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Chapter 693: Defeating the Creator's Creation!

Looking at the familiar starry sky in the data, Lynn was momentarily stunned, almost doubting if he had made a mistake. He quickly took out the Galactic Federation's database to compare with the Milky Way.

In his previous life, Earth's Federation's technological level, according to the division of the Geometric Civilization, was only at the threshold of a fourth-level civilization and couldn't map the entire galaxy. However, comparing the two, Lynn's confidence soared to ninety-nine percent!

A surge of indescribable emotion welled up in Lynn's mind. When he first transmigrated, he had deeply missed the Federation. After all, compared to being hunted by the Church in the medieval wilderness, living within the civilized Federation was much more comfortable.

At least he didn't have to worry about being killed someday.

The AI 071 that came with him had tried multiple times to report his 'illegal' actions to the Federation.

Of course, after being transformed into a divine core, Lynn erased its intelligence, and its computing power increased by a billion times.

Previously, Lynn had thought he had no chance of returning to the Federation because the vastness of the universe was beyond imagination, and he couldn't even confirm if they were in the same universe.

Until now, he suddenly realized the Milky Way was so close...

Of course, this 'close' was measured on a cosmic scale...

"Get me Gerter. Tell him to come immediately; I have something important to ask him," Lynn instructed, then paused and said, "Forget it, I'll go myself!"

The Eternal Star was far from the star domain controlled by Gerter. Even through a wormhole, it would take more than half a day for him to arrive.

Very concerned about the news of the Milky Way and the Federation, Lynn left the post-war affairs to Harof and others, tore open a portal, and entered Galaxy 0600.

Summoned, Gerter rushed over. Upon learning that Lynn wanted to inquire about the adjacent six-arm galaxy, he immediately became excited.

"Are you planning to take action against the Silicon-based Civilization?"

Gerter's voice was full of expectation. When they handed over the nearby star domain map to the Magic Empire, they had some hope for assistance.

After all, the main fleet of the Geometric Civilization had suffered heavy losses in the previous war and couldn't handle this enormous threat in a short time.

Gerter's words made Lynn pause. He then remembered that in the star map provided by Gerter, the Milky Way was marked in red.

This so-called Silicon-based Civilization was something he heard about for the first time.

Despite having many questions in his mind, Lynn didn't reveal anything and instead inquired indirectly about the situation in that star domain.

Gerter, knowing no bounds, shared all the information he had.

Over a thousand years ago, the Geometric Civilization had a technological explosion through the study of the seventh element, which led to their active exploration of the outside world. They encountered many civilizations within the galaxy and accidentally provoked an incredibly powerful enemy—the Silicon-based Civilization from the neighboring six-arm galaxy!

Although called Silicon-based, it was more accurately described as a mechanical or intelligent civilization. They used a special silicon metal as the core carrier in the intelligent life forms they destroyed and intercepted, hence the name.

"Their technological level is not much ahead of ours, but their production efficiency and war potential are terrifying..." Gerter said with a shudder.

He had led a fleet in the last war against the Silicon-based Civilization, and the scene was overwhelming. The enemy had transformed thousands of planets into war fortresses, with lower-level war machines numbering in the trillions.

This showed that the Silicon-based Civilization must have mastered an advanced energy conversion device, making extremely high use of materials. Although not as exaggerated as the Magic Empire's direct conversion of matter through magic, it was still terrifying.

Moreover, the enemy controlled more than half of the galaxy, never lacking energy. Their army was endless. They researched man-made black holes as doomsday weapons to weaken the enemy's 'mechanical sea' tactics.

As for the origin of this Silicon-based Civilization, Gerter believed it was unlikely a natural creation. Based on some researchers' speculations, there were two possibilities.

First, they were war machines controlled by a powerful civilization. Second, and more likely, the Silicon-based Civilization successfully rebelled against their creators and gained independence.

From years of contact, Gerter leaned towards the latter. Due to this suspicion, the Geometric Civilization had always been cautious about artificial intelligence, developing but also imposing many restrictions to avoid a similar situation.

"Did the creator lose to his creation?" Lynn raised an eyebrow.

This was not impossible. The physical limits of carbon-based life were always a constraint. No matter how much genetic modification was done, the ceiling was fixed. The computational power of a sixth-level Grand Wizard was the limit for a carbon-based brain. The Geometric Civilization's urge for universal ascension was to break this limit.

In contrast, the potential of artificial intelligence was immense, easily surpassing this value by ten thousand times. Its learning and advancement capabilities were equally strong. Even the most prideful aspect of intelligent life—thinking ability—could be simulated.

"Do you know why this Silicon-based Civilization invaded this galaxy?" Lynn asked curiously.

"Probably to plunder other civilizations' research achievements," Gerter hesitated before answering.

Intelligent civilizations weren't without weaknesses. They could easily advance science and technology from one to a hundred due to their immense computational power and coordinated execution. However, breakthroughs from zero to one were extremely difficult.

Lynn nodded and then asked Gerter if the Geometric Civilization had coordinates to enter the Milky Way, as he planned to see it himself.

Wouldn't that be too dangerous...

Seeing Lynn intended to go personally, Gerter instinctively wanted to dissuade him, but remembering Moni's report that Lynn had single-handedly withstood an energy attack capable of destroying the Geometric Civilization's main fleet, he changed his mind and said, "We do have coordinates. In a month, we'll try to start a small battle on the border to draw their attention away, so you can enter the Silicon-based Civilization's territory relatively safely."

Lynn didn't overestimate himself and agreed immediately. His strength was indeed formidable, but facing a powerful civilization controlling half a galaxy alone, caution was paramount.

"Then it's decided. Prepare as quickly as possible!"

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