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Chapter 311: The Scythe of Death

Two hours later, Dove returned with five lizard-lions, not to the prison but to the lakeside. Their large submarine was docked there, and the items they needed were inside the submarine.

Two men in black uniforms had been waiting by the lake for a long time. They were logistics members, while those who went out were all combat members.


Seeing Dove, the two greeted him.

Dove approached them, nodding slightly, and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, shall we bring it out now?" one of them asked.

"Yes." Dove's expression remained unchanged.


One of them picked up a walkie-talkie and instructed those waiting in the submarine to bring out the items Dove needed.

Moments later, four people carrying heavy silver metal boxes emerged from the submarine and walked to the shore.

Dove glanced at the four silver metal boxes, a cold glint flashing in his eyes. These were the biochemical weapons he had prepared for the Ochima Federation, with a total stock of thirty rounds.

Knowing that the situation would become increasingly unfavorable if it continued, he allocated four from the stock to deal with Luo, also to test the wide-area effect.

"Load them onto the lizard-lions," Dove ordered.

The four people carrying the silver metal boxes each approached a lizard-lion.

They opened the metal boxes, revealing a black soft cloth with a half-transparent strange missile lying quietly on it. The front and rear ends were ordinary, but the middle had three protruding glass balls filled with green liquid.

Each missile contained a remote-controlled bomb designed to shatter the glass, releasing the liquid to spread through the air. Its effect was stronger, faster, and broader than the "Poor Man's Rose."

In no time, the biochemical missiles were loaded, and the four people carrying the now-empty metal boxes stepped back.

Dove jumped onto a lizard-lion that hadn't been loaded with missiles, gave some instructions to his team, and then led the remaining lizard-lions back to the forest.

Simultaneously, he notified the members still in the forest to withdraw to the lakeside, instructing the artificial soldiers to hunt along the way.

The continuously consumed Nen needed to be replenished through food, be it exotic beasts, magical beasts, or even humans.

The five lizard-lions flew into the blue sky, Dove standing on one of them, his gaze cold.

The plan had been delayed for too long. Despite searching most of the area, they couldn't find Sanbica, and concentrating their forces couldn't take down Luo. Dove didn't want to waste any more energy and time. His hatred for Luo had reached an unprecedented level.

Deploying four biochemical missiles from four directions in the forest would only take twelve hours. With the help of the wind, their power could annihilate all life in the forest, including Luo and Sanbica.

The forest occupied one-fifth of Devil Island's area, and four biochemical missiles could kill all living beings in that area, showing the extensive range.

To Dove, the countless lives in the forest were no different from all humans in the United Nations. Their initial plan was to destroy the Hunter Association, then turn the first continent into a dead zone.

The thirty biochemical missiles had confirmed deployment locations, forming an unparalleled power, like a network. Deploying four now was within an acceptable range.

Boundless malice...

Luo, lurking in the forest, was unaware of Dove's actions, as was Sanbica hiding in a cave, not to mention Linne and her team heading towards the forest.

Luo couldn't find any Seiren Squad members; he didn't know they had started to retreat, and four ruthless biochemical missiles were being transported by lizard-lions.

Several hours passed, and the four lizard-lions carrying biochemical missiles reached four points in the forest, landing and detonating the missiles without hesitation.

With unknown explosions, the shadow of death instantly covered the vast forest.

The power of the bombs didn't kill the lizard-lions directly but was enough to shatter the glass balls inside the missiles, causing the green liquid to leak out. Upon contact with the air, it turned into green smoke, slowly spreading like mist.

The green smoke wasn't dense, with high visibility.

The lizard-lions on the ground were the first to be enveloped in the green smoke. Already injured, their human-like faces began to bleed profusely, looking even more gruesome with expressionless faces.

The initial symptoms took effect three minutes later. The lizard-lions' bodies twitched slightly, and within ten minutes, the red blood turned a ghastly green. After a moment, the twitching bodies gradually calmed down.

In fifteen minutes, the resilient lizard-lions succumbed to the poison.

Subsequently, the green smoke spread with the wind, causing all enveloped creatures to die within fifteen minutes. Those with stronger life forces could last over an hour.

These stronger creatures, sensing the danger of the spreading green smoke, couldn't outrun the wind, eventually getting caught and starting their countdown to death.

From a bird's-eye view, the green smoke from the four points spread inward like wrapping dumplings. All creatures aware of the danger fled inward into the forest.

A massive migration of beasts, insects, and various creatures began.

However, the green smoke, like the scythe of death, mercilessly harvested countless lives, sparing none in its path.

Various creatures bled from their seven orifices, falling in the green smoke, their greenish blood seeping into the soil or water, causing further contamination.

Not only creatures suffered, but the lush trees also began to wither, revealing the terrifying range of the biochemical missiles.

Unlike the "Poor Man's Rose," these biochemical missiles didn't have nuclear-like explosions but infiltrated every life form like a deadly breeze.

In the distance, Dove stood on the remaining lizard-lion, expressionless, watching the forest being enveloped by green smoke.

Time passed, the poisonous gas spread wider, and countless creatures died, turning the place into a living hell.

Even places flattened by bombs were covered by the gas. The green smoke seeped into collapsed caves, quietly infiltrating the entire underground space, including the area where Luo had seen thousands of corpses.

The gas quickly filled the entire underground space, with the corpses lying still, no creatures forced out by the gas.

In the underground space, not even a bug existed, eerily silent.


Suddenly, the sound of a falling pebble echoed through the underground space.

In the ruins filled with building debris and corpses, some relatively intact structures remained. The sound came from one such building.

This building, also made of stone, was crudely constructed, with three walls and one collapsed side. The roof was half missing, presenting a dilapidated scene.

Inside, the three walls were covered with graffiti.

On the ground, a diamond-shaped stone slab was inscribed with complex grooves, mostly covered in dust, obscuring whether they were words or patterns. Besides the thick dust, there were many blackened and yellowed cloth strips, resembling bandages, scattered on the stone slab.

Suddenly, the numerous bandages moved like snakes, sweeping away the pebbles and floating in mid-air.

The bandages danced and twisted in the air, quickly forming a human shape, though the body had many gaps and no solid substance inside.

The shape vaguely resembled a head, limbs, and body.

There were seven bandage figures in total, standing silently in the green smoke.

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