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Chapter 695: Space Monument and Intelligent Brain

In the grand scale of the universe, billions of kilometers is a short distance, but for an individual in space, it is extremely long. Two hours were enough for the Silicon-based Civilization to prepare for war.

Even though Lynn had blocked the nearby star regions, preventing the opponent from gathering forces through wormholes, the defenses within the solar system were already formidable.

Under the Divine Domain alone, there were billions of "Vanguard," as well as numerous advanced war machines that were difficult to deal with, known in the Geometric Civilization’s database as Mechanical Soldiers, Mechanical Guards, and Biological Eradicators.

The real challenge, however, was the five colossal planets. These planets had been more thoroughly transformed than Uranus on the solar system's periphery, completely mechanized into mobile war fortresses and production bases.

Moreover, this star region was vast. By maintaining a sufficient distance, there were always areas beyond the reach of Lynn’s Divine Domain. Reinforcements would inevitably arrive; it was only a matter of delaying them as long as possible.

"The Seventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Fleets, continue the baiting task, lure them all over. The Fourth and Eleventh Fleets, use the Dimensional Net..."

Despite the urgency, the administrator Moni calmly commanded amidst the numerous war machines. The power of the Silicon-based Civilization was undeniable, but the Geometric Civilization was no longer what it used to be, especially with substantial breakthroughs in dimensional research!

"Now, show them the means of the Geometric Civilization with an artificial black hole!" Moni excitedly pressed the launch button, and a fist-sized gravitational source shot out from the main ship's launch port.

Immediately, over four hundred warships initiated dimensional jumps!


Billions of war machines rushed to strike at nothing. In the next moment, the fist-sized core began to collapse, and the terrifying gravity pulled the lightweight "Vanguard" in, followed by the larger Mechanical Soldiers. Eventually, even the five gigantic planets were shaken and drawn toward the black hole...

One after another, the core cannons continued to bombard the black hole, but it was all futile resistance, as all energy only fed the black hole.

When the six hundred warships reappeared, they were less than a billion kilometers from the star.

The Geometric fleet's dimensional jump had not been a retreat but a significant advance!

Of course, Moni's baiting tactic was successful largely due to Lynn’s spatial blockade, preventing the enemy from using dimensional traps. Otherwise, employing an artificial black hole at such a close range would be suicidal.

"First Fleet, bring out all the stockpiles and prepare to destroy the entire star region!" After reaching the designated location, Moni commanded without hesitation.

Ninety percent of the Silicon-based Civilization’s control core was within this star region. Moni didn't know the exact location, but it didn’t matter. Destroying the entire star system was simpler.

"Wait!" Lynn suddenly spoke, halting Moni's next action.

"What’s the matter, Governor?" Moni asked anxiously. He had painstakingly set up this perfect scenario. If delayed too long, the Silicon-based Civilization might transfer the core data, wasting their efforts.

"I roughly know where the core is..." Lynn stated directly. "Continue to attract the enemy’s main forces here. I’ll be back soon!"

With that, Lynn didn’t give Moni a chance to ask more questions. He stepped out and disappeared from the warship.

The Geometric beings on the ship exchanged glances but could only helplessly follow orders.

Meanwhile, Lynn silently arrived at a very familiar place on Earth through higher-dimensional space!

Before him stood a hundred-meter-tall monument, sculpted into a spaceship heading towards the stars, with a moving human space exploration history inscribed below in multiple languages.

This was the landmark of the Federation Space Command - the Space Monument!

However, the gigantic sculpture was no longer clean and tidy as remembered. It was covered in a thick layer of black ash and showed signs of wind erosion.

How long has it been... Lynn sighed softly. Under his Divine Domain, the entire Earth was desolate, with the once massive cities dismantled and replaced by extensive production bases.

What surprised Lynn most was that beneath the thick rock layer, it was hollow!

The Silicon-based Civilization had excavated the entire planet's core!

The core must be hidden beneath...

Realizing this, Lynn’s body began to dematerialize. The solid bricks under him seemed like illusions, and he sank straight down.

Passing through ten kilometers of rock, inside was a forest of steel, with countless metal frameworks interwoven. Numerous oddly shaped Mechanical Guards roamed but completely ignored the swiftly descending Lynn.

Faintly, dots of fluorescent light appeared before his eyes. Lynn looked ahead; the original Earth's core was now replaced by a gigantic metal 'brain.'

As Lynn approached within five kilometers of the metal 'brain,' a sharp alarm suddenly sounded.

"Warning, warning, intruder detected!"

In an instant, cannon muzzles extended from the metal frameworks, and patrol Mechanical Guards and repair ships swarmed to surround Lynn.

"Discovered?" Lynn’s expression remained unchanged. He snapped his fingers.

Under the modification of quantum rules, all technological weapons instantly malfunctioned!

Lynn thoughtfully avoided the area where the metal 'brain' was located with his Divine Domain, ensuring the core wasn’t destroyed.

All defenses suddenly failing, the intelligent core with billions of data bases lagged for a fraction of a second, unable to explain the bizarre situation even with its extensive database.

Unknown higher-dimensional lifeform, extremely dangerous, victory probability less than one in a million, initiate data transfer immediately...

With immense computational power, the intelligent core quickly concluded it couldn’t win, and all data began transferring to several backup 'brains.'

However, Lynn had anticipated this, directly sealing off the surrounding dimensions. Now, the entire Earth was in an isolated space, preventing any information from transmitting to higher dimensions...

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