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Chapter 297: Pursuit X Concealment X Healing

On the island, outside the prison walls, nearly a hundred different kinds of magical beasts stood motionlessly.

Dove and his group of over twenty people stood in front of the magical beasts, their sizes contrasting like adults to infants.

Watching the scale lizards flying towards this location at high speed, Dove pinched his lower lip with his middle finger, his brow lightly furrowed.

Luo's ability to so easily handle five assembled scale lizards was beyond his expectations.

He had thought it would be easy to reclaim Sanbica Norton, yet they had managed to escape into the forest,

For Sanbica, the plan had already been delayed by over two hours. If they did not want to give up just yet, he didn't know how much longer it would take to track down Sanbica's whereabouts.

The critical consideration was whether Sanbica was worthy of them indefinitely delaying their crucial plan.

The answer was: Yes!

Sanbica's Nen abilities were one of the key conditions for their plan to subvert nations, far more potent than the biochemical weapons they had developed in advance.

"Head to the submarine. That woman is important to us. Before executing the plan, we must retrieve her first."

Dove turned and walked towards a breach in the wall, leaving behind five highly mobile artificial soldiers to wait for the scale lizards to pick them up.

The core members present were twenty-one in total. They all trusted Dove, and at this moment, seeing Dove prioritize that woman's importance over the plan, they remained silent and followed him.

The scale lizards could only assist five people or five artificial soldiers at a time, making the efficiency too low; directly boarding the submarine at the underground dock could bring everyone to shore at once.


The terrain of Devil's Island was primarily forested, with marshes secondary, and several large mountains stood among the forests.

Known records indicate that humans have only ever built a prison on Devil's Island over the years, never interfering with the ecology of Devil's Island.

This was the information laid out in the open; secretly, some of the biochemical weapons used in warfare by humans were sourced from Devil's Island, filled with various poisons and pathogens.

It was impossible for humans to establish a home on Devil's Island; even building a prison was only possible on the only piece of pure land on the island, which was in the middle of a sea lake.

That was a bare rocky island, free from the ravages of poisons and pathogens, with only the highly toxic jellyfish in the sea lake to be wary of.

If a home were to be established elsewhere, the result would only be the demise of the home due to various troublesome poisons and pathogens, which is also why Devil's Island was rarely visited by humans.

Therefore, the dangers hidden in the forest were not to be underestimated by any professional hunter.

Yet the various potential dangers that could easily claim lives were all neutralized by Luo and Black Cat.

Poisonous insects, miasmas, fierce beasts, and even microbes to pathogens... were all kept at bay by Luo and Black Cat.

"This place is even more dangerous than the Amarlo Jungle, a suitable and secretive hiding spot... right there on that mountain!"

Luo jumped down from the tree canopy, met up with Black Cat, and then turned in another direction.

"Found a good spot?" asked Black Cat.

Luo nodded slightly. He had his eyes on a large mountain ten kilometers away. Using the ability of God's Hand, he could create a cave in the mountain without leaving any artificial traces. If there was already an existing one, that would be even better.

Crossing the perilous forest, Luo arrived at the base of the mountain.

Devil's Island was like a part of the magic realm that had only been partially unearthed, with many unknowns still present.

An hour had passed since they escaped from the prison, and Sanbica's Nen had finally run out, the protective viral domain guarding her had disappeared, but the virus transmitted to Luo's body did not vanish.

It was a virus manifested by Nen, feeding on Luo's Nen. Unless Luo's Nen was completely depleted, the virus could continue to survive, but without Nen, Luo could not resist the virus.

This was a rather tricky issue, but for Luo, it was nothing significant. With just a thought, he used the ability of God's Hand to remove all the deadly viruses attached to the Nen membrane.

The reason he hadn't removed this nuisance earlier was because Sanbica's life-restricted zone was still active. Any physical contact with Sanbica would constantly infect him with the virus, so removing the virus was pointless, merely a waste of energy.

Now, with Sanbica's Nen depleted and the dangerous life-restricted zone gone, Luo could remove the virus.

With the suppression of the virus gone, although only less than twenty percent of his Nen remained

, the flow of Qi finally returned to a normal, smooth state.


Luo tried calling her to wake up, but she showed no response.

After trying for a while, Sanbica still showed no signs of waking, and Luo had to temporarily give up.

He carried Sanbica to a rock face at the foot of the mountain; Black Cat had already reverted to the size of a house cat and was floating in mid-air.

"What do you want to do?" Black Cat tilted its head and asked Luo.

"Directly dig out a hiding place," Luo stared at the rock wall.

"Are you joking?" Black Cat's eyes widened, not finding it amusing at all.

Digging out a hiding place on the spot? Not to mention the obvious artificial traces, what about the excavated rocks and sand?

Luo suddenly turned his head, staring at Black Cat in silence.

That look... was somewhat unfriendly.

A chill ran down Black Cat's spine, and it involuntarily backed up a few steps, wary, "What are you trying to do?"

"Eat dirt?"

Luo asked this.

Half an hour later, a well-ventilated, highly secretive cave was born under Luo's hands, with Black Cat undoubtedly being the main contributor.

Using the ability of God's Hand, it was indeed easy to dig out a cave without leaving any external traces, but dealing with the excavated rocks and sand was indeed troublesome.

However, with Black Cat's assistance, this was no longer a problem.

Luo forced Black Cat to swallow all the excavated rocks and sand, whether it could digest them was not within Luo's consideration.

Might makes right.

Despite its reluctance, under Luo's coercion, Black Cat could only tearfully swallow large amounts of dirt and rocks, then Luo sent it outside to keep watch.

The mountain cave Luo created had no entrance or exit, leaving only a few small ventilation holes. Black Cat could turn into smoke and freely enter and exit through these ventilation holes, using its abilities to transport needed items inside.

In the dimly lit cave, Sanbica lay on a pile of dry grass, her eyes tightly closed, breathing quite rhythmically but very weakly.

Luo checked Sanbica's injuries, the most severe being on her lower back and the related internal injuries.

Originally, these injuries were not serious, but after nearly seven or eight days of delay, the injuries had worsened to become quite severe.

"Apply the medicine first, not knowing what side effects Sanbica's self-protective Nen ability might have."

Luo worriedly thought, taking out a bottle of medicine Bisky had given him and setting it aside, then prepared to take off Sanbica's outer clothing.

Sanbica's clothes were somewhat special, resembling a nun's habit, or rather, more exaggerated than a nun's habit, with the hood and face mask even being integral to the whole outfit, covering her up tightly.

Luo took quite an effort to take off Sanbica's troublesome outer clothing, including the face mask and hood.

With the face mask removed, a face several times paler than a normal person's came into Luo's view.


Far away at the Hunters Association.

Netero received a report from Luo, regarding the Devil's Island prison...

This report was sent via text message, described in words, more detailed and meticulous.

The symbol of the Death Flower was naturally included within the report.

"Ghost Madame..."

A complex hue of reminiscence appeared in Netero's eyes.

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