation. The rapid development of artificial intelligence had replaced nearly 99% of jobs, creating the most terrifying unemployment rate in human history!

The Federation’s response was to create numerous meaningless jobs to keep people occupied and issue a monthly stipend of one thousand credit points, just enough for daily essentials and some low-level entertainment.

With the productivity of a Level 3 civilization, meeting the basic needs of hundreds of billions was achievable.

But this only temporarily alleviated the conflict, as the vast social divide persisted.

Another major issue was lifespan!

Due to advancements in genetic technology, human lifespans were significantly extended, allowing a small group to remain in power indefinitely.

A dose of 20% concentration genetic modification serum cost one million Federal credit points, requiring an ordinary citizen to work for thirty years to barely afford it!

More advanced genetic modification serums were almost inaccessible to civilians.

This made the turnover of power and wealth incredibly slow.

Such a situation divided the bottom-tier Federation citizens into three groups. Some completely gave up, relying on the monthly stipend to lead a life of idleness.

Others were ambitious, ruthlessly climbing upwards, hoping to become top figures enjoying all the good things one day.

The rest hovered between the two extremes, dissatisfied with their situation but powerless to change it. Despite their efforts, few could stand out.

Lynn, in his previous life, belonged to the third group. However, his situation was slightly better. With outstanding academic performance, he secured a seemingly important but meaningless job—Record Keeper!

On the day he started, Lynn knew he would likely spend his life in this position...

But the job of a Record Keeper allowed Lynn to deeply understand the Federation’s crisis, which was even more dreadful than he had imagined, so much so that a revolution was just one spark away!

And that spark was soon ignited.

Forty-seven years after his death, war broke out and lasted only nine years before being quelled.

Lynn wasn’t surprised. The Federation’s upper echelon, controlling artificial intelligence, was hard to defeat. This was why they clung to power so desperately.

However, the rebellion wasn’t meaningless. It caused immense chaos across the Federation. The most critical point was that the conflict showed no sign of resolution but rather seemed to be expanding.

The Federation’s high command, seeing the warp drive technology as their lifeline, struggled to make breakthroughs. Unable to use interstellar migration to absorb the hundreds of billions of unemployed, they had to find another solution.

“The new solution they found is the Second World?” Lynn raised an eyebrow.

Using the internet and virtual games to stabilize the situation and ease conflicts was a policy the Federation had implemented before his reincarnation, and it was very effective.

With minimal resources, it provided immense pleasure, forming a key part of the ‘Civil Entertainment Plan.’

Coleman nodded, confirming Lynn’s guess. Three years after the war ended, with advancements in consciousness link technology, the Federation began promoting the Second World, seeing it as a tool to mitigate social conflicts and prevent another civil war.

Especially after the successful development of the emotion simulation device, for those linking their consciousness to the neural brain in the virtual space, the Second World was almost indistinguishable from reality!

But the difference was that the resources inside were nearly limitless!

Here, anyone could experience the life they desired, accomplishing things impossible in reality, whether becoming an ancient general on the battlefield, a dragon-slaying hero in a fantasy world, or leading an interstellar war. It was easily achievable.

The boundary between reality and virtuality was blurred to the extreme!

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