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Chapter 347: Run

The tremor came suddenly and was very brief, giving the impression of a giant lifting its foot and taking a step every few seconds, causing the ground to shake briefly.

If this wasn't an earthquake, then what could be the cause?

Luo thought of that giant meatball monster. Could it be hopping around nearby?

In fact, these repetitive brief tremors were not caused by the meatball jumping but were related to it. The reason was that the warships surrounding Devil Island's port had attacked the meatball, launching a comprehensive assault.

The underground tremors were caused by the extensive firepower of the warships.

Luo and Ging were unaware of this reason. Seeing that the frequency of the tremors showed no sign of stopping anytime soon, they decided to leave the underground space cautiously to prevent any unexpected events.

Leaving the underground space, they walked through the crooked passageway and returned to the hole they had jumped down earlier.

It was easy to come down, but going up wasn't so simple. The hole was over a hundred meters high, and there were no footholds or temporary resting places to use.

Using Sky Walk, Luo could easily go up, but he didn't go up immediately. Instead, he looked at Ging to see how he would get up.

They didn't bring any ropes when they came, but there were ropes on the mast ship. They could have Black Cat spit out the ship and find the ropes. The question was whether Ging would choose the troublesome or the simple way.

Ging pointed at the hole above and asked, "Can you get up by yourself?"

"Yes," Luo replied with a smile, then asked, "What about you?"

"Piece of cake."

Ging extended his hand, and his Nen power surged and transformed into something resembling a skateboard.

"Emitters usually release Nen to form an effect to kill enemies, but it can also be applied to oneself to produce a rocket-like propulsion, resulting in extremely explosive movement."

Ging's control was terrifyingly precise, shaping the Nen into a skateboard effortlessly and stably.

"Depending on the method of use, distance, and quality, it can achieve sustained movement or instantaneous movement."

Looking up at the hole, Ging continued, "At this height, three or four seconds should be enough. Can you keep up? If you fall too far behind, the aura membrane might break, right?"

Ging's detailed explanation sparked an idea in Luo. His Sky Walk found it extremely difficult to change direction, but if Ging's methods of using Emitters were correct, then with enough control, it might be possible to change direction in mid-air.

Thinking about this possibility, Luo was lost in thought and didn't respond to Ging's question.

Ging, focusing on the hole above, didn't notice Luo's contemplation. After a few seconds without hearing Luo's voice, he looked over and saw Luo deep in thought.

Lost in thought at a time like this?

Ging's expression turned deadpan as he quickly dismissed the gas-like skateboard and mischievously created a Nen ball, placing it next to Luo's ear.


The Nen ball exploded like a balloon, creating a loud noise but no actual damage.

Startled, Luo snapped out of his thoughts and saw Ging laughing heartily, feeling speechless at his childish behavior.

Seeing Luo return to reality, Ging quickly became serious and repeated his previous question.

"Three or four seconds? No problem," Luo said, looking up at the hole.


Ging shaped his Nen into skateboard shoes and prepared himself.

Standing about a meter apart, they counted down and jumped simultaneously, reaching a height of thirty to forty meters in one leap.

Luo used Sky Walk, stepping on the air and moving upward, while glancing at Ging. He saw Ging performing a stylish flip in mid-air, then crouching on the skateboard with one hand on the front and the other holding the back, shooting toward the hole like a rocket.

Luo quickened his pace, closely following Ging to prevent the aura membrane from breaking due to distance, knowing the faint toxic smoke here was dangerous even with minimal contact.

Three or four seconds later, they flew out of the hole and landed steadily on the ground outside.

During the ascent, although Ging was using the skateboard shoes, his entire body was enveloped in rapidly flowing Nen, making him look like he was using a teleportation spell card from Greed Island.

Luo, with his extensive knowledge of Nen abilities, knew that Greed Island had many strange cards, each with unique abilities.

Some cards allowed long-distance travel instantly, some reversed aging, and others healed severe injuries in an instant.

Having personally experienced Nen abilities, Luo understood the extraordinary nature of those cards. The card that allowed long-distance travel was something only high-level Emitters could achieve.

However, regardless of the card's quantity, even a novice Nen user could easily use the card without any cost.

Luo believed that Greed Island must have contained some costly restrictions to achieve such effects. But Ging's use of Emitter techniques was the prototype of those teleportation spell cards.

This meant it was possible to achieve that level of movement without Greed Island's restrictions. If Luo mastered Emitter abilities, he might be able to teleport.

As Luo thought about Ging's abilities, Ging was also contemplating Luo's Sky Walk.

Unlike Ging's pure Emitter use, Luo's Sky Walk involved multiple types of Nen, with a different application method.

Thinking of this, Ging's lips curled into a smile.

Except for special cases, each Nen ability had a primary type that could be fully utilized. Therefore, many Nen users specialized in one type.

Ging, however, never liked being confined to one type. He trained in various types and combined their characteristics to achieve his goals.

In his view, Luo was likely similar.

After a while, Black Cat floated up from below and looked towards a spot piled with withered trees at the edge of the clearing, a puzzled look in his silver eyes.

An illusion?

Black Cat's confusion momentarily faded as he glanced at Luo and Ging, who showed no reaction. He looked back at the spot, and his expression suddenly changed.

Nothing was there earlier, but now three voids had appeared, walking out slowly from the withered woods.

"Hey, you two, didn't you notice anything?" Black Cat shouted, not wanting to deal with the voids again.

Hearing Black Cat, Luo and Ging immediately noticed the voids not far away. Without any Nen fluctuations, they hadn't sensed them.


Luo quickly raised his hand and fired three Nen bullets, shattering the bandages around the voids into fluttering pieces.

"I want a closer look," Ging said calmly.

"Don't joke around. There are four more we haven't located. Until we understand the voids' information and weaknesses, it's best not to provoke them," Luo said, scanning the surroundings for the other four voids.

At that moment, the bandage fragments reformed, emitting dense green smoke. Ignoring Luo, they headed straight for Black Cat.

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