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Chapter 307: Who is the True Hunter?

The old Seiren Squad, unaware of where Luo had hidden Sanbica, found that locating Sanbica had become trivial.

Dove, believing Luo to be a member of the Hunter Association, knew that eventually, they would have to confront the Hunter Association directly.

Thus, Luo, who demonstrated formidable strength to the old Seiren Squad, became the nail that must be removed at this moment.

Currently, with eighty-one artificial magical beasts and including Dove, twenty-two formidable figures considered Luo as the primary target for elimination, initiating their actions around this vast forest.

The squad turned back, heading to the site of last night's explosion.

There, it looked as if a clump of dense hair had been shorn off, leaving a bald patch on the ground with no greenery surviving.

Upon arriving at the site, the first sight that greeted them was the dead bodies of ten artificial soldiers, their mutilated bodies scattered all over, blood flowing freely.

Dove, biting his lower lip, appeared slightly agitated.

Looking at the arrangement of the mutilated bodies pointing toward the southern woods, it seemed Luo had fought and retreated, continuing until he was near the forest's edge, where he finally slaughtered all the artificial soldiers.

Dove stepped over to the bodies, not specifically avoiding the blood that flowed freely, stepping directly over it.

The air was filled with a putrid smell mixed with the scent of blood, which was extremely unpleasant.

The bodies had decomposed to such an extent in such a short period, dependent on their own unique traits and also influenced by the climate of Devil Island.

"At a time like this, I really want a slice of pizza."

Dove's nose twitched, his gaze cold. He continued to exert pressure on his index finger biting into his lower lip, trapping the rage within his chest with nowhere to vent, desiring only a slice of pizza to soothe his emotions.

Eagle, holding a fan-shaped knife, came up beside him and said in a deep voice, "We can only confirm the general direction; there are no more distinct traces."

Dove looked in the direction indicated by the artificial soldiers' bodies, let go of his lip, and declared, "The opponent is alone; even if it takes grinding him down, I'll have the artificial soldiers split into five teams."

He glanced at his comrades in black uniforms nearby and added, "You all will move with the teams as well. How the teams are divided will be up to you."

"Yes," Eagle replied coolly.

Just then, a dark shadow descended from the sky, stirring up gusts of strong wind and landing beside Dove—it was a Scaled Lizard.

Dove lightly jumped onto the back of the Scaled Lizard, his tone indifferent, "No matter what, he must be killed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Scaled Lizard flapped its wings and soared into the sky, while four other Scaled Lizards continued to circle in the air.

Eagle silently watched Dove being carried into the sky by the Scaled Lizard, then moved toward his comrades.

At Dove's behest, the twenty-one of them also split into five teams, acting together with the artificial soldiers.

He had just taken a few steps when he noticed that the eighty-one artificial soldiers had already autonomously divided into five teams, each with at least sixteen artificial soldiers and four to five core members, ensuring each team had the strength to eliminate that man.

The teams were quickly formed, totalling five, and they briskly headed into the forest.

The hunt for Luo had officially begun, and at this very moment, Luo was nestled at the top of a large tree, eyes closed, not missing any chance to recover his nen.

As time passed, Luo was almost fully recovered and emerged from inside the tree, standing on the trunk.


Suddenly, a fist-sized green bug shot out from the dense foliage, lunging at Luo's back.

Luo swung his hand back, his blade cutting through the air-borne bug, switching to the blunt knife mode with a snap, splitting the bug into segments.

The bug spilled its ghastly green bodily fluids as it fell.

After dispatching the bug with one strike, Luo suddenly leaped from the trunk.

No sooner had his feet left the trunk than hundreds of spine-chilling bugs surged out from the foliage, missing him in the air and then leaping toward the ground with him.

The bugs, plump like inflated pufferfish and covered with tiny red spots, had long proboscises at their mouths.

Luo, hanging in the air, emotionlessly looked back at the swarm of bugs following him and landed steadily. Without pausing, he dashed into the bushes ahead.

The bugs hit the ground, still unsteady, and chased after Luo's retreating figure with a relentless attitude.

Suddenly, the ground's rotting leaves were disturbed, and

 a swarm of red ants emerged from the pile, their pincers easily crushing the bugs that had conveniently delivered themselves.

The red ants, four to five times the size of the bugs, charged into the swarm like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Seemingly unselective, the ants also targeted Luo, but he smashed one with his knife.

Luo casually picked up the ant's corpse, and the White Smoke font instantly provided information.

After checking the information, Luo's eyes brightened.


Luo murmured, activating his ability instantly, dissecting the ant's corpse quickly, peeling it layer by layer, leaving behind a ping-pong ball-sized lump of tender flesh, its snow-white texture streaked with traces of blood.

He casually tossed the lump of tender meat into his mouth, chewing. The texture was similar to sashimi, though the taste was slightly off, but it was still one of the few edible materials on Devil Island that could be eaten raw.

As the ants and bugs clashed chaotically, venom flying everywhere, Luo took advantage of the chaos to kill about a dozen ants, replenishing his energy before withdrawing from the fray and randomly choosing a direction to go.

Being in the forest meant constantly facing attacks from various species of animals and plants; even a slightly thicker leaf might suddenly split open to reveal a mouth full of spikes.

With the aid of White Smoke font, Luo could easily advance or retreat at will.

Leaving behind the troublesome creatures, Luo began actively searching for traces of his enemies, and soon enough, he found them.

"Sixteen heads, and accompanying nen users."

After discovering the traces of the enemies, Luo found a spot to hide and silently observed their movements from the shadows.

"There are too many of them; it's not easy to make a move."

Luo mused. The enemy had condensed their numbers, making it difficult for him to strike.

However, despite the high difficulty, he had to try.

Even if he had to use the dumbest method, even if it was inefficient, before Machi and the others arrived, he had to pull out as many of their teeth as possible, the more the better.

Having made up his mind, Luo stealthily approached the team...

The hunter and the hunted.

Who is the hunter, and who is the prey?

The battlefield was this vast, dense, dangerous forest; the one who could gain the home ground advantage was the true hunter.

Three days later, at dawn, Luo opened his eyes in a pitch-black space, a faint smile on his lips.

He stretched out his hand, pressing against the darkness ahead, and in an instant, the morning light streamed in.

"The game continues..."

He leaped down, facing the morning light.

In those three days, Luo had only killed eleven magical beasts, his efficiency extremely low, but each attack, if placed within the Hunter Association, was a perfect demonstration.

Unapologetically, within the nearly eight hundred members of the Hunter Association, only a few could achieve what Luo did, even Bisky would struggle to thrive in such a dangerous environment.

With extreme patience, using anything that could be used, adept at seizing opportunities, and decisive execution with a single strike.

Luo, with the true demeanor of a hunter, continuously wore down the power Dove possessed.


Outside the periphery of Devil Island, a boat broke through the waves.

On the deck stood several people—it was Machi and the others.

The aged Linne Horsdoeuvre sat quietly in the cabin, eyes closed, silent.

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