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Chapter 317: Reunion

Nen abilities couldn't harm the Void. The White Smoke Font could only reveal its origins but not its weaknesses, and it didn't suggest that it could be absorbed.

The only means Luo could rely on were his Nen abilities and the White Smoke Font, neither of which had any effect. Moreover, six more Voids suddenly appeared, making it impossible for him to stay any longer.

If there had been just one Void, Luo could have used the Black Cat's special ability to slowly try things out. But reality didn't give him that chance; there were seven, not one.

Without a physical form yet able to constantly regenerate, this might be the Void's strength, while its weakness lay in its sluggish mobility.

Luo dragged Sanbica along as they fled. Within a few minutes, they could no longer see the clearing, and given the Void's sluggish movement, it was unlikely to catch up with them.

After running a considerable distance, Luo deemed it safe and slowed down.

Luo was very earnest in his escape, his speed causing Sanbica to struggle to keep up. Fortunately, all the forest creatures had died from the poisonous smoke, allowing them to run without worry.

Otherwise, Luo wouldn't have dared to be so casual, given the countless deadly creatures lurking in the forest.

The forest was silent, still filled with the high-visibility green smoke, and the ground was littered with the corpses of various creatures.

Luo stopped, let go of Sanbica's hand, and turned to look back.

Through his connection with the Black Cat, he sensed it was rapidly approaching.

"Sanbica, we need to leave this island quickly," Luo said.

He wasn't referring to just leaving the poisonous forest but the entire island. Clearly, he considered the potential threat level of the Voids to be extremely high. Just the term "Dark Continent" was enough to make his point.

"Okay," Sanbica responded. She was very curious about the Voids that could absorb and release poisonous smoke at will but prioritized Luo's words.

They waited patiently for a while, and finally saw the Black Cat escape.

"Did you spit it out, or did it come out on its own?" Luo asked as soon as he saw the Black Cat.

The Black Cat rolled its eyes and replied grumpily, "It came out on its own; I couldn't digest it."

After a pause, it frowned and said, "I can't feel its threat, but close contact always gives me an uneasy feeling."

That ambiguous, unclear sensation made the Black Cat very uncomfortable. The sudden stomach distension after swallowing the Void was the worst part, an experience it never wanted to repeat.

"In any case, that thing is too strange. It's best not to provoke it," concluded the Black Cat.

Luo remained silent. He had wanted to explore the underground space, but the sudden appearance of seven Voids from the Dark Continent made it clear that if Nen abilities couldn't deal with them, it was best not to provoke them. They needed to leave the island quickly.

"Let's leave first and regroup with Linne and the others," Luo said.

Sanbica and the Black Cat had no objections. After determining the direction, they headed towards the forest's edge.

The green smoke in the forest didn't affect Sanbica and the Black Cat, but it did affect Luo. He had to constantly maintain his Nen to fend off the smoke's harm.

Supporting himself was manageable, but if he got entangled with the Voids again, he could be thoroughly trapped.

"An invisible disaster..." Luo thought silently.

He knew very little about the Dark Continent. Mentioning it brought two people to mind: Ging and Netero.

"Trouble keeps coming. Let's deal with the prison matter first, then ask the Chairman about the Dark Continent."

Luo believed that Netero and Ging knew more about the Dark Continent and could identify the Voids. In fact, Netero and Ging also knew little about the Dark Continent and certainly knew nothing about the Voids.

The Voids were distinct from the five known disasters controlled by V5; they were a new disaster, not brought back from the Dark Continent but having existed on Devil Island for an unknown period.

Throughout history, ancient ruins and documents had some vague records of the various disasters of the Dark Continent, seemingly intended to warn future generations.

By collecting known information, one could hypothesize that humanity's ancestors came from the Dark Continent, and the magical beasts currently active in various domains also originated from there.

Netero had been to the Dark Continent but hadn't even reached the threshold.

More detailed information about the Dark Continent was held by the International Permit Bureau, and the five disasters brought back from there were strictly protected in a secret underground facility.

Each of these disasters had the potential to destroy all of humanity, as concluded by V5. Their cautious and fearful approach underscored the disasters' danger and bizarre nature.

If the Permit Bureau learned of a long-dormant disaster reviving on Devil Island, the island would be swiftly sealed. Fortunately, the island's ocean location provided a natural barrier.

Luo had limited knowledge about the Dark Continent. The most profound impression was Ging's "World Tree Theory." Ging, who was eager to go to the Dark Continent, likely had a wealth of information about it.

Luo thought it necessary to contact Ging, though the current Ging was not as knowledgeable about the Dark Continent as he would be a decade later.

Two days later, on the edge of a dense forest, Luo reunited with Linne and the others.

Seeing Linne and the others, Luo's heart sank.

Except for Linne, everyone else was injured, with Buhara in the worst condition, missing his left arm at the shoulder, the wound tightly bound and soaked in blood.

Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga were also wounded, with numerous long claw marks.


Luo called out, quickly moving to Buhara's side.

Sanbica pressed her lips together and quickly followed. Although she couldn't fully heal Buhara's injuries, she could perform effective blood-stopping measures.

"Boss, did you find anything good to eat on the island?" Buhara's face was pale from blood loss, yet his first words upon seeing Luo were about food.

"You still have an appetite?" Luo frowned at the sight of Buhara's slowly bleeding wound.

"It's fine, I still have my right hand," Buhara said with a goofy smile.

Luo's frown deepened, and a shadow crossed his eyes.

He glanced at Machi and the others' wounds and then looked questioningly at Linne.

Linne hadn't mentioned the injuries or Buhara losing his left arm during their earlier communication, so Luo had no idea about it beforehand.

"We encountered enemies," Linne said flatly.

Her eyes remained dull and listless, her spirit much more downcast than two days ago.

The enemies were more troublesome than she had imagined. It was fortunate that she managed to keep these kids alive.

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