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Chapter 292: Transformation

Upon witnessing the aura fluctuations emitted by Dove, the Black Cat turned and ran without hesitation. His aura was limited; how could he afford to waste it on a Nen user who appeared to be quite powerful?

Not that he would do it of his own volition, nor would he obey even if Luo commanded him to kill Dove.

Having taken advantage of the situation earlier that day, he killed over five hundred prison guards and inmates, turning Luo’s book pages black by over five hundred. However, his aura had not increased yet because he needed to return to Luo’s side to receive his "reward."

"The girl looks in bad shape, and that guy in the white lab coat is trouble."

Black Cat headed straight towards Luo’s location. One of the advantages of searching separately was the ability to sense each other’s presence at any time.

At a brief glance just now, Black Cat had a clear view of Sanbica’s plight. The fluctuations of her aura were like a flickering candle in the wind, her mask stained red with dark blood.

"Over five hundred pages... When I return this time, I can probably draw about eighty percent of the aura from Luo."

"I can't be blamed for this; the rules are absolute. Of course, I could temporarily avoid 'demanding' aura if I don’t approach you."

"But, if you don’t come here quickly, that girl will be in danger."

"Given the circumstances, you can hardly blame me."

Black Cat muttered to himself as he moved swiftly, a cunning human-like smirk appearing on his pitch-black cat face.

If his current level was Lv1, then after drawing eighty percent of Luo’s aura, his level could at least increase to Lv5, roughly a fivefold increase.

Within less than five minutes, Black Cat arrived by Luo's side.

This was a room similar to a factory hall. The first floor’s hall was very spacious, and the second floor consisted of steel walkways built against the walls, crisscrossing in the air.

This area was an indoor space where prisoners could move freely, while the steel walkways above were the prison guards' posts.

Luo stood below, and the prison guards occupied the high ground, forming a net of heaven and earth around him, but firearms posed no threat to Luo. All their actions were futile.

Gunshots, screams, and the sound of bodies falling to the ground.

The summoned prison guards were almost the last viable force in the prison, yet here they became over two hundred corpses.

Normally, encountering an immovable hard nut to crack would gradually diminish one's fighting spirit, leading to a retreat. But this group of prison guards showed no signs of retreating; instead, they fought more fiercely.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t harm Luo in the slightest, and they were killed by their own bullets.

“Bang, bang...!”

More bodies fell from the steel walkways, heavily thudding on the ground.

The entire factory was littered with corpses, blood flowing like rivers, the air filled with a pungent smell of blood.

“Tap, tap!”

Neat footsteps came from the upper passageway. One by one, grim-faced prison guards ran out from inside, lifting various powerful firearms again.

Black Cat glanced at nearly thirty prison guards rushing out from the steel bridge, then with a cold smile, he leaped up like thunder, pouncing on this batch of prison guards.

With a wave of his paw, he wiped out these thirty prison guards as if chopping vegetables, then casually returned to Luo's side.

"I found her, still alive, but in bad shape." Black Cat stared at Luo, who was enveloped in a cold aura, a hint of surprise and a meaningful smile flickering in his eyes.

He noticed Luo’s incredible murderous intent and also realized why Luo was willing to stay in one place, waiting for his opponents to come to him.

He wanted... to kill everyone in the prison, right?

Humph, that’s more like it!

Hearing Black Cat’s words, Luo’s expression flickered slightly, the cold aura emanating from his body abruptly receded by a large margin.

Sanbica was still alive... That short-haired woman really wanted to provoke him before she died, then disturb his emotions.

He had initially wanted to sweep away all obstacles before turning this place upside down. Now, there was no need.

"Take me there."

He first glanced coldly at the bodies on the ground, then looked towards the upper passageway. He knew that there were at least twenty Nen users waiting to act there, and he was well aware of the opponent's plan to use ordinary prison guards to surround him.

It didn’t matter. They wanted to drain his aura? Let them try. He knew the aura intelligence they wanted to grasp, but whatever the case, he wouldn’t show mercy to anyone standing in his way.

Black Cat raised his paw and smiled,

 "No problem, but I need to follow the rules first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo’s gaze turned slightly colder. He noticed that the aura inside him uncontrollably flew towards Black Cat’s paw, rapidly condensing into a formidable aura ball.

It was a momentary affair. The abundant aura inside him was now reduced to less than thirty percent.

It was the pages...

Luo immediately understood the reason, watching Black Cat swallow the aura ball into his stomach, yet remaining calm.

Given the current situation, having nearly seventy percent of his aura swallowed by Black Cat was not conducive to rescuing Sanbica. However, he could still use the characteristic of shared life and death to compel Black Cat to eliminate the threat for him.

Yet, the timing Black Cat chose to devour his aura was always a bit annoying.

“Hurry up and lead the way.” Luo stared calmly at Black Cat.


After swallowing the aura ball, Black Cat was quite satisfied. He thought Luo would be so angry that he would jump up and down, but instead, he was remarkably calm.

Luo’s calm demeanor and tone suddenly became a thorn in Black Cat’s heart.

It’s illogical. At this moment, Luo should be furious, like blaming him for forcibly taking aura in such a situation, although he could nobly answer that it was the rule, but it mostly wouldn’t convince Luo.

Black Cat thought he might be sprayed with a few words by Luo, but the current situation instead made him feel uneasy.

“Are we just going to ignore those guys hiding?” Black Cat carefully glanced at the tranquil Luo and sprinted towards the exit.

Luo just followed him, not uttering a word, his quiet posture making Black Cat’s heart thump uncomfortably.

Damn, what’s up with this guy?

Black Cat pondered.

The two ignored the next batch of prison guards and the Nen users lurking in the shadows, just running past them under their watch.

At first, they seemed determined to fight to the death, but now they suddenly ran away.

Members of the Seiren Squad hiding in the shadows were momentarily stunned. Realizing what was happening, they couldn’t just stand there foolishly; they hurriedly chased after Luo and Black Cat.

Upon chasing, they discovered that Luo and Black Cat’s speed was too fast for them to catch up; they could only follow from afar.

Under Black Cat’s lead, Luo quickly reached the old prison area where Sanbica was.

In that long and wide corridor, he saw Dove in a white lab coat and Sanbica confined in a glass cell.

At the moment of contact, Luo moved first. He seemed to ignore Dove’s presence, heading straight for where Sanbica was.

Dove watched Luo coldly, his body surging with aura, and came to Luo’s side like lightning, throwing a punch.

Facing this punch, Luo didn’t even look, nor did he show any sign of using 【Ryu】, and ahead of Dove, he first shattered the glass, creating an opening for passage.

“Seeking death.” Dove thought coldly.


Black Cat inwardly cursed, finally understanding what Luo was up to!


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