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Chapter 666: The God of Chemistry and High-Dimensional Stellar Systems

Moragras, after an extensive search yielded no results, had to suppress the burning rage in his heart.

From the void, beams of light shadows flew from afar—the gods arriving to support upon receiving the message, but they were evidently a step too late.

When the news of the Pantheon of Gods being destroyed and two gods perishing as a result spread, the gods present were all in shock. The weaker gods secretly rejoiced that they were not responsible for the Pantheon’s defense, otherwise, they might have been the ones dead.

"Lord Moragras, are we just going to sit by and let those wizards run rampant in the main world?" The Sun God Alt asked unwillingly.

Although every encounter revealed the wizards' power to be beyond their expectations, the Sun God still believed that the strength of the main world was enough to crush all resistance!

These annoying aboriginals from another world kept popping up to harass them like bugs, and whenever they were ready to wipe them out, the wizards would hide in narrow crevices. Besides being disgusting, he couldn't think of another word to describe them!

Many gods shared the same thoughts as the Sun God Alt, eager to invade the other world and eliminate the troublesome natives.

"They won't be able to hide for long, Alt! I’ve already found the weakness in their spell. The thing they rely on will soon lose its effect!" Moragras declared confidently.

This was not an empty consolation; Moragras was confident. During the last confrontation, his perception was greatly limited by the barrier between worlds. This time was different. The opponent foolishly used that powerful spell again in the main world. After its destruction, Moragras had figured out its secrets.


In the vast cosmos, within the Eternal Star, the news of the soul fragment’s death reached Lynn’s mind almost simultaneously. It was a strange sense of weakness, as if part of himself had been cut away.

This connection was the only way to traverse two universes. Lynn suspected it might involve higher dimensions beyond the fourth. However, due to the barrier of time and space, he couldn’t see what the avatar was doing or directly exchange information, only sensing at the moment of its death.

Things didn’t go as smoothly as expected... Lynn sighed inwardly. He had gone to great lengths, moving eight small planets to create a miniature neutron star to allow the avatar to infiltrate the main world, but it was still discovered.

Fortunately, he had a backup plan. Lynn could only hope that the atomic-level detectors would evade the Chief God’s scrutiny.

During this patient wait, Vittorio completed his godhood ceremony after Aurora. His divine role was the God of Chemistry!

Aurora and Harof, who had achieved godhood earlier, were envious. After all, Vittorio now dominated an entire discipline!

Lynn wasn’t too surprised. Chemistry, though vast, fundamentally studies the composition, structure, properties, and transformations of substances at the atomic and molecular levels—a foundational subject, arguably a branch of physics.

So, achieving significant progress in chemistry necessitates studying physics…

Additionally, there were many good news from the Geometric Civilization. Researcher Ita improved the ‘energy ascension’ technique again, raising the success rate to about 90%. Over fifty aging Disc leaders impatiently underwent the transformation, with gratifying results—all but a few unlucky ones succeeded.

This meant another fifty star regions were indirectly under his control. Though Lynn couldn’t directly command their armies to attack the main world to avoid detection, he gained many conveniences.

For example, Element 7!

This highly strategic resource, nominally owned by the entire civilization and allocated by the Disc Council, was secretly hoarded by leaders, conducting research in private. Combining the reserves of fifty star systems, there were about 3,000 tons, even more than the previous transaction.

Lynn had the controlled leaders gather these Element 7 under the pretense of weapon research and used wormhole technology to secretly transport them.

With this batch of materials, Lynn expanded the previously agreed fifty-year planetary development plan to the entire star system!

In other words, he planned to high-dimensionalize the entire star system!

This was undoubtedly difficult due to the vastness of a stellar system. Even enveloping five major planets had a diameter of over 500 million kilometers!

In contrast, the volume of the Eternal Star was a mere 40,000 kilometers!

Their resources were somewhat scarce.

But this time, he wasn’t alone in the low-dimensional expansion. Along with Harof, Aurora, and Vittorio, there were four gods working together.

As for Aoge, the God of Life and Creation, Lynn didn’t trust him enough to involve him.

"Actually, we don’t need to make the shield round. An irregular, flat ellipse might be more suitable since the planets’ orbits are very stable and their tilt angles are low, all below five percent. This would greatly reduce the coverage area," Vittorio suggested after hearing Lynn’s plan.

Harof also proposed adjusting the distant planets’ orbits or ejecting the farthest planet from the solar system to reduce the system's range.

"Let’s try it first. If it doesn’t work, we’ll consider removing a planet..." Lynn pondered. Each planet represented a divine position, and its internal material could serve as an energy reserve in critical moments.

This was why Lynn wanted to high-dimensionalize the entire star system; it would significantly increase their capabilities over the fifty years.

Harof and the others had no objections. After deciding, they spread out from the sun to four pre-calculated points, each holding a thousand tons of Element 7, activating them almost simultaneously. Four communication electromagnetic waves quickly transmitted outwards.

"Low-dimensional… expansion!"

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