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Chapter 692: News from the Milky Way!

Infinite light swept through the dark, empty universe, penetrating all dimensions and destroying everything in its path. It quickly spread down to the lower-dimensional space.

"Retreat quickly!" Administrator Moni ordered a full evacuation the moment he sensed something was wrong. However, due to the distortion and near-collapse of time and space, the crew couldn't carry out the order.

Even the ship's AI was affected, causing the navigation route to become erratic. Moni could only watch in despair as the terrifying energy wave surged toward them like a tidal wave.

In his final command, Moni used his fleet command authority to divert all energy to the shields, preparing to endure the impending energy impact.

"Warning, warning... Outer energy shield severely damaged. Warning, bow damaged. Warning, weapon systems destroyed..."

In almost an instant, a series of alarms echoed through the warship. The energy shield didn't hold for even a second before it was shattered, and the hull began to dissolve.

Moni was horrified. What kind of weapon could cause such a catastrophic explosion, akin to a supernova, over such a large area?

Fortunately, the next moment, a giant hand extended from the void, blocking the terrifying energy impact.

It was Lynn who intervened!

After erasing the Chief God Moragras, he detonated a half-power godly-created positron-neutrino bomb, surpassing any divine spell he had used before. The uncontrolled residual energy, combined with the explosion, was almost equivalent to a Chief God-level self-destruction!

Even Lynn couldn't fully control the powerful energy impact and had to retreat. The battle space collapsed, and the shockwaves that reached here were weakened by tens of thousands of times, yet they were still too much for the geometric fleet to withstand, prompting Lynn to intervene.

The gods of the Main World weren't as lucky. They survived the brutal interstellar war and evaded the ship's cannons, but couldn't escape the energy impact and all perished in the vast universe.

Administrator Moni, who narrowly escaped death, immediately mobilized energy to repair the warship, but he knew it was futile. Even if the ship was fixed, survival depended on the Magic Empire's help.

The most intense energy impact lasted for several hours before subsiding, allowing Lynn to spare some power to manifest aboard the main ship.

"Governor!" Administrator Moni immediately stopped his work and approached.

If Moni had felt indignant about the Disc leaders 'betraying' the geometric civilization before, that sentiment vanished after the war. The Magic Empire's power was undeniable.

Not to mention the terrifying energy impact just now, which could wipe out the entire fleet.

"You've done very well this time. I can see the sincerity and determination of the geometric civilization!" Lynn praised without hesitation. The victory in this decisive battle against the Main World was due in no small part to the geometric civilization's strength.

Without them holding off the gods' invasion, they wouldn't have been able to muster enough forces to counterattack the Main World and turn the tide.

"By the way, what are the casualties? Have they been tallied?" Lynn asked in a solemn tone.

"We lost a total of 737 main battleships, and over 300 ships were severely damaged. The exact personnel casualties are still unclear but will be over a million." Administrator Moni, after checking the AI's statistics, felt a chill.

Despite the anticipation, the massive casualties still shocked him.

To assist the Magic Empire in 'quelling the rebellion,' they had deployed their most advanced fleet of a thousand ships, later reinforced several times, totaling over 1,600 ships in battle, with a 60% loss and significant personnel casualties.

Even though most of the warship's functions were managed by AI, each main ship still required at least 1,500 crew members to operate various equipment. Therefore, counting only the destroyed ships, the death toll exceeded a million.

Lynn nodded, as the casualties were within his expectations. The Main World's invasion was well-prepared, gathering most of their forces, making it not easy to deal with.

"Let's go back to port and rest well!" Lynn patted Administrator Moni's spire-shaped head comfortingly. His main body tore open a wormhole in the void, allowing the remaining geometric fleet to pass through.

After several hours of energy repairs, most damaged ships regained basic operational capability, and the remaining few could be towed back to port.

On the other side of the wormhole was the nearest star system of the geometric civilization. Lynn didn't let the fleet enter the Floating City of the Eternal Star, to avoid revealing their technological level wasn't as advanced as the other side imagined.

As for the kingdom fleet that entered the Main World, due to the time flow difference between the two sides, it took three days to return.

From Dennis's account, Lynn realized the process was more thrilling than he had imagined. Moragras left many contingencies when leaving the Main World, and the thousands of star beasts nearly caused them great losses.

Fortunately, Lydia and others completed their mission successfully. With the destruction of the Main World, all resistance collapsed simultaneously, resulting in fewer casualties compared to the front line, with about 170 ships destroyed.

This was undoubtedly a great victory, annihilating an enemy many times stronger than them in a single battle!

Many council members proposed celebrating and even establishing a holiday to commemorate the event.

"Now is not the time to celebrate. We have much to do." Lynn wasn't blinded by the joy of defeating a formidable enemy, knowing the aftermath of the war would be busy.

First, there were the captured or surrendered gods to decide whether to recruit or kill, the best way to utilize the Main World as a war trophy, ship repairs, and personnel consolation...a myriad of tasks awaited.

"Several council members, it's a message from the geometric civilization. I've uploaded the content to the Magic Web!" A servant suddenly announced.

Lynn paused and then accessed the Magic Web to check.

The geometric civilization sent a vast amount of data. Compared to the basic tech tree given before, this time it was much more generous, including many advanced technological data, indicating the recent battle had completely quelled their rebellious thoughts.

What intrigued Lynn most was the star map. For the first time, he saw the true appearance of the galaxy he was in, with each star system's ownership documented.

Additionally, there was information about the surrounding dozen star galaxies, with one marked prominently in red, very close.

The appearance and shape seemed familiar to Lynn.

Six spiral arms, elliptical disk shape, about 100,000 light-years in diameter...

Wait... Lynn's expression suddenly changed.

Isn't this...the Milky Way?

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