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Chapter 120: Preparations

Mo Hua went to consult Mr. Zhuang about teaching others the arrays.

Mr. Zhuang was unconcerned, "What I've taught you, you can teach others, as long as you wish to do so."

Mo Hua was overjoyed, "Thank you, Sir!"

As Mr. Zhuang savored his meat and wine, contentment on his face, he suddenly asked with curiosity, "Teaching others, there's really no benefit to you, is there? Aren't you afraid of the hassle?"

"Yan Jiaoxi once told his disciple that the path of arrays is like water, only by passing it on can it flow far and endure."

Mr. Zhuang's expression showed a slight surprise.

Mo Hua looked at Mr. Zhuang and said, "Sir, you imparted the art of arrays to me, this is a tradition. Although my talents are limited and my mastery of arrays is modest, within the limits of my ability, I also wish to pass on these arrays. In doing so, I honor your guidance, allowing the path of arrays to flow far and endure."

"Flow far and endure, huh..." Mr. Zhuang's slender fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the bamboo chair, "Flow far and endure, but to what end?"

Mo Hua frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Studying arrays is to comprehend the laws of Heaven, drawing arrays is to practice these laws, and teaching them is to pass on these laws. Cultivators seek the Dao for immortality, and if the art of arrays endures, it signifies the perpetual flow of the Heavenly Dao..."

Mr. Zhuang’s eyes brightened, he nodded and said, "Well said, the Dao births all things, the Dao transforms all things."

He looked at Mo Hua again, "No matter what happens in the future, do not forget your initial resolve."

"Of course, Sir!"

After Mo Hua left, Mr. Zhuang lay back in the bamboo chair, raised his right hand, and looked at his palm.

Now it was empty, devoid of spiritual power, unable to draw arrays, grasping nothing at all.

"Passing it on, huh..."

Mr. Zhuang’s gaze deepened, tinged with a hint of bitterness.

Mr. Zhuang had allowed Mo Hua to pass on the arrays, and Mo Hua also breathed a sigh of relief.

The children were still young; learning even simple arrays could help them scrape a living in the future.

Mo Hua continued preparing for the trip to Dahei Mountain.

He had learned how to create traps and knew the tricks of setting them up.

Over the next few days, using the remaining spirit ink, Mo Hua drew five Earth Fire Arrays, among various other minor, possibly needed arrays.

He also indirectly learned about the rules and taboos of the outer regions of Dahei Mountain from Mo Shan, along with the basic procedures and methods used by demon hunters to hunt demonic beasts.

With preparations in place, Mo Hua found the three brothers, Da Hu.

They had gradually shed their greenness, appearing a bit more composed, yet youthful traces lingered in their eyes.

They had entered Dahei Mountain, been injured, bled, and shed silent tears. Now, they were gradually adapting to the life of a demon hunter. Although they couldn't handle things on their own yet, they were at least able to assist the hunting team, sharing some spirit stones after hunting demonic beasts.

However, these spirit stones were still but a drop in the bucket for their arduous life.

The trio had just returned from hunting with the team, repairing at home for a few days, with plans to re-enter the mountains soon.

Mo Hua approached them, and they were glad to see him.

"I have something to discuss with you."

Chewing on the sour-sweet wild fruits given by Meng Dame, Mo Hua spoke with his cheeks bulging.

The trio was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

"I'm going into Dahei Mountain too!" Mo Hua declared.

The trio stared in disbelief, shaking their heads like rattle drums.

"No, no, no!"

Da Hu said, "It's too dangerous in Dahei Mountain, you can't go!"

"Exactly, you're only at the fifth level of Qi cultivation, you can't go."

"You're not a physical cultivator, what if you get hurt?" Xiao Hu worried.

"Right, you're fragile, you can't get injured!"

Da Hu thought of his own blood-soaked chest wound, then looked at Mo Hua's frail frame.

He could endure his injuries, but if Mo Hua were slapped by a demonic beast, he might just breathe his last.

The more Da Hu thought about it, the firmer his tone became, "You can't go!"

Mo Hua scratched his head, "Don't worry, it

'll be fine."

The duo hesitantly asked, "What are you going to do in Dahei Mountain?"

"Hunting demons!"

The trio jumped, even more adamant that Mo Hua should not go.

"If you won't let me, I'll just sneak in, wouldn't that be even more dangerous?" Mo Hua argued.

Of course, he was just saying this. Dahei Mountain was too perilous; going alone was akin to seeking death.

The trio were in a dilemma.

"Are you guys not earning enough spirit stones as demon hunters?" Mo Hua seized the opportunity to ask.

The trio didn't want to admit it, but they nodded.

They were still new and could only help out, receiving few spirit stones.

"I have a way to hunt demonic beasts, but I need your help," Mo Hua said.

"What's your plan?" Xiao Hu couldn't help but ask.


"I'll set up arrays to lure the demonic beasts, first blast them into severe injuries, then you three finish them off."

"But..." Da Hu was still worried for Mo Hua.

"I'll just set up the arrays, then hide. Once the beasts are injured, you finish them off, and I'll come out. There will be no danger," Mo Hua plotted.

"But can arrays really injure demonic beasts..."

"Don't worry, I'll set up several, they might not kill the beasts but will surely inflict serious injuries."

This was originally planned against Qian Xing, but since Qian Xing had been scared off his wits, now it could be used against the demonic beasts.

The trio looked at each other, trusting Mo Hua's arrays but still harboring concerns.

"Don't you want Meng Dame to have a better life?"

The trio fell silent, of course, they did.

Meng Dame had endured much hardship to raise the three of them. Sometimes, not wanting her children to see, she would hide away alone and secretly wipe away her tears.

The trio bowed their heads, their eyes slightly reddened.

Mo Hua sighed, patted their shoulders, "Don't worry, I wouldn't undertake something I'm not confident about."

Xiao Hu hesitated a bit, "Are you really sure?"

"We'll go to the outer mountain tomorrow, or the day after, find a weak demonic beast, and test it out. If it works, great, if not, we can still escape."

"We might be able to escape, but can you..."

The duo looked at Mo Hua and implied.

Mo Hua proudly said, "I've specially learned a technique, don't worry, the beasts can't hurt me."

"What technique?"

"The person who taught me said not to tell."

"Who taught you?"

"Just a passing, unknown, kind-hearted uncle," Mo Hua replied straightforwardly.

Da Hu looked at Mo Hua suspiciously, "He wasn't a swindler, was he?"

"How could he be, this technique is really powerful."

The trio glanced at each other and finally compromised.

"Alright, we'll take you to the outer mountain, but just once, okay? If anything happens, you must run."

Mo Hua quickly nodded, "Don't worry, my life is mine, I won't lose it."

Thus, two days later, as dawn was just breaking, Mo Hua met with the three brothers outside Tongxian City.

Together, they set off towards the demon-infused Dahei Mountain.

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