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Chapter 305: New Skill

Never be satisfied with the surface of the world; always strive to explore unknown possibilities. Yet, each venture into the unknown carries the risk of deadly danger.

A mysterious breeze, bringing a hint of coolness, gently swept over the scattered corpses, like the delicate touch of a lotus maiden's slender fingers, brushing past Luo's front.

Invisible forces lingered in front of Luo, unable to advance further.

An eerie blue light created a chilling atmosphere. In a flash, thousands of corpses silently stood up, revealing pure, kind smiles to the intruders. In the next instant, everything remained unchanged.

Advance or retreat?

Luo took a step back, burying his curiosity deep within, choosing not to explore further.

He needed to deal with the troublesome matters on the ground first before he could risk the curiosity that killed the cat.

Resolutely turning away, he walked through the small tunnel he had dug and returned to the passage.

A night without sleep had little impact, but it was best to rest well if conditions allowed.

Luo returned to the underground cave full of stone pillars, sat down against the rock wall, and closed his eyes to rest. Soon, he fell into a light sleep.

Several hours passed, and the sky began to brighten.

Luo opened his eyes, looking at the beam of light falling from above in the distance.

At this moment, the trees that had been burning below the cave entrance had only residual warmth and faint flames. The surrounding trees had been leveled, allowing the morning sunlight to shine unobstructed onto the cave floor.

Luo stood up, holding his sword, and walked towards the beam of light, passing between the stone pillars.

Arriving below the cave entrance, without stepping into the light, he could still sense the presence of ten beasts above the entrance.

Luo looked up at the cave entrance, barely making out its structure with the help of the sunlight. It resembled an overturned bowl, with the entrance at the center of the bottom. Climbing up from the side was not difficult but required the aid of Nen.

Ten beasts guarded the edge of the entrance, making it unrealistic to climb up directly, as they would notice any use of Nen.

Without the aid of Nen, it would be impossible to climb to the top of such a structure.

"This height must be close to a hundred meters."

Luo murmured to himself. He had never tested his vertical jump height, but it should exceed fifty meters.

With a running start, he could increase the height a bit, but the structure of the cave top made it hard to land accurately. Besides, a running start wouldn’t allow him to jump that high.

He needed a quick and swift method to pass through the entrance, avoiding the beasts' chance to strike.

The rock layers elsewhere were unknown in thickness, and the light was insufficient. Digging a new exit using Nen to avoid the beasts would be time-consuming and labor-intensive, offering no advantage. He could only leave the way he came.

But there was a problem. The jump height was still more than halfway to the ground. What method could he use to cross it?

"If there was a foothold, I could jump up in a few steps."

As this thought crossed Luo's mind, he observed the cave top structure again. After a few seconds, he retracted his gaze.

There were no footholds.

Despite the many stone pillars around, this place was flat, with an overturned bowl structure above, featuring only exaggerated curves and no stone pillars.

Luo sat down on the rubble, pondering how to get out.

He didn't want to lure the beasts down, fearing that a battle would cause the cave to collapse further. Any possibility of that happening was unacceptable to him.

This meant that the beasts could only be dealt with on the ground above.

"If there are no footholds, I could try using Nen to create one in the air." Luo suddenly thought of this possibility and decided to try it out.

He left the area below the cave entrance, retreated several dozen meters, and began to implement his idea.

"Condense a Nen ball, compress the air, and create a foothold underfoot."

Luo jumped lightly, reaching three to four meters above the ground. As he began to fall, he concentrated his energy, condensing a compressed air Nen ball underfoot.

Then, he lifted his foot and stomped on the Nen ball. With a "pop," his foot went through, and he momentarily floated in mid-air before landing safely.

"Need faster efficiency and speed…"

Luo showed no reaction to the first failure, rubbing his chin and contemplating the experience.

Stepping on the Nen ball gave a very brief solid footing, but the compression time was too short, and the Nen ball's quality couldn't support a foothold.

To become a suitable foothold, it needed to be as solid as a rock, not breaking upon stepping.

"In the air, condensation and compression must be done almost instantly. With my current Nen control, dedicated training could achieve this, but there's no time to waste now."

Luo didn't fixate on this method.

To create a foothold instantly, he could also utilize the characteristics of the Emission category.

Covering his body with emitted energy to propel himself forward, similar to a jet rocket.

"Emission and Enhancement…?"

Luo thought of Antomu's Nen ability, which combined speed and power, developed using traits from both Enhancement and Emission categories.

"Compress and condense while utilizing Emission characteristics to push backward. That might work."

Breaking free from his thoughts, Luo immediately put his idea into action.

The characteristic of Emission was to instantly convert stationary Nen into motion, representing a powerful thrust.

Luo jumped again, reaching three to four meters high.

As he was about to descend, he began condensing a Nen ball underfoot, compressing the air. Then, he stepped on it, and simultaneously, the sides of the Nen ball slightly concaved, pushing towards Luo's foot.

Two forces collided, creating a very brief hovering effect, equivalent to Luo standing on solid ground for a moment.

Seizing this brief moment, Luo, in mid-air with no foothold, used the combination of Nen abilities to rise another five to six meters.

However, he quickly lost balance and fell to the ground like a bird with broken wings.

Despite only succeeding in one step, the attempt proved the idea's feasibility. With practice, jumping a hundred meters in place would be no problem.

"I can do this!"

Luo smiled slightly and began practicing the technique.

An hour later, the beasts guarding the cave entrance suddenly reacted, looking towards the entrance. A black shadow shot up, catching their attention.

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