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Chapter 304: A Frightening Scene

Five scaled lizards, Dove’s last remaining flying beasts, were crucial in delivering the beasts below. However, he decided not to waste any more time on Luo.

Unwilling to send the beasts down to check the situation, Dove left ten beasts behind and led the team away to continue their carpet search.

The biggest obstacle to finding Sanbica was Luo. Whether Luo was dead or alive was unknown. If he was dead, all the better; if alive, he should be quiet for a while.

In Dove’s view, even if Luo were still alive, having faced such a powerful explosion, he must be seriously injured. Leaving ten beasts guarding the collapsed ground entrance was enough.

In the underground cave, Luo patiently waited for a while but there was no movement.

“Not planning to come down?”

Luo thought to himself as he lit a torch, closed his Aura Node, and entered the Zetsu state, slowly walking towards the area directly below the entrance.

When he was almost directly below, Luo stopped. He sensed the Nen waves from ten beasts above the entrance.

Narrowing his eyes, he observed the surroundings of the entrance. Though moonlit, it was largely dark, and he couldn’t tell how high it was, making it impossible to climb up immediately.

The opposition was after Sanbica, probably thinking he would be dead or severely injured in such an explosion. They didn’t want to waste energy, leaving ten beasts to guard just in case.

Luo couldn’t return to the surface for a while and had to wait for the sun to rise for adequate light. He wasn’t worried about Sanbica being found.

That hiding place was meticulously arranged by him, nearly impossible to discover in a hide-and-seek game.

However, without his help, it would be hard for Sanbica to get out by herself. Without the black cat, she would certainly starve to death there.

Luo didn’t believe they could find Sanbica’s location, but to be safe, he had to leave the underground cave quickly and continue to fight the beasts.

“There’s some time before dawn. Let’s see if there’s another exit.”

Luo decided, retreating from directly below the entrance and began exploring.

He weaved through numerous stone pillars, searching for a possible exit, and saw graffiti depicting daily life on three of the pillars.

After a long search, Luo found a passage. He didn’t enter directly but circled along the rock wall. Confirming there was only this one passage, he entered it.

Before entering, Luo changed his torch to ensure it burned long enough.

The passage was about five meters wide and seven meters high, with obvious signs of artificial excavation.

Luo ran his fingers over the marks, feeling the touch left by ages.

This place might have been sealed for countless years, and he might be the first visitor in ages.

Given the situation, he had no time to explore. His main goal was to find another exit. If none existed, he would have to think of a way at the collapsed site.

Luo withdrew his hand and walked deeper into the passage, no longer lingering on the rock walls.

Every step he took raised a cloud of dust. In less than a hundred meters, the passage was filled with dust.

Using his domain, Luo kept the dust at bay and quickened his pace.

The passage twisted and sloped downward continuously, forming a descending slope but leading straight ahead.

After walking quickly for about half an hour, he reached the end, blocked by an enormous rock.

Pressing his hand against the rock, Luo intended to push it aside with brute force but reconsidered, feeling it was not a prudent approach.

Changing his method, he used God’s Hand, chiseling through the rock. After digging for over thirty meters, he broke through to the other side.

As soon as he breached the rock, deep blue light flooded in like seawater, illuminating Luo in blue.

Surprised by the light, Luo removed the obstructing stone and cast it aside, stepping forward into the blue glow, gazing at the scene with astonishment.

Before him lay a vast underground space, with crumbling stone houses scattered irregularly under the blue light, ruins covering the ground.

Above, unknown crystalline columns emitting the blue light were clustered together, suspended from the cave ceiling. Each crystal was as thick as an adult's arm, in countless numbers.

The bright blue light originated from these numerous crystals.

What astounded Luo wasn’t the seemingly valuable crystals, but the countless intact corpses on the ground.

Despite being well-versed in various sights, Luo couldn’t help but feel a chill seeing the countless corpses.

The blue light covering the bodies added to the eerie atmosphere.

There were so many bodies, at least in the tens of thousands, evident at a glance.

Even the stone houses had become ruins, yet the bodies remained intact. How?

And were these numerous bodies killed simultaneously?

The sudden flood of questions left Luo frozen in place.

If not for the explosion, this place would have remained sealed for ages, and Luo would never have witnessed such a horrifying scene.

Staring at the tens of thousands of bodies, Luo hesitated whether to go down the slope to investigate.

He wasn’t afraid of the bodies, but of the cause that created these intact corpses.

Dead bodies often served as warnings to the living, and this bizarre scene screamed danger.

The underground space was well-lit. Luo gazed at the nearby bodies, torn between decisions.

With his sharp vision, he could see the bodies’ appearances clearly—men, women, old, and young, all in animal-skin clothes, each with strange paint on their exposed skin.

Each corpse had closed eyes and peaceful expressions, as if asleep.

If not for the strong aura of death, one might think these people were merely sleeping.

But going down might be like pouring gasoline into flames, startling the dead into rising.

Advance or retreat?

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