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Chapter 334: Unified Goal

Ging extended his palm, showing five fingers to indicate half the amount of information. Then he put his hand down, and Luo extended his palm, using his five fingers as a canvas to depict a few scenes that completely reversed Jin's intentions.

Those scenes were murals in Stajy's tomb.

Information is indeed priced based on demand, and when Luo presented a portion of the information that met Ging's needs, it was enough to reverse the value judgment, turning the transaction into sharing.

Ging wanted everything. If Luo's entirety was worth striving for, he could share everything he had.

Luo agreed to Ging's proposal. Unlike Ging, he didn't evaluate the value of information. If an equal exchange of information was required, he was willing to trade more for less, as long as the information was useful to him.

Just like a puzzle named "Dark Continent," Luo had some pieces, and Ging had some pieces. Although Luo had more pieces, to get copies of Ging's pieces, he was willing to trade more for less and continue to piece together the entire picture.

Then, Luo and Ging shared information without using notebooks. They recorded the important details in their minds through narration and questions.

They cycled through narration and questioning countless times until evening, ending their information sharing with substantial gains.

"It's a good thing I came," Ging said, standing against the wind and looking at the half-orange sky over the sea, sounding slightly excited.

The information shared exceeded his expectations, a gain that could be described as profitable.

Luo also stood up, gazing at the rare scenery. He too felt it was worthwhile, having gained a lot of useful information from Ging.

After a moment, Luo suddenly asked, "I'm curious about what 'price' you paid to get information from Netero."

"Have you played leapfrog?" Ging asked in return.

Luo was stunned, thinking that the leapfrog Ging mentioned might be a competitive board game in the hunter world, and shook his head, indicating he didn't know.

Ging smiled and explained, "Leapfrog is a board game where the goal is to infiltrate the opponent's territory. The player has a main piece, two guardian pieces, and twelve functional pieces. The first to send the main piece into the opponent's camp wins."

"In simple terms, it's a game centered on advancing, and there are countless paths to advance, allowing the player to choose different routes to avoid many obstacles and unnecessary troubles."

"The fun of this game lies in taking shortcuts." Ging rubbed his chin and said seriously, "And I'm someone who loves taking shortcuts. The old man saw this and agreed to give me information on the condition that I couldn't take shortcuts."

"In short, Netero blocked all the 'shortcuts' on my board, leaving me only the longest and most troublesome route. That's the price."

"I think the condition he proposed to you is probably of the same nature, blocking your way to the Dark Continent."

Ging explained calmly, as if he had never regretted the choice.

If he used a shortcut, it would take a few years to reach the Dark Continent. But since he accepted Netero's price, he had to follow the rules.

Licenses, methods, qualifications, contracts—Ging didn't have an estimate of how long it would take to acquire them all, but he wasn't in a hurry and was willing to take it step by step.


Luo didn't know what to say for a moment. Compared to the price Ging paid for information on the Dark Continent, he felt he had gotten a bargain.

"Isn't it a similar condition?" Ging asked.

Luo scratched his cheek and said, "The person I traded information with wasn't Netero, but Linne."

"And the price?" Ging was slightly surprised and continued to ask.

"I think you better not know," Luo said sympathetically.

"It's okay, I want to know," Ging said.

At Ging's request, Luo told him the price he had to bear.

After hearing it, Ging fell silent. After a long while, he said quietly, "Comparison brings hurt."

Compared to the price he accepted from Netero, the price Luo accepted from Linne was hardly a price at all.

Luo patted his shoulder lightly and said, "It's okay, I'll take a shortcut and bring you some photos."

Ging looked at him and said once again, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, it's a small matter," Luo said generously.

Ging's eyes instantly became dead fish eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent. They quietly watched the last rays of the sunset dye the evening clouds red and the calm sea.

"If you plan to visit Devil Island soon, I can go with you, but it must be soon because I can't keep Linne waiting," Luo suddenly said after the last light in the sky disappeared.

During their information sharing, their intention to visit Devil Island was clear.

Luo wanted to uncover the secrets of tens of thousands of corpses and possibly find information about the Dark Continent. Ging had the same plan.

Hearing Luo's initiative, Ging couldn't refuse and simply said, "Alright, I'll prepare. Give me three days."

He indeed planned to visit Devil Island soon, and the sooner, the better. It was best to explore the underground ruins before the country completely controlled the island.

To improve efficiency, having a like-minded teammate was ideal. Moreover, this teammate, Luo, was well-informed about Devil Island, making him the perfect choice.

"Okay." Luo nodded.

The Hunter Association had handed the Devil Island problem to the International Permit Bureau, indicating that Netero didn't want further involvement with Devil Island. So Luo and Ging had no psychological pressure to sneak onto the island.

Even if the Hunter Association still had a hand on Devil Island, they wouldn't abandon the idea and would still sneak onto the island to investigate.

The issues to focus on were the Void and the giant meatball. Whether the country could handle or suppress them was unknown, but it was best if the country could control them, making it easier for them to act.

As night fell, the sky was filled with stars, as if they could be plucked with a raise of a hand.

In the darkness, Luo and Ging climbed down the tree trunk, soon returning to the office five hundred meters away and then walking down the stairs.

"See you in three days at Grey Port."

These were Ging's words before he left.

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