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Chapter 681: Gods are Just Higher-Level Cannon Fodder

After Lynn announced the purpose of this mission, the crew members of the fleet even felt an urge to turn around and flee.

They were acutely aware of the might of the Magic Empire. Half a year ago, after a high-level meeting ended, the leaders of the Disc Civilization announced that they had become a vassal to the Geometric Civilization, which shocked every member of the Geometric Civilization.

For over a thousand years, after discovering Element Number Seven and achieving a technological explosion, the Geometric Civilization had risen to become one of the most powerful civilizations in the entire galaxy.

Proud of their own civilization's development, most Geometric people found it difficult to accept this fact after the announcement.

However, the opposition voices fell silent after the leaders released video footage from the conference hall, making it clear why thousands of leaders unanimously entrusted the future of their civilization without any disagreement.

Their opponent was simply too powerful!

Weapons capable of altering the laws of the universe were beyond their imagination, an incomprehensible force.

So when Lynn mentioned a small test for the Geometric Civilization to handle, requiring them to prepare for war, the upper echelons of the Geometric Civilization thought it was to teach a lesson to a star civilization that had angered the Magic Empire. They didn't expect it to be related to internal affairs of the Magic Empire.

Was this a battle they could interfere in?

Lynn naturally noticed Moni and others' apprehension and immediately reassured them, "Don't worry, you only need to deal with some high-dimensional weapons entering this star field. We'll handle the real battle!"

Administrator Moni was still uneasy and was about to ask about the details of the opponent when the light brain transmitted an alert message...

The gods who had descended were the first to launch an attack. Compared to the cautious Geometric Civilization fleet, the gods of the main world could only be described as reckless.

Especially after Lynn had previously tricked them and destroyed the Pantheon right in front of them, some gods eager to invade the great universe and seek promotion opportunities were filled with frustration. Thus, upon arrival and seeing the familiar circular battleships outside the event horizon of the black hole, they directly attacked.

The first to strike was the God of Destruction!

Hundreds of thousands of beams of destructive light covered a space with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

"Execute Directive Twelve!" Administrator Moni immediately had the light brain issue the command.

Thousands of battleships in the target area performed dimensional jumps as soon as they received the message, disappearing from their original positions before the energy beams swept through.

When they reappeared, twelve hundred battleships had arranged themselves in a semi-circular formation. The two hundred battleships at the front opened their front-end shields, emitting a faint blue glow, and the space ahead rippled like waves.

This was the Dimension Trap...

Following this, a thousand star-destroying cannons fired simultaneously, aiming at the direction of the space gate.

Although the distance between both sides was millions of kilometers and the attacks traveled at the speed of light, leaving ample reaction time for the gods, the unlucky ones were the legends who had rushed into the great universe as vanguards.

The fortunate ones were taken away by nearby gods, while the less fortunate ones could only stay in place and await their fate, some even fleeing into the coverage range of the black hole in a panic.

Each legend was a prestigious figure in their respective planes, but in this cosmic-scale war, they were merely the lowest level of cannon fodder. Even a single hit from an energy aftermath would be fatal.

"My name is Alt, Sun God, the Master of Light, the God of Holiness and Glory!"

The arrogant declaration echoed in the minds of everyone in this star field. Like the God of Thunder War, Harliere, Sun God Alt was also a deity with immense divine power!

Facing the attacks from the starships, Alt didn't even attempt to dodge. Radiating intense sunlight, the few beams of star-destroying cannons heading towards him evaporated several kilometers away.

With a great god like Alt as the vanguard, dozens of powerful deities attacked simultaneously. The descending gods quickly broke through the dimensional traps and the sentry machines' defensive perimeter, entering a brutal close combat.

The gods of the main world had long experience with such peculiar and powerful alchemical creations, knowing well that close combat was their weak point.

Despite the immense power of the ship cannons, they lacked the precise control of divine magic, risking friendly fire. Once engaged in close combat, most of their means were rendered useless.

In less than half an hour, over thirty galaxy-class battleships were destroyed, but five gods also fell on the spot.

Alt alone took down seventeen battleships, showcasing the might of the Sun God!

Destroying a star wasn't difficult for the Geometric Civilization, but stars lacked intelligence and resistance. When such power was wielded by an intelligent life form, it was terrifying!

However, the Geometric Civilization wasn't without means to counteract. Over the past decade of contact with the Magic Empire, their technology had advanced by leaps and bounds. The acquisition of magic and the higher-dimensional powers displayed by Lynn greatly benefited their researchers.

They had long cracked the technology of the curvature engine, and various magic-based weapons and defense systems had been mass-produced. Given a few more decades, they could truly elevate their civilization level!

The previous war's defeat had also led the Geometric people to develop strategies against these gods. Administrator Moni calmly commanded, luring Alt into formation, then encircling the Sun God with ten battleships equipped with artificial black hole weapons and detonating them.

Ten black hole cores were triggered simultaneously, the immense gravity tearing Alt's divine body to shreds, engulfing nearby ships and gods.

After sacrificing twenty more battleships, they finally took down the formidable Sun God Alt, along with four weaker and mid-tier gods caught in the aftermath.

The fall of a great deity slowed the main world gods' assault, but with the expansion of the space gate, more and more gods descended, their legions seemingly endless...

At this moment, Lynn had no time to observe the brutal war below, nor could he intervene. He even retracted his avatars because the surrounding star field, with a diameter of billions of kilometers, was being eroded and covered by some mighty force. This was a battle for divine domains between the chief gods!

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