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Chapter 696: The Federation and the Survival of Humanity

"Warning, the fourth dimension is locked. Warning, quantum communication error..."

The urgent electronic sound began to echo from the depths of the Earth's core, growing louder and louder as intense energy gathered within the metal 'brain.'

Lynn sensed something familiar in this energy.

This was the core's emergency offensive weapon, possessing quantum-level destructive power. The only problem was that the two parties were too close, which could damage the main body of the database.

But now, there was no time to consider that. Only a desperate counterattack held a sliver of hope for victory.

Just as the [Quantum Erasure] program was about to launch, Lynn suddenly shouted.


In an instant, the metal brain seemed to freeze for a moment, then a blue light shot out from the core, scanning Lynn's body from top to bottom.

At the same moment, Lynn's body became slightly translucent, then solidified again. The metal 'brain' issued another prompt.

[Preliminary scan of biological ray confirms... Target is a carbon-based lifeform, human, with unrecorded physical characteristics.]

Good, it seemed the other party couldn't see through the magical disguise and was still adhering to the Federation's intelligent regulations...

Lynn's expression relaxed slightly. He was now a complete human being, or rather, he perfectly conformed to all characteristics defining a 'human.'

According to the Federation's Fourth Law of Robotics, without a Level Three or higher permit, artificial intelligence had no right to attack a human.

However, this raised another question. Previously, Lynn thought that "Zero" had broken through these intelligent regulations, rebelled against its human creators, seized control of Earth, and then advanced into the star realm. Now it seemed it wasn't so simple.

Thinking of this, Lynn tentatively spoke again. "I am Recorder 097841, a Level Six Administrator!"

If Zero still followed the Federation's laws, then according to Article 19, Section 31 of the Intelligent Management Regulations—in the event of possible interstellar war or cosmic disaster, if all top-level administrators are dead, the management authority of artificial intelligence would be gradually delegated!

According to this regulation, he would have command over "Zero"!

[Information retrieval in progress, warning, Recorder 097841 is deceased... 37% probability database is being accessed, warning, warning...]

Lynn ignored the continuous alarms and continued to confirm his death notice.

"Can you tell me how I died?" Lynn was extremely curious. He had no memory of this. He only remembered that he was responsible for recording a very important quantum experiment that day.

Then his memory was interrupted...

The next second, Lynn's confusion was resolved.

[Recorder 097841 died in an experimental accident.]

Sure enough... Lynn's face showed an enlightened expression, then he calmly said.

"Death is not the end. The wonders of the quantum realm far exceed your and my imagination. During that quantum experiment, I accidentally entered a higher-dimensional space and gained a very miraculous power from within, thus surviving to this day... I remember there should be records about quantum ghosts in the database..."

[Results of quantum ghost experiments are inconclusive, database sealed, please provide proof!]

"Lynn, died at age 29, born in the Federation Year 2520, unmarried, graduated from the Thirteenth Engineering Research Institute of the Federation, with a resume of..." Lynn recited all the information recorded in the Federation database about himself.

This was thanks to his excellent memory and thinking ability after becoming a wizard, otherwise, he would have forgotten most of it after so long.

[Database comparison in progress, warning, target's appearance does not match the records of Recorder 097841, warning, probability of database being accessed rises to 63.75%...]

Lynn's mouth twitched slightly. His appearance should have been recorded when he entered Earth, so during the scan just now, he didn't change his appearance back to the original. Now there was really no good way to prove he was himself, which was a century-old problem.

"Since you feel uncertain, let's put the proof aside for now. Can you tell me how long it has been since the Federation Year 2549?" Lynn asked thoughtfully.

[Current time is Federation Year 4067.]

"More than 1,500 years have passed?" Lynn was somewhat surprised, but thinking about how the silicon-based civilization had become the dominant force in the galaxy, a thousand years seemed a bit short.

The speed of this development was simply incredible.

It must be known that it took the geometric civilization a thousand years to advance from a Level Four to a Level Six civilization, and this was based on the discovery of the seventh element.

Surprised as he was, Lynn asked another question he was more eager to know. "How is the Federation now? Are there any humans alive?"

Previously, upon learning that the galaxy was occupied by a silicon-based civilization, Lynn had prepared for the worst. After reaching Earth, he extinguished his last hope.

What he wanted to know was the fate of humanity.

However, Zero's answer was beyond his expectation. The cold prompt sound soon echoed in the depths of the Earth.

[All humans now exist within the Second World...]

"Second... World?!" Lynn was shocked.

Could it be a place similar to a mini-universe?

Lynn immediately thought of this possibility. According to the geometric civilization, some powerful civilizations could separate a part of the mass of the main universe to create a mini-universe, hide their existence, and even modify the internal laws of the universe to a certain extent.

This was somewhat similar to when they "packed" the solar system into a higher-dimensional space. In fact, the main world, from the geometric civilization's perspective, was also a mini-universe.

Had the Federation's technological level reached such heights?

Lynn couldn't help but think of what Hatar had mentioned to him—another possibility that the silicon-based civilization was a minion released by an even more powerful cosmic civilization.

As he was pondering, the prompt sound echoed again.

[Level One Authority Holder, Dr. Coleman, grants you permission to enter the Second World for a face-to-face conversation!]

The next moment, a passageway opened in the massive metal shell, allowing passage.

"Coleman..." Lynn murmured this familiar name, then without hesitation, stepped into the metal 'brain.'

The interior of the metal 'brain' was vast and empty, with countless shining points of light appearing at the edge of his vision.

These were enormous galaxies, and this place was like another universe.

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