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Chapter 306: He Must Die!

Luo spent an hour mastering the newly developed use of Nen, combining Manipulation, Emission, and his own ability of God's Hand, to move upward step by step in the air without any support points.

Through multiple attempts and failures, Luo had expended a part of his Nen but also achieved results.

Emerging from the underground cave like a rocket, he shot up a hundred meters. By the time the demonic beasts barely reacted, Luo had already leaped out of the cave and was in the air.

This air-stepping skill, similar to the Moon Walk from One Piece, differs in principle. Luo's move, requiring Nen consumption, offers limited elasticity and generally can't achieve the Moon Walk's extent.

During his practice, he noticed this limitation.

If quick movement was required, changing direction was extremely challenging and not easily controlled; if slower, it was feasible. It was akin to being in the air, then pushed slightly sideways by a strong wind.

Yet, in a straight-line motion, his speed was swift.

The artificial demonic beasts, sensitive to Nen, detected the burst of Nen from Luo while he was mid-air, but they had only just sensed it when Luo already darted out of the cave entrance.

Hovering in the air, above the heads of ten demonic beasts, Luo quickly surveyed their appearances, then concentrated his Nen, pushed his body to the side, and moved away from the cave entrance below.

Having just made the jump, he certainly didn't want to fall back down.

"Handling ten at once... let's try it," Luo thought silently, not yet touching the ground, as the beasts below leaped into the air towards him.

Utilizing their physical advantage to strike prey is a common tactic among demonic beasts, even more effective when paired with Nen, allowing them to easily tear apart ordinary Nen users.

The first to approach Luo was a beast with sharp claws, striking directly at him without courtesy.

Luo planned to escape the encirclement with this strike, merely raising his long sword to block the claw lightly, then the force of the hit sent him flying, tracing an arc in the air towards the ground.

The following nine demonic beasts, of course, missed their target.

Luo broke free from the battle, landing steadily on the ground, watching the beasts fall one after another from the sky, then charged at them.

Thirty minutes later, the ground, flattened by last night's explosion, was strewn with struggling remnants of the demonic beasts.

The capability of God's Hand allowed them the bare minimum needed to survive, but the Sanbica virus was eroding their bodies, and they would weaken to death within ten minutes.

Luo could handle one, two, even four beasts quickly, but ten was not so simple.

These artificial beasts were strong; a single misstep in their assault could result in severe injury.

Thus, it took Luo half an hour and a considerable amount of Nen to resolve these ten demonic beasts unscathed.

Remembering this place, Luo turned to leave, leaving behind ten bodies of the beasts, sliced into segments, slowly dying under the virus's effect.

He needed to deal with the prison's troubles first, then explore the secrets behind the tens of thousands of corpses.

However, facing ten beasts for the first time, Luo didn't feel strained, but the intense consumption of Nen made him realize that he couldn't resolve this trouble quickly.

The enemy still had plenty of artificial beasts; pulling them out one by one would be a drawn-out battle.

At this moment, having dealt with ten artificial beasts, Luo must wait for his Nen to recover before continuing his mischief.

The gradual death of the artificial beasts was immediately sensed by Dove in a distant direction, his face turning ugly.

"That explosion, if it couldn't kill him, should have severely injured him. But he still had the energy to handle ten artificial soldiers left behind."

Dove's eyes glinted coldly, his teeth biting into his lip, drawing a trickle of blood. Those were ten artificial soldiers; even combined, they could not overcome that youngster?

Two days and nights of searching not only failed to find Sanbica but also lost twenty artificial soldiers, including five aerial types slain by the lake—twenty-five died at Luo's hands.

It took nearly ten years to create one hundred and six elite artificial soldiers, only to lose a fifth of them in just a few days.

Could it be that the Hunter Association's powerful Nen users not only didn't decrease but actually increased, so much so that even an apparently underage kid could be that strong?

This made Dove wonder if using one hundred and six artificial soldiers and biochemical weapons to annihilate the Hunter Association and overturn a country was merely a fool's dream?

At that thought, a trace of perplexity crossed Dove's face.

They had come this far filled with vengeance, but before their revenge even began, it

 was almost thwarted by Cheng Yaojin who came swinging his axe—if a few more swings followed, their decade-plus plans for revenge would be aborted before even starting.

Dove's unusual expression caught the attention of his companions.

Sensing their gaze, Dove quickly adjusted his mood, took a deep breath, looked at them, and calmly said: "Just now, the ten artificial soldiers stationed there all died."

At this statement, the core members' faces changed, having thought that the trouble was already resolved. Unexpectedly, the situation turned, and not only was their opponent not dead, he had also killed ten artificial soldiers.

That was not a mere addition of one plus one into a small squad, but a combination of five plus five into a team!

Remember, these weren't the combat-weaker aerial types but land types with combat strength comparable to tanks!

Yet, that youngster with a knife faced ten land type artificial soldiers and still emerged victorious.

That meant, to deal with that youngster, at least more than ten artificial soldiers needed to band together.


To reach this point today, twenty-one core members had all made extraordinary efforts.

They considered themselves strong, but at most, they could simultaneously take on two land type artificial soldiers, and there was a significant difference between taking on two and three.

With two, any one of them could wear down an artificial soldier over time, but facing three would mean instant defeat, let alone ten.

"Undeniably, that youngster with the knife is strong, stronger than any of us," Dove said, his expression icy and solemn as he surveyed the many companions in the woods, his voice grave: "Despite losing twenty-five artificial soldiers, it made me realize one thing."

The remaining artificial soldiers continued to conduct a carpet search around the nearby mountains.

In the woods, the remnants of the Seiren Squad watched their leader, awaiting his next words.

"Before the plan starts, he must die here!" Dove said with a murderous tone, gritting his teeth.

The primary target of the plan was the Association, always facing off against the core Nen users of the Association, and that youngster with the knife was likely one of them.

Then, right here and now, he would bet all his chips and strike down that youngster with a thunderous force.

Dove changed his mind. He decided to temporarily give up finding Sanbica, focusing all his strength to first eliminate Luo, this troublesome enemy.

Meanwhile, the strength Luo displayed made him worry about the team's future prospects.

In his plan, the biochemical weapons were to be used unrestrictedly, the death toll not a concern, while the artificial soldiers were to deal with the Hunter Association, among them planning to allocate fifty to take on Netero.

He didn't think Luo was stronger than Netero, but if there were many Nen users as strong as Luo, then a hundred artificial soldiers simply wouldn't suffice.

Thus, Dove began to hesitate.

Should he continue to accumulate power, or make a final gamble?

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