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Chapter 355: August 8th

Linne’s home was deep in the mountains, a large house that was only occupied by her and a butler.

Judging by the unkempt courtyard, it seemed that their lifestyle was rather lazy.

However, when Linne took him to a huge study, he overturned his previous judgment.

It was a circular room, much like the room in Elly's house where she kept her antiques, but taller.

Bookshelves leaned against the walls, reaching the ceiling, filled with books of varying thickness, stacked to the brim.

Luo casually walked around and found that the books on the shelves were spotless, indicating regular cleaning.

The number of books was overwhelming, just a glance couldn't estimate the rough quantity.

"Do I have to read all these books?" Luo looked back at Linne.

"Yes," Linne replied indifferently. "Some of these books were written by me, and they are unique copies. Reading them will benefit you."

"But...there are just too many," Luo said, troubled.

"You mentioned that after the Nen exorcism, the forced Zetsu state must last for at least six months to a year. This time can be used for reading," Linne pointed to the bed and bathroom in the corner of the room and said, "Everything you need is here, and I will have Daihu bring your meals three times a day."

Luo sighed heavily and said, "I want to run away."

"Go ahead and try," Linne said, turning to leave, leaving Luo alone in the study. As for Buhara, she had other plans for him.

Luo was alone in the study, the lighting bright enough to read both day and night.

Linne required him to thoroughly read all the books here, not just skim through them. There were many books, and it was uncertain how long it would take to finish them all.

If Chrollo came here, he wouldn't be happy either.

Luo randomly pulled a book from the shelf, glanced at the title, and was stunned.

*A Thousand and One Detailed Analyses of Eggs*

What a bizarre title...

Luo quickly checked the author's name and saw Linne Horsdoeuvre.


Luo couldn't help but choke on his saliva. He opened the book and read a few pages. The content detailed various edible eggs, including the eggs of the Vulture Spider.

Halfway through, Luo was shocked.

Each type of egg was described in great detail, from how to obtain them, cooking methods, and important points to note during the process. It was practically an encyclopedia on eggs.

Judging by the title, the book covered a thousand and one kinds of eggs, all unusual. Who knew how much effort and time Linne had spent finding so many types of delicious eggs and writing about them.

Luo put the book back on the shelf. If he had to stay here and read all the books thoroughly, he had plenty of time to slowly figure it out.

After putting the book back, he pulled out another one from the same shelf.

*Tales of the Layla Rift*

*Sunbathing in the Kendi Desert*

*Haiti Cave: A Cool Sanctuary*

*The Taste of First Love*

Wait, what is this?!

*One Hundred Thousand Whys About Seasoning*

One Hundred Thousand Whys too!

*Mud Bombs*

*Small Fish Eating Big Fish*

*Collection of Gluttonous Creatures*

*Dark Cuisine*

*The Importance of Knife Skills*

*Gourmet Treasures of the Kedi Forest*

Pulling out one strangely titled book after another, Luo finally understood that all the books on this shelf were written by Linne herself. According to her, these were unique copies.

Looking at the book titles, Luo was almost drunk with amusement. He skimmed through the content of each book and found that it had some connection to the title, albeit a loose one. He could only mock Linne’s whimsical naming sense.

Despite the odd titles, the content was substantial, with each book embodying Linne’s experiences and knowledge, filled with her time and effort.

"To thoroughly read all the books here."

Luo murmured to himself and started reading from the bookshelf on the left side of the door.

He could try using Ren while reading, achieving a dual purpose. While reading, he could reduce the time needed to lift the Nen ability seal.

However, by the time the Nen ability seal was lifted, he probably wouldn’t have thoroughly read all the books here.


August 8th was the biennial event at Heavens Arena, also a day of celebration for the city.

Today, the Fighting Olympics officially began, held at the topmost level of Heavens Arena. The space there was smaller than any other level below, and the spectator seats were accordingly fewer. Those lucky enough to get a seat were considered fortunate.

The opening ceremony would take place on the only fighting platform, with the first day mainly for introducing the level masters and mascot performances. The actual competition would start on the second day.

Even before the contestants took the stage, the spectator seats were already packed, making it very crowded.

In contrast to the crowded spectator seats, the VIP seats were spacious and elegant, with fifteen luxurious stone chairs that resembled thrones. Each seated person was a distinguished figure from various fields, accompanied by at least two bodyguards.

Elly had also sneaked in, spending a large sum of money to secure one of the seats, making her the youngest among the attendees.

She came here to surprise Luo, though she didn’t know he had given up on the event.

These seats could be obtained through connections and money, given that it was a biennial event broadcasted live to various regions. During the opening ceremony, the VIPs would be introduced, providing a significant opportunity for exposure.

After taking over the family business, Elly ventured into the logistics industry. Whether due to Kenda’s excellent assistance, Elly’s hard work, or good fortune, the family business thrived, recently acquiring a large shipyard in La Xiang City to expand the industry.

Spending money to buy a seat this time not only fulfilled Elly's wish to see Luo but also served as a good publicity move.

The VIP attendees were mostly middle-aged or older, both men and women, but there were some younger people too. Among them was a young woman looking down at the bustling crowd below with a bored expression, almost falling asleep.

If Luo were here, he would find this woman familiar. She was the wavy-haired woman who gave him and Sanbica a lift on the mountain road after they left Elly's house. She even kissed Luo on the face before dropping them off in La Xiang City.

However, the young woman sitting on the throne now lacked the flirtatious charm Luo remembered. She wore a white princess-style long dress, with a light makeup, looking pure and elegant.

She seemed uninterested in the Fighting Olympics and disliked the atmosphere. Her presence here indicated her identity and suggested she was forced to attend for some reason.

Inside the venue, the atmosphere was boiling. After the mascots left, it was time to introduce the contestants.

As the host introduced each contestant, they appeared one by one, looking energetic and well-prepared for the event.

These contestants were all level masters of Heavens Arena, stepping onto the stage from the passage, calmly surveying the surrounding audience.

After introducing all the contestants, the host regretfully announced the absence of some contestants.

When the absent contestants' photos were displayed on the screen, both Elly in the VIP seat and the young woman were stunned. Elly hadn’t expected Luo to be absent, and the young woman didn’t expect the memorable young boy to be a level master of Heavens Arena.

When was that? She couldn't remember, but what she did remember was the short time spent with the young boy during the car ride.

She regretted that the boy was too young then, otherwise, she might have pursued further.

Now, looking at the photo on the screen, the young woman felt a sense of several years passing.

Most of the audience was there for Luo, and his absence was unacceptable to them.

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