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Chapter 621: A Miracle in the History of Biological Evolution!

Lured by Lynn's invitation and the temptation to observe biotransformation technology, Administrator Moni hesitated for a moment before deciding to stay with a group of Geometric beings, planning to covertly learn the techniques.

Lynn, having other plans, didn't mind much. After accessing information about the planet’s terrain and location through his neural implant, he wasted no more time and stepped directly onto a snowy mountain.

This was the highest point on the planet and the site where an icy comet had once crashed. Covered in glaciers and snow, it appeared as a vast, lifeless expanse. However, Lynn could sense the vital signs hidden beneath the ice and snow.

In an area where the temperature fell below minus twenty degrees, tens of millions of beings still thrived, sustaining a complete ecological cycle.

But today was destined for change! Lynn closed his eyes to sense the position of the Eternal Star.

Despite being seventy light-years away, that place was his divine domain, and the connection between them could bridge time and space, unless he entered the main world. From anywhere within this galaxy, the presence of the Eternal Star could be clearly felt.

This meant that he and his divine realm formed two distinct high-dimensional coordinates, which could serve as a medium to open a space-time portal!

This was also one of the reasons Lynn needed to come here personally.

About ten seconds later, Lynn opened his eyes and lightly tapped the air with his finger.

It was like casting a stone onto a still water surface. In a higher-dimensional view, the stable space-time curves began to ripple, growing more intense with the input of energy, eventually twisting into a space-time vortex...

In recent research, Lynn had also clarified some properties of magic. Unrestricted, it always spontaneously flowed from areas of higher to lower concentration until equilibrium was reached.

Thus, without his direct guidance, a massive amount of magic surged forth, invading this new world, permeating everything at the microscopic level. Whether it was the white snow, the rocks hidden below, or the drifting dust in the air, all matter was encompassed...

Yet, the pace was still too slow. At this rate, it would take at least ten years to completely envelop the entire planet.

Lynn took another step, his form flickering as he appeared at various corners of the planet, opening space-time portals to the Eternal Star at twenty-one specific locations.

The influx of magic accelerated exponentially! However, the concentration of magic at the Eternal Star would also continue to decrease. Fortunately, after they had conquered a foreign territory, plundering its materials and energy, plus the fall of a deity had raised the magic concentration of the Eternal Star to an astonishing level, enough to assimilate a second planet.

A continuous stream of magic poured out from the twenty-plus space-time portals, and in silence, this barely ten-year-old planet of life was about to undergo an unprecedented transformation.

Deep in the concealed jungle, a beast, chased by a ferocious predator, was bitten on the neck. At the brink of death, it suddenly burst with tremendous strength, breaking free and piercing its attacker's belly with newly grown fangs...

On the plains, a deer grazing leisurely suddenly burst into intense flames.

Though the magic had just entered this world, some exceptionally adaptable individuals had already begun to evolve, disrupting the previously stable ecosystem in an instant...

Lynn observed all these changes, also sensing the Geometric civilization's tiny probes. These devices were incredibly small, roughly a millimeter in size, making it hard to imagine how they performed their complex functions.

Fortunately, he would soon find out.

With a thought, the hundreds of thousands of probes covered by the magic domain instantly disintegrated and then reassembled.

The entire process lasted only about ten seconds, but the internal data was already under Lynn's control.

These probes were built using some quantum-level micro-engraving technology. Despite their small size, they contained over two trillion tiny circuits invisible even under a high-powered microscope, capable of capturing specific electromagnetic wavelengths to observe and collect surrounding scenes, converting them into images projected onto the control room screens...

"Is this the power of a higher-dimensional being?"

Meanwhile, in the main control room, seeing Lynn casually open twenty-one wormholes on the planet, Administrator Moni and the Geometric beings were terrified but also noticed the drastic changes in some creatures.

Could it be a gaseous catalyst promoting genetic modification? Moni instinctively thought of this, as the Geometric civilization possessed similar technologies, using gases that stimulated growth to cause carbon-based life forms to evolve in a direction they anticipated rapidly.

But Moni soon realized it wasn't just a simple gaseous catalyst. Some of the affected creatures displayed abilities beyond logic, like walking on flames, emitting lightning, or floating briefly...

The neural implant’s analysis confirmed this, as the air was filled with an extremely unique energy not recorded in any database.

"Quick, bring the probes closer and deploy a batch of atomic-level biotrans

formation machines into these creatures’ bodies to figure out what's happening to their organs and how this special energy is achieving this..." Moni said excitedly, witnessing a biological miracle!

The other Geometric beings immediately got to work, accessing the control screens to carry out Administrator Moni's commands. However, after some operations, the probes scattered across the planet remained immobile, their issued commands having no effect.

After receiving the report, Moni incredulously accessed the neural implant’s permissions, only to discover that, unbeknownst to them, the probes had completely slipped from their control.

Moni suddenly remembered that right after Lynn had opened all the portals, the projection on the probes’ screens was interrupted for a moment.

At the time, Moni hadn't paid much attention, assuming it was just interference from energy fluctuations blocking the electromagnetic transmission. Now it seemed likely that at that moment, someone had used some unknown method to seize control of the probes.


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