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Chapter 342: Eyeless

The entire island became unbelievably quiet, devoid of any sign of life.

The green smoke drifting around contained deadly elements.

Protected by God's Hand, Luo and Ging were able to resist the harmful effects of the green smoke. Since all living creatures on the island were dead, they proceeded without any precautions, heading towards the underground ruins.

The deformed flesh-ball monster sat silently at the port, while the bandaged Void was nowhere to be seen. The island's creatures were dead, but apart from Luo and Ging, some soldiers were still active on the island.

After two days without encountering anyone, Luo and Ging safely reached the entrance to the underground ruins.

"It seems the country hasn't resolved those two big troubles yet."

Ging meticulously examined the flat ground, confirming there were no human traces left behind. Coupled with the lingering green smoke, he made his judgment.

"The monsters created by the 'Surprise Box' are massive, so avoiding them isn't difficult. But the Void is different. Maybe they're right here." Luo stood at the edge of the cave entrance, pointing down into the darkness.

"The threat level of the Void is indeed high, but your ability can counter it. If things go wrong, you can have the black cat spit out the protective suit for me. Given the Void's mobility, avoiding it won't be hard." Ging said.

Having shared their information, their discussion had no barriers; they both understood each other's terminology.

Luo nodded, a look of anticipation in his eyes. "Let's act quickly before the country's forces arrive."

With that, he jumped down.

Ging, his blood boiling with the spirit of adventure, pulled out his flashlight and followed suit.

The cave entrance had been blasted open, and the ground below was piled with rocks.

As Luo's feet hit the ground, a large cloud of dust rose. Ging landed right after, raising an even larger dust cloud, their figures obscured in the haze.


Two beams of light switched on almost simultaneously, and they pointed them at each other.

The strong beams penetrated the dust, playing a prank by shining directly into each other's faces, the intensity blinding them.

Soon, the lights moved away in unison, illuminating the surroundings.

A steady beam quickly settled on a direction, Luo's flashlight, as he knew the entrance location.

A more erratic beam swept around, Ging's flashlight, as it was his first time here, and he had to take a look around.

"Follow me."

Once Luo was certain of the direction, he started walking. As he took his first step, the black cat slowly descended from above, looking lazy.

"Hurry up and scout ahead."

Luo said, looking at the disinterested black cat.

"Alright, alright."

The black cat lazily moved towards the spot indicated by the flashlight.

If there were good food here, his interest would be higher. But he knew that there was nothing edible, not even a single insect, and the underground space was filled with tens of thousands of human corpses.

Nen beasts are the best scouts, and the black cat was no exception. Sending him ahead was like walking through a minefield, allowing him to trigger and clear all the dangers first.

Watching the black cat move to the limit of the light beam, Luo followed.

Ging, used to the black cat's unique autonomy, didn't find it strange and kept his flashlight sweeping the surroundings as he followed Luo.

"Which stone pillar did you see the carvings on?"

There were many stone pillars around, and Ging hadn't found any carvings on the pillars he passed.

"No need to look for them specifically. Those that look like graffiti have a bunch underneath." Luo responded casually.

Ging, hearing this, temporarily gave up his search.

Soon, they reached the artificially excavated passage.

Standing at the entrance for a moment, they only moved inside when they heard the black cat's voice.

The passage was still covered in thick dust, each step raising clouds of it.

Walking through the winding, constantly descending passage, they reached the end, blocked by a large stone.

Luo expertly dug out a tunnel in the stone, and a sea-like blue light flooded in, illuminating them.

"Thanks for the hard work." Ging habitually said, then paused, seeing Luo's lack of response, he smiled silently.

At fifteen, Ging had organized a group of like-minded partners to explore and repair an unknown noble's tomb, where everyone had clear roles, forming a cohesive unit.

As the initiator, Ging was also one of the parts, and during operations, he habitually thanked his partners.

Since entering the cave, Luo had been busy, and now, after digging the passage, Ging instinctively considered Luo a partner and spoke his non-habitual catchphrase.

"Let's go."

Luo led the way, not noticing Ging's slight anomaly.

After a month, they returned to this underground space, where the ceiling still emitted a faint blue glow from numerous unknown crystals.

They stood on a platform protruding from a cliff-like rock layer, silently observing the scene before them.

Above were clusters of diamond-shaped crystals, and below was a flat ground with the remnants of buildings, mostly worn smooth by time, with few intact structures.

Tens of thousands of corpses lay silently on the ground, unchanged from when Luo had last seen them.

Whether it was Luo's second visit or Ging's first, after a quick scan of the environment, they both focused on the intact corpses.

In the underground space, only the light sound of the wind and their breathing could be heard, making it very quiet.

The black cat, not interested in the corpses, was now acting as a scout, unable to stand and observe like Luo and Ging. He floated down, observing the surroundings.

Luo and Ging exchanged a glance and descended the slope towards the former human habitation.

The corpses were not densely packed, rather scattered, with some even lying on the outskirts of the ruins.

Last time, Luo had been too preoccupied to examine the corpses closely, but now he could.

He squatted in front of the corpse of an eighteen-year-old female, the closest to them on the outskirts.

Ging also crouched down, closely observing the corpse, handing Luo a pair of white rubber gloves.

The gloves were not due to any revulsion or fear of bacteria or viruses but for protection.

Luo, protected by God's Hand, didn't need the gloves, but he wore them anyway.

After putting on the gloves, Luo raised his hand, slowly reaching for the female corpse's eyes.

Ging, also gloved, watched Luo's movements closely.

The female corpse had a delicate face, long black hair, and wore animal skin clothes barely covering her chest and a short skirt. Her exposed skin was slightly rough.

Ging found the corpse looked freshly dead, with smooth, non-greasy hair, quite eerie.

Luo's fingers gently touched the female corpse's eyelids, moving his thumb and index finger to open them.

Empty, dark eye sockets were revealed to Luo and Ging.

The blue light from above didn't penetrate the hollow sockets, exuding a faint chill.

No eyes.

Luo and Ging glanced at each other, then leaned in for a closer look.

If the eyes were gouged out, the method was flawless, leaving almost no trace.

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