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Chapter 326: Six Doors

The two old men suddenly fell silent, stopping their conversation on this taboo topic. They looked out the window at the black-haired youth on the deck, each with their own thoughts.

Luo lay on the chair with his eyes closed, unaware that Linne and Netero were discussing him.

Two hours passed, and Buhara and the black cat had caught various types of fish. Since the black cat always tasted the fish before catching them, the fish caught were of good quality.

With so many ingredients, there was plenty to do.

Luo got up from the lounge chair and helped them prepare lunch.

The highlight was, of course, the sushi, which Buhara and the others had never heard of, originating from an island nation in the Hunter world.

Luo had carefully studied the map of the Hunter world. Apart from some similarities in the continental plates to Earth, the island nation in the Hunter world resembled Japan in many ways.

Whether it was the ninja culture or the sushi in the culinary culture, even the shape of the islands...

Despite the shared origins of "Japan" in the Hunter world and Earth's "Japan," its fame was quite weak. As one of many small countries, its presence was insignificant, so few people knew about sushi.

As Luo made sushi, he explained a few things, mainly for Buhara's benefit.

"Take a slice of raw fish, cover it with a layer of rice, and press it evenly with your thumb, doing this only once."

"Then place the fish on the other hand, compressing it gently with your thumb and index finger to make the sushi smaller."

"Got it?"

Luo slowly made a piece of sushi and placed it on a plate before starting on the next one. His technique was average compared to master chefs.

Buhara nodded vigorously, his eyes fixed on the sushi on the plate.

Considering the limited ingredients, Luo made a large plate of raw fish sushi to enhance the flavors. He then roasted the remaining fish slices.

Roasting removed the delicate texture but eliminated excess oil. With a bit of seasoning, the flavor could be enhanced.

While Luo busied himself, the others helped by eating.

Teaching Buhara to make sushi reminded Luo of Menchi's sushi challenge in the Hunter Exam, creating a strange feeling.

Luo didn't forget Linne and Netero. He had Sanbica bring the finished sushi into the cabin. A moment later, Sanbica came out with a small glass bottle.

"What's this?" Luo took the bottle from Sanbica.

"Linne asked me to give this to you, saying you could use it for the sushi without grilling the fish," Sanbica said.

Luo nodded slightly, examining the fine white crystals in the bottle, which looked like salt.

He tasted a bit with his tongue, raising an eyebrow.

It was indeed salt...

Luo stared at the salt in the glass bottle for a moment before continuing to make sushi. This time, he used the salt Linne had provided and did not grill the fish.

Soon, he made a plate and had Sanbica take it to the cabin, then made another plate for Buhara and the others to taste.

"Wow, it tastes better," Buhara exclaimed.

"Yes, the flavor is different from before," Machi said, looking at the half-bitten sushi in her hand.

Uvogin grabbed three or four pieces, stuffing them into his mouth. "Really? I think it all tastes the same."

Hearing Uvogin's words, the others rolled their eyes, ignoring him. Instead, they each took their plates, moving their portions to prevent Uvogin from eating everything.

"It's more than just better."

Luo also tasted a piece. Just changing the salt had completely transformed the flavor.

This bottle of salt, like the last small dish of seasoning, was extraordinary, though its creation method was unknown.

Following Linne, perhaps one could indeed gain a lot.

Luo silently thought.

Ten days later, at Kukuroo Mountain.

At the main gate of the Zoldyck Estate stood an imposing stone gate, a popular tourist spot.

On this cloudless day, a bus drove up the mountain road to the massive stone gate of the Zoldyck family.

At the bottom right of the gate was a security booth where a slightly chubby middle-aged man was watching the bus that had stopped in front of the gate.

"Is it tourist season? We get several groups a day."

The middle-aged man, seemingly a security guard, muttered to himself, his tone somewhat resigned.

This man was named Zebro, and he had worked at the Zoldyck Estate for nearly ten years.

Every day, a bus would arrive on schedule to visit the Zoldyck family's gate. During tourist season, this would increase to at least three buses a day.

Among the world's assassin families, allowing their front gate to become a tourist attraction was unique to the Zoldycks.

The bus stopped, and a young girl in a tour guide uniform got off, waving a small yellow flag and smiling sweetly. "This is the main gate of the Zoldyck family. Please get off the bus."

As she spoke, the smiling tourists disembarked, gathering in front of the tour guide.

Among the tourists was a black-haired youth who stood out, carrying a wooden square lunch box, significantly larger than an average lunch box.

This black-haired youth was Luo, carrying a pot of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall soup in the wooden lunch box.

Nen surrounded the wooden lunch box, a measure Luo used for insulation.

"Finally here."

Luo adjusted the lunch box, bypassing the other tourists and the tour guide, heading straight for the grand stone gate.

Unlike the chairman of the Hunter Association, who could arrange a spaceship for every outing, Luo took a tourist bus from the mountain base to this place.

"Excuse me, sir, you...?"

The tour guide tried to inquire but was politely interrupted by Luo. "Thank you, but you don't need to wait for me when you leave."

Ignoring the guide's bewildered expression, Luo walked towards the stone gate, attracting the tourists' attention.

In the security booth, Zebro watched Luo, frowning slightly, unsure of his intentions.

Last time, Luo had descended directly from a spaceship onto Kukuroo Mountain, so this gatekeeper did not recognize him.

Reaching the stone gate, Luo sensed Zebro's gaze and looked over. "Hello."


Zebro was stunned by the serious greeting.

"I came to visit the Zoldyck family. Can I just push the door open? I don't need to notify anyone, right?" Luo asked.

He initially planned to push the door open directly, but felt it was rude to ignore the middle-aged man's gaze.

"Oh, that's right." Zebro snapped out of his daze, still processing Luo's words.

As he was still bewildered, Luo, holding the lunch box, seemingly out for a picnic, placed a hand on the stone gate.


Hearing the sound of the gate moving, Zebro was shocked, his mouth agape.

"One door, two doors, three doors... six doors?"

Watching Luo push open six stone doors single-handedly, Zebro was dumbfounded even as the gate closed automatically behind him.

The tourists and tour guide were also in a daze.

Heavens, a youth had pushed open such a massive stone gate? And he had come with them on the bus.

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