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Chapter 312: Disaster

Green smoke enveloped from all directions, causing life to perish in silence.

As their bodies fell to the ground, there were no cries, no visible struggles.

It was immeasurable and incalculable.

Whether it was the robust magical beasts or thumb-sized insects, none could escape the toxic gas invading the forest.

Luo moved around the forest, unable to find the Seiren Squad's traces, but suddenly noticed the green smoke swiftly approaching from afar.

As a human with far greater knowledge than the forest creatures, he immediately judged the situation upon seeing the animals collapse as they emerged from the edge of the green smoke.

"Biochemical weapon?"

Luo's eyes turned cold instantly. He decisively turned towards the mountain where Sanbica was located.

His domain could repel the green smoke, but Sanbica couldn't, so he had to reach her as quickly as possible and include her within his domain.

"No wonder I couldn't find them."

Luo sped towards the mountain, not expecting the enemy to possess such a large-scale biochemical weapon. Given the world's power distribution, it wasn't surprising.

The world had six continents, with a handful of major countries and many small ones. To gain a foothold, small countries often invested in nuclear-level research.

Biochemical weapons, as a form of mass destruction, were always a favorite among small countries, focusing on bacteria, viruses, and toxins, creating low-cost yet highly effective weapons throughout history.

Among these, the "Poor Man's Rose" was the most famous.

With enough technology and knowledge, and using the Hunter world's abundant resources, creating the scene before him wasn't difficult. The real challenge was mass production.

The "Poor Man's Rose" was the most frequently used mass destruction weapon. According to effective statistics, it had bloomed in over 200 countries, a total of 2,500 times, taking more than 5 million lives.

International treaties had banned its use, but before the ban, countries worldwide had stockpiled hundreds of thousands of "Poor Man's Roses."

Dealing with these stockpiles remained a challenge.

Compared to the "Poor Man's Rose," the green smoke before him was even more threatening!

On Devil Island, bacteria, viruses, and toxins were abundant. It wasn't surprising the enemy could release such a weapon.

Luo moved at full speed, faster than the green smoke. When he reached his destination, the green smoke was right behind.

The black cat, guarding outside, noticed Luo's rapid approach and the green smoke trailing him, pausing for a moment.

In the next second, without needing Luo's reminder, the black cat transformed from a house cat into a leopard, about five times the size of a regular one.

It raised its paw, dug into the mountain wall, and threw a large stone backward.

Quickly, it brought Sanbica out from the cave!

This was its first reaction upon seeing the green smoke—not to wait for Luo but to act on its own.

It did exactly that, swiftly digging out stone chunks as if cutting through tofu.

It had made a vow to protect Sanbica on Devil Island, reacting so promptly because its survival was at stake.

Luo was surprised by the black cat's actions, originally intending to call it from afar, but the cat had taken the initiative.

When Luo reached the mountain wall, the black cat had almost finished digging. Luo joined in and quickly reached the cave where Sanbica was.

"Come with me."

Luo grabbed Sanbica's hand without explanation, ready to leave the cave immediately.

Sanbica, unsure of what was happening, cooperatively followed Luo, seeing his urgency.

Luo led Sanbica out of the cave, heading directly for the mountain top, with the black cat, now small and delicate, following behind.

"What happened?" Sanbica asked.

Luo didn't speak, pointing at the approaching green smoke.

Sanbica noticed the green smoke and the many creatures driven by it, ranging from large beasts to palm-sized insects, all heading towards the mountain.

These surviving creatures were those with fast-moving speeds, temporarily outpacing the green smoke.

Their target was clear—the few mountains in the forest, including the one where Luo and Sanbica were.

The green smoke could reach heights surpassing any tree in the forest, but not the mountains.

Luo intended to take Sanbica to the mountain top to assess the situation, while the fleeing creatures also saw the mountain top as the only Noah's Ark.

The mountains, positioned in different directions within the forest, formed a triangle, visible to each other.

Luo and Sanbica, upon reaching the top, silently observed the situation below.

The beast tide driven by the green smoke was vast and daunting. Frequently, creatures stumbled and fell behind, quickly escaping the smoke's coverage, but death awaited those engulfed even once.

Countless creatures perished in this life-and-death race.

Luo watched silently as the green smoke spread to the mountain's base. Numerous creatures emerged from the smoke, climbing the steep mountain path.

The green smoke enveloped the base, covering the entire forest but unable to threaten the mountain.

In other words, staying on the mountain top should keep them safe from the green smoke.

However, the surviving creatures, following their survival instincts, rushed madly to the mountain top. Some were already infected with the toxic gas, potentially spreading it if they reached the top.

Other mountains had already fallen, with toxin-carrying creatures affecting those who had survived the initial onslaught.

Luo realized this, frowning deeply.

He suddenly looked at Sanbica and said, "No matter what happens next, don't stray far from me."

Sanbica nodded heavily, hesitant to speak.

She wanted to examine the green smoke, to determine its composition, but feared the risks and burdening Luo.

The black cat, hearing Luo's words, transformed into a black rope, binding Luo and Sanbica together.

This action surprised them both, but they agreed with the black cat's approach.

Escaping now was indeed a challenge. Even with Luo's ample aura, maintaining the domain to break through the green smoke wasn't feasible.

If such a highly infectious biochemical weapon were released in a bustling city, it would be a disaster.

Outside the forest, on the plains, Linne's group moved quickly.

Seeing the forest's outline, they noticed something amiss. Simultaneously, they saw the Seiren Squad members and numerous artificial beasts emerging from the forest.

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