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Chapter 344: Considerations and Speculations

This place is extremely strange; the fact that an ordinary person can stand firm here is already rare, and to search for information with a normal mindset, it’s estimated that only a Nen user could manage it.

From what Ging said, there was probably nothing to be gained.

Luo walked to his side and asked, "What did you find over there? I only found a lot of stone carvings, but they didn't reveal any important information."

"Pretty much the same here," Ging replied, lowering his hand and turning to look at Luo. "Ancient people often had customs related to sacrifices. That building looks like a temple and is more likely to be a sacrificial hall, and it's surprisingly well-preserved."

"Let's go take a look," Luo nodded.

The buildings on the outskirts of the ruins were in complete disrepair, while the inner buildings had maintained their general outlines. The sacrificial hall that Ging mentioned was the central point, surrounded by several bizarrely styled buildings that still retained relatively intact shells.

The sacrificial hall was primarily made of bricks, with a square foundation and a perfectly square exterior. It was built on a stone platform, extending fifteen layers of steps downward.

Above the hall’s roof lay a gigantic crescent stone sculpture, longer than the building itself. From a distance, it resembled the connected horns of a minotaur.

The sacrificial hall's entrance was wide open. Luo and Ging followed the stone steps to the door, looking inside. Beams of blue light, like those from a flashlight, shone through holes in the roof, casting light around the hall.

Luo took out a flashlight and shone it inside. The bright light instantly dispelled the blue glow, illuminating the stone floor.

The floor was covered in characters that looked like scribbles, spreading across the entire surface, arranged in a vaguely discernible pattern.

"Words?" Luo muttered in surprise, moving the flashlight around.

The stone floor was full of characters, and the walls were covered with vivid images. Apart from these, there was a tall statue hidden in the shadows.

As the bright light swept across the statue, Luo was startled. The statue was hollow, and its exterior was exactly like Void, except that the gaps between its bandages were filled with lifelike eyeballs.

Ging also turned on his flashlight and scanned the hall, similarly noting the only statue inside. He immediately asked, "Is that Void?"

He only knew of Void through Luo's description, and the appearance of this statue matched Luo’s description, except for the eyeballs.

"A bit different," Luo walked inside.

"More eyeballs?" Ging asked.


Luo nodded, focusing his Nen on his eyes while releasing all his Nen, wrapping it around his body in the state of Ken.

Even though he didn't sense any danger, it was better to be cautious. Ging, on the other hand, also covered himself with Nen.

The two approached the statue. Upon closer inspection, they saw that the stone eyeballs extended out with more than a dozen thin stone threads, attached to the thin bandages, creating an illusion of floating eyeballs from a distance.

"What do these eyeballs make you think of?" Luo reached out and touched the statue. The white smoke font didn’t react, so he silently withdrew his hand.

Ging said, "The corpses outside, but what concerns me more are the words on the ground and the pictures on the walls."

"Do you recognize these characters?" Luo asked.

Ging paused for a moment, then said, "They resemble the Serbo people's writing, but I can't be sure."

"Serbo people?" Luo questioned.

"They have another name, the Cavemen," Ging explained. "They were discovered 368 years ago by a young man named Serbo in an enormous underground cave ruin within the borders of the Begrose United Nations."

"According to the quirky laws of that time, the young man had the right to name them. Perhaps out of a sense of humor, he used his own name to name the race."

"The exact era can't be traced, but calling them ancient humans wouldn't be inaccurate. Archaeologists, after long studies, found that the Serbo people had a complete writing system, but there are too few reference points, making translation extremely difficult."

The Begrose United Nations, one of the V5, had powerful national strength and had once mobilized a thousand elite soldiers to the Dark Continent, only to be defeated.

The enormous underground cave ruin was discovered within their territory, and the distance to Devil Island was like one at the edge of the sky, the other at the end of the sea.

Ging's tone grew more serious. "The Serbo people lived in underground caves to avoid harsh natural conditions and fierce beasts, which fits the environment of Devil Island. But..."

He looked at the murals on the walls. "Do you think the Serbo people here lived underground to escape the island’s poisonous creatures and harsh survival conditions?"

"Giant creatures..." Luo looked silently at the murals. The content of the murals gave him a sense of déjà vu.

Extremely large creatures!

Only with small humans for scale could the immense size of these creatures be depicted. Recalling Netero's comments on the Dark Continent, one could imagine the scene...

The Serbo people lived underground to escape these giant creatures.

Regardless of whether humans could survive on the Dark Continent, if they could, they probably lived underground, becoming the most ancient cavemen. The environment there was countless times harsher than Devil Island; humans couldn't survive on the surface.

Why do many human ruins often depict giant creatures?

If we think deeper, humanity's ancestors originated from the Dark Continent. Then it's possible that creatures from the Dark Continent drifted across the sea to the current human world.

But that might have been much earlier, to the point where most information has been lost in history, likely around the Stone Age.

If we take the biological evolution history of Earth as a reference, those giant creatures would be more terrifying than dinosaurs.

In today's world, humans dominate the top of the food chain. The reason for this could be the rapid development of high technology or the emergence of Nen abilities.

As Luo was silently pondering this, contemplating examining the murals and ground texts thoroughly, a strong Nen wave came from the entrance. Luo and Ging both turned pale and instantly went on guard, looking towards the door.

"I found something good!"

A black cat's voice came from the entrance. He was holding a stone box resembling an urn, and the intense Nen wave was emanating from the box.

However, it wasn't normal Nen but a strong black grudge.

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