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Chapter 349: Explanation

The resentment lingering on the stone box was visible to Nen users like a glowing light bulb. Even without focusing their aura on their eyes, they could feel its presence.

Pariston sincerely praised the stone box in Luo's hands, calling it an urn, as if he hadn't noticed the restless resentment emanating from it.

Luo and Ging stood a bit apart, an oddity Pariston did not react to, as if he considered it normal.

In the original text, Ging least enjoyed dealing with Pariston.

Before Ging could respond to Pariston's praise, Luo interjected with a smile, “It's quite nice, isn't it? Do you need one? I can give you the craftsman's contact information.”

Most people would have declined, but Pariston wasn't most people. Maintaining his gentle smile, he said, “I don't need it for now, but I might in the future.”

With that, he pulled out his phone and earnestly said, “Why not note it down for now?”

Luo was surprised but casually made up a number. Pariston, seriously noting it down, then expressed his thanks.

Seeing Pariston finish noting the number, Luo suddenly extended the urn toward him. The resentment on it bubbled like boiling water, eager to pounce on Pariston.

“Would you like to feel the texture?” Luo smiled.

The inky black resentment seemed to have a specific attack range, lunging at Pariston like a ferocious beast but halting about a hand's breadth away, unable to advance further.

The black resentment raged just inches from Pariston's nose, but his reaction remained calm. His eyelids drooped slightly, a faint squint forming.

He waved his hands, refusing, “No, no, I just bet my monthly salary on Number 6 Highlander. It's bad luck to touch these things.”

Number 6 Highlander was a competitor at the racetrack. Pariston implied that touching such ominous items might bring misfortune, affecting his luck.

Of course, this was undoubtedly an excuse.

“Acting, always acting,” Luo thought to himself, showing a regretful expression, “That's a pity. The texture is really nice.” He glanced at the elevator on the other end and continued, “I have something to do. If you ever want to try, let me know anytime.”

“Hmm,” Pariston took a small step back, smiling at them.

Luo nodded at him and headed toward the right-side elevator.

Whenever he visited the Hunter Association, he had to transfer elevators from this office floor, a hassle.

Ging watched the two with interest before silently following Luo.

They walked briskly and soon disappeared around the corner.

Pariston's eyes, filled with a smile moments ago, turned as cold and still as a deep pool.

“Such strong resentment, not formed by ordinary restrictions. The craftsmanship of the stone box is also crude, making it difficult to discern its era.”

Calling it an urn was just Pariston's dark humor. He could see the resentment and the gap maintained between Luo and Ging, thus estimating the attack range of the black resentment, which was why he remained calm.

The black resentment seemed to be of the actively attacking type but did not attack Luo, allowing him to hold it unharmed.

Eventually, Ging and Luo regrouped…

“Are they on official business or just killing time?”

Pariston pondered seriously for a moment, then raised his phone and deleted the number he had just noted, murmuring, “Better focus on my Highlander. It's my monthly salary.”

He then headed to the office area.

Luo assumed Pariston's words were an excuse, unaware that he was serious. If he knew, he'd probably be more troubled.

Pariston, this guy, could turn the real into the fake and the fake into the real.

In the elevator, Ging stood in the corner. The black resentment on the stone box roared wildly but was suppressed by Luo, keeping it from touching Ging, though it pushed him into the corner.

“That guy's tricky. Don't get too involved with him,” Ging cautioned.

"More than tricky, you'll probably realize it soon enough," Luo mused silently, keeping his expression unchanged, “It's fine, I'm not an Association member. Once this matter is settled, I won't be coming here often.”

“There are still two vacancies in the Zodiacs,” Ging, hands in pockets, leaned against the elevator wall, “Netero probably wants you to fill one.”

“I'm not interested in such troublesome matters.” Luo glanced at the elevator floor indicator.

Ging scratched his head. He had initially held the same attitude but was eventually persuaded by Netero's conditions.

The elevator ascended swiftly and soon arrived. As the doors opened, Luo and Ging stepped out quickly into the corridor.

Red carpet covered the floor, and green potted plants lined the sides.

As Luo carried the stone box, the vibrant plants in the pots withered and died in the blink of an eye.

Ging, accustomed to this, had spent at least half a month traveling from Devil Island back to the Hunter Association, changing cars and ships along the way. Luo had carefully kept the black resentment from affecting others throughout the journey.

Plants were far weaker than humans. Slightly affected by the resentment, they withered and died.

Quickly returning to the room, Luo tossed the stone box onto the table, telling Ging to wait while he left the room and headed to Linne’s door, knocking.

“Come in.”

Upon hearing Linne’s aged voice from inside, Luo opened the door and entered.

The moment he knocked, Linne knew it was Luo standing outside. She was sitting calmly on the bed, silently watching him.

Luo closed the door behind him, approached Linne, and stated his purpose, “I need to clarify something with you.”


“I brought back a stone box from the underground ruins of Devil Island, carrying strong resentment. To open it, I need to remove the resentment, which may prevent me from using Nen for a while.”

He paused, “I thought it necessary to inform you.”

For at least the next five years, he would follow Linne. If he couldn’t use Nen, it might affect her teaching.

Linne didn’t respond directly but asked, “The Combat Olympics at Heavens Arena is approaching. Are you not planning to participate?”

“I won’t participate. I’ve already delayed you long enough,” Luo explained.

He had kept Linne waiting long enough, and his interest in combat had waned. His desire to participate in the Combat Olympics had dropped to zero.

Linne was silent for a moment, then got off the bed and walked toward the door, saying, “Then get rid of it.”

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