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Chapter 181: The Array Master

The construction progress of the artifact crafting shop was proceeding as Master Ban had expected.

As the end of the year approached, the sooner the shop was completed, the sooner he could settle the spirit stone payments. This would also provide an explanation to his craftsmen and disciples, allowing everyone to go home for the New Year.

Master Ban was very attentive, spending almost every day at the shop, supervising the craftsmen, and instructing the demon hunters who came to help. For tasks that some disciples couldn't handle, he would step in himself.

During this period, Master Ban often saw Mo Hua.

Mo Hua would wander around with his hands behind his back, occasionally muttering something and jotting notes on a piece of paper.

If someone didn't know better, they might think he was just a junior craftsman.

Master Ban remembered Elder Yu's words: let him do whatever he wants, so he didn't interfere.

Occasionally, Mo Hua would ask him some questions, and if Master Ban had time, he would answer them one by one. Mo Hua would then thank him with meat and wine from his family's eatery. After tasting it once, Master Ban could never forget it.

The meat was tender yet chewy, spicy with a hint of wild flavor.

Master Ban had eaten meat before, but never anything as delicious as this. Usually busy with work, he didn't pay much attention to his meals, but the taste of this meat was so unique that he couldn't forget it.

Master Ban silently remembered the name of Mo Hua's family eatery, planning to buy more meat once the shop was completed and he had earned some spirit stones, so his grandchildren could taste it.

About a month and a half later, the initial construction of the shop was completed.

Next, it was time for an array master to draw the arrays on the walls, inside the building, and on some key structural stones. The craftsmen would then further construct the shop, sealing the arrays with earth, wood, and bricks, before making final adjustments to complete the entire shop.

Master Ban was a bit worried.

It was time for the array master to draw the arrays, but where was the array master?

Occasionally, he would consult with Elder Yu about the work, but despite many visits, he had never seen a trace of an array master.

Normally, at the beginning of the construction of an artifact crafting shop, the array master would survey the terrain and the building layout. During the construction process, the array master would also check on the progress from time to time.

However, for a long time, Master Ban had no impression of seeing an array master.

Without understanding the building layout, how could the array master draw the arrays?

Moreover, he had seen the construction array diagrams. Although he didn't understand arrays, he could tell at a glance that many of the arrays used in this building were complex and not something an ordinary array master could draw, nor could one or two array masters complete them.

If the arrays were not drawn well, the project couldn't be completed.

Similarly, if the arrays were drawn too slowly, they wouldn't be able to finish on time. If delayed, it could become an endless process, making it unlikely to settle payments by the end of the year.

Thinking of this, Master Ban was deeply worried.

After much hesitation, he found Elder Yu, unable to hide his anxiety, "Elder Yu, we've finished our current work. What about the arrays...?"

"No rush," Elder Yu replied, completely unperturbed.

You may not be in a rush, but I am...

Master Ban thought to himself and then asked Elder Yu, "Have you hired an array master?"

"Already hired."

"That's good," Master Ban sighed in relief but couldn't help asking, "Then why haven't I seen them?"

Elder Yu smiled slightly, "You've seen them."

Master Ban was taken aback, "Where did I see them?"

"Tomorrow, when they start drawing the arrays, you'll see them," Elder Yu replied.

Master Ban frowned, unable to recall when he had seen an array master, but since Elder Yu said they would start drawing the arrays tomorrow, he would find out then.

The next day, Master Ban arrived at the shop early.

He hadn't slept well all night, worried that Elder Yu might be deceiving him.

This project was so large that if something went wrong and he couldn't settle the spirit stones, he wouldn't be able to explain it to his craftsmen and disciples.

Logically, Elder Yu, a Foundation Building cultivator, who had a good relationship with him, wouldn't deliberately harm him, but logic aside, Master Ban couldn't help but worry.

Who could truly understand another's heart?

As dawn broke, around the hour of the rabbit, Elder Yu arrived.

Master Ban stared at Elder Yu for a long time, then looked behind him, unable to help but ask, "You came alone? Where's the array master?"

Seeing his anxious expression, Elder Yu reassured him, "Don't worry, they'll be here soon."

Master Ban could only try to be patient and wait.

After a while, just as the hour of the rabbit approached, Mo Hua came walking towards the shop, carrying a storage bag and munching on a large bun.

The morning sun broke through the clouds, casting a faint golden glow on him.

Mo Hua finally finished his bun with great effort, looked up, saw Elder Yu and Master Ban, and greeted them from a distance.

Master Ban stared for a long time, and when Mo Hua got closer, he couldn't help but ask, "Mo Hua? What are you doing here..."

Mo Hua patted his storage bag and smiled, "I'm here for business."

Before Master Ban could ask what business, Elder Yu asked with a smile, "Are you ready?"

Mo Hua nodded, "Ready."

Then Mo Hua walked into the shop, with Elder Yu following.

Master Ban had no time to ask and could only follow them inside, feeling increasingly puzzled:

What business? What exactly is this kid going to do?

Master Ban soon found out.

Mo Hua went to a cornerstone, spread out a densely drawn array diagram, took out fine, medium, and large array brushes from his storage bag, prepared spirit ink in five colors representing the five elements, and began drawing the arrays.

With a small brush dipped in spirit ink, he glanced at the array diagram and then started drawing array patterns on the cornerstone.

His expression was calm, his technique skillful, and his brushwork smooth and confident.

He looked every bit like a master craftsman!

Master Ban was stunned.

The array master Elder Yu mentioned was this kid?

This ten-year-old kid was an array master?

Master Ban's thoughts were chaotic and his mind in turmoil.

After thinking for a long time, he recalled why Elder Yu had said he had seen the array master.

Indeed, Mo Hua often wandered nearby, chatting and drinking with him. How could he have not seen him?

Reflecting carefully, the first time he saw Mo Hua, Mo Hua was inspecting the cornerstones, probably surveying the terrain and understanding the building layout. Afterward, he often came by to check if the building layout matched the array diagram...

Thinking this way, these were indeed tasks an array master would do, but he had never thought of it that way.

Master Ban's feelings were complicated. It wasn't his fault for not thinking of it. Who would have thought of such a thing...

Master Ban looked at Mo Hua again.

Mo Hua, concentrating on drawing the arrays, had a serious expression, his eyes slightly narrowed. Each stroke was steady and calm, his brushwork orderly yet fluid, creating one complex array pattern after another, linking into a profound and mysterious array.

This was a stark contrast to the innocent and cute child who had been laughing and playing just a few days ago.

Master Ban sighed. After living so many years and meeting so many cultivators, he had never been so mistaken...

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