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Chapter 295: Scale Lizard

The bloated body of the demonic dragon was torn into several pieces in the air, accompanied by a large amount of blood plummeting to the ground.

Luo had not seen how the demonic dragon was killed by the ten flying demonic beasts, nor had he ever imagined that the prison side possessed ten flying demonic beasts capable of killing the demonic dragon coming from the distant skies.

There was no helipad or airship in the prison, Luo only needed to cross the lake to the other shore to have the demonic dragon immediately descend to pick them up, facilitating an easy escape.

In terms of timing, the margin of error was not large. When Luo emerged from the water, the demonic dragon was almost overhead.

However, the sudden appearance of ten flying demonic beasts not only surprised Luo but also foiled his plan.

During the commotion in the prison, he had not seen any sign of the flying demonic beasts; Luo was clueless about where these beasts had sprung from, even more so, it baffled him that the prison's people could control so many.

Monsters possessing nearly human intelligence were not easily tamed breeds. The Zoldyck family, with its profound background, had also invested considerable time and energy to domesticate a demonic dragon for transportation.

Moreover, these ten flying demonic beasts were extraordinary, each beast's body bore a human head, and what's more, they were all entwined with Nen?

In an instant, Luo thought of the Chimera Ants, but there was a clear difference between the two.

The flying demonic beasts equipped with human heads seemed bizarre, whereas the Chimera Ants, having incorporated human genes, appeared somewhat more natural.

Unable to ponder too much in that brief time, Luo carried Sanbica and dashed into the dense forest.

When Luo found Sanbica, his only thought was to get her back for treatment as quickly as possible. Now that the demonic dragon was dead, they had to find a place to hide and attend to Sanbica's injuries first.

The ten flying demonic beasts flapped their wings high in the sky, surrounding and killing the demonic dragon, and then noticed Luo emerging from the lake, immediately diving toward him at a remarkably faster speed than the demonic dragon.

The swift descending figure seemed to clearly reveal the air currents swirling around it.

Carrying a lethal intent, the Nen fluctuations rapidly approached from above.

Feeling that Nen, Luo's expression grew solemn. Despite the formidable aura of these bizarre beasts, he was not intimidated, but with Sanbica in his arms, he could not free his hands to respond.

In such a place, without someone to protect her up close, even if Sanbica's viral exclusion zone could maintain a radius of one meter, Luo dared not just set her down anywhere.

After all, with so many species on the island, there were always reckless creatures that could launch an unexpected attack; only when the Black Cat came to coordinate protection could Luo free his hands to deal with these flying demonic beasts.

Swish, swish!

The ten flying demonic beasts descended diagonally from the sky, aiming for Luo's back.

Luo did not need to look back; he judged their position by the fluctuation of the flying demonic beasts' Nen and explosively burst forward, covering tens of meters in an instant.

Bang, bang!

Luo's sudden burst of speed caused the diving attack of the flying demonic beasts to miss, and their bodies, like javelins, plunged into the ground, causing a deafening noise, and even shaking the ground.

"Such immense power! Why can beasts also use Nen? Is it because they are artificial?"

Luo looked back to see the ground behind him cracking and sinking in large patches, and even the rising dust could not cover all the shattered ground.

Despite the aid of flight, their size was only between five to seven times that of a human, yet they could cause such extensive ground damage upon landing, which clearly related to their tremendous power.

These ten demonic beasts... what exactly are they?

Before coming here, Luo had received some secret information about Klotho Prison from Netero, but that scant information had no connection with these humanoid beasts.

Logically, demonic beasts do not possess human aura nodes, making it hard to imagine what could allow them to use Nen.

"The use of Nen seems not quite flexible."

Luo pressed his doubts to the back of his mind, suddenly stopped, turned around, and stared into the spreading smoke, unable to see any of the ten demonic beasts, but their undisguised Nen fluctuations completely exposed their position.

"In a situation where visibility is obstructed, you still don't conceal your Nen fluctuations, are you reminding me to target you?"

Luo stared coldly at the dust, freed one hand, and gathered the virus emanating from Sanbica into his hand, compressing it into a viral Nen sphere,

 then shot it towards the dust.

Five viral Nen spheres shot into the dust like lightning.


Luo suddenly raised his eyebrows; although he could not see clearly inside the dust, he concluded from the fluctuations of Nen that the five spheres had been dodged.

"They actually dodged it."

Luo muttered to himself, taking advantage of the lingering dust, he compressed another five viral Nen spheres and then used In to minimize the fluctuations of the Nen spheres, though he could not eliminate the fluctuations of Sanbica's viral Nen.

After preparing, Luo shot another five Nen spheres.

Watching the Nen spheres dart into the dust, Luo's eyes flashed with surprise, then without hesitation, he ran toward the dense forest.

The second set of five Nen spheres had also been dodged.

Not simple...

Just from dodging his Nen spheres under zero visibility, it was clear that these ten demonic beasts were not to be underestimated by common standards.

As Luo started to move again, the lingering dust was dispersed by a rising strong wind, revealing the true appearance of the flying demonic beasts.

Wings like bats, but at the protrusions of the wings' skeletons were three spines thicker than a human's arm, imposing at first glance.

Standing upright, their bodies were covered in light yellow scales, somewhat similar to a lizard's appearance, but atop their necks were incongruously human heads.

The ten flying demonic beasts, aside from having different human faces, had no significant differences in the lower half of their bodies; they were of the same species.

Scale Lizards, that was the name of these beasts, and compared to most flying demonic beasts, the Scale Lizards' size was moderate. Yet, they had an advantage in easily killing large flying demonic beasts, which was their biological toxin.

When hunting prey, they would transmit neurotoxic biological toxins into the target's body through the spines on their wings and claws on their feet, easily taking down the prey.

Besides the troublesome biological toxin, their not-so-slow flight speed, and their unusual alertness were also challenging aspects of the Scale Lizards.

Many hunters had tried to use firearms and bows to ambush Scale Lizards from hiding, but they dodged attacks from the shadows as if they had a fly's compound eyes.

Human Nen combined with the bodies of Scale Lizards, resulted in these bizarrely assembled monsters.

Luo did not wish to prolong the battle but aimed to rush into the dense forest quickly to find a suitable place to treat Sanbica.

The ten humanoid Scale Lizards suddenly split into two groups, five headed towards the prison in the middle of the lake, quickly pulling a long wave across the lake surface, while the other five pursued Luo.

At the same time, the Black Cat also rushed to Luo's location at top speed.

These ten deformed flying demonic beasts were clearly troublesome, and he needed to ensure Luo's safety.

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