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Chapter 290: Agony

At the moment the bear's chest was pierced, Shasha, who had never feared heaven nor earth, felt fear for the first time.

She realized that this intruder was not ordinary, and considering that Dove couldn't take the woman away immediately, she could only gather her comrades to deal with this invader and had to notify Dove as soon as possible.

This was her thought, but when Luo displayed his long-range Nen bullets and showed a speed even faster than hers, everything became despairing.

As the distance between them narrowed, she turned around and shot several black or white Nen arrows, all of which Luo easily crushed.

Having no strategy left, as Luo overwhelmed her up close, all she could do was to use all her strength to scream, alerting her comrades.

At this moment, the prison alarm kept sounding, indicating trouble, but the departing team from the old squad remained indifferent. If not for the tremor that reached the underground dock, Bear and Shasha would not have gone to the surface.

However, the sudden scream made all the ready members change their expressions subtly—they knew all too well whose scream it was.

"Something's happened."

Inside the submarine, watching over the artificial soldiers, Tern and Eagle suddenly looked at each other.

It was Shasha's scream.

So, what kind of mishap would make that guy scream? Bear was with her, after all.

In the building corridor, Luo defeated Shasha and even extracted her heart, holding it in his hand, unconcerned as Shasha screamed at the top of her lungs.

No matter how many people were drawn by her scream, from the moment he decided to forcefully intrude, Luo was not planning to end this peacefully.

Luo squeezed the heart, and Shasha’s scream, meant to alert her comrades, suddenly turned into a scream of agony.

The fresh, pulsating heart was heavily pressured by the fingertips but would not shatter, bringing indescribable agony to Shasha.

This pain seemed even more severe than her black Nen arrows.

The agony she once inflicted on others for amusement had finally returned to her.

Luo squeezed for three seconds, then let go, and Shasha's screams gradually ceased. She lay on the ground, drenched in sweat, curled up like a shrimp.

"I came here for someone."

Luo squatted down, looking at the woman whose face was half-covered by purple short hair, and said, "She dresses a bit uniquely, wearing a hat and a mask, only revealing her eyes."

Hearing Luo's simple description, Shasha's expression flickered, instantly thinking of Sanbica Norton, whom Dove valued.

Luo kept staring at Shasha, the slight changes on her face naturally did not escape his eyes.

"It seems you know, this will be easy then." Luo asked, "Where is she?"

"Ha ha!"

Shasha shook her disheveled head and suddenly grinned widely, showing a mouthful of sharp teeth.

"You mean that woman? I know her, those were some really beautiful eyes, too bad she's already dead."

As soon as the words fell, Shasha screamed again in pain because Luo used maximum force to squeeze her heart.

"I’ll ask you one more time, where is she?" Luo’s face was full of serious concern, yet his expression was as cold as midwinter.

"She’s dead," Shasha managed to say through her agony.

Luo slowly released the heart, took a deep breath, and said deliberately, "Where is the body?"

Without the pain, Shasha again smiled coldly, "Chopped into pieces and fed to the jellyfish in the lake, you won’t find even a hair of hers, ha ha!"

Luo got up emotionlessly, looked down at Shasha curled up at his feet, his slightly trembling eyes showing his unease.

Shasha tilted her head, manically laughing, "I dug out her eyes, tore off her nails, broke her fingers, peeled her tendons... ah!"

Her rapidly spoken words were interrupted by her own screams.

She was lying, but the pain caused by the black Nen arrows was even more intense than the cruel tortures she described.

"You don’t need to try so hard."

Luo squeezed the heart almost to deformation, and Shasha could only keep screaming in pain, her breathing starting to falter.


Luo stomped on Shasha’s throat, turning the scream into silence.

"If anything happens to Sanbica, I will make everyone in this prison accompany her."

His icy, merciless words, to the gradually blurring consciousness of Shasha, sounded like the most meaningless threats of a street thug.

Luo turned and walked away, but the force he applied to the heart never eased.

He did not plan to end Shasha's life directly; judging from what Shasha had just said, he would not let Shasha die so easily.

From this corridor, until the next Nen user appeared, he planned to keep squeezing the heart.

Shasha lay on the ground, enduring indescribable agony, her gradually unfocusing pupils reflecting Luo's receding figure.

"She’s called Sanbica..."

"If it weren’t for Bear’s foolishness, the arrow could have stayed in her body longer."

"What a pity, knowing that woman was the last one I could torment."

"I don’t want to just end it like this..."



A harsh door opening sound, and the dim, damp room was suddenly filled with blinding light.

Two tall figures stood in the doorway, blocking most of the light.

The room, with its stone brick floor wet, had a girl about eight or nine years old hanging against the wall, wearing no clothes, her thin body covered in new and old scars.

Hearing the door, the girl struggled to lift her head, her eyes not yet adjusted to the bright light, staring at the two silhouettes, her eyes filled with despair and resentment.

This girl had slender eyes and dirty, purple short hair...

"Pain tolerance still far below standard, we must maximize the intensity today, if she doesn’t meet the standard in three days, throw her in the scrapyard."


"Hope she’s not worse than a lab rat."

One of the figures left, then two more people walked in.


The door closed, and three more people entered the room, immediately, a flickering yellow light illuminated the dark room.

Using various brutal tortures on the little girl to refine her pain tolerance, only when her tolerance met the standards, would she qualify to become a test subject.



Another harsh door opening sound, light flooded in, and a figure slowly walked into the room.

It might have been an illusion, but the girl felt that the figure seemed much shorter.

"Hold on, even if it's barely clinging to life, survive, survive!"

"We... must return all the disasters we’ve endured back to them!"

Filled with anger and hatred, the voice echoed in her ear, and the girl used her remaining strength to nod her head.


"Hehe, you should thank me, this is the best enjoyment!"

A woman with sharp teeth gently caressed a corpse's cheek, looking sideways at the black arrow stuck in the corpse’s neck slowly fading away.

Her slender eyes curved like a fox that had stolen a chicken, a face not particularly beautiful, showed a satisfied expression.

"So, who’s next?"

The woman shook her head, causing her purple hair to flutter and spread out.


In her neurotic laughter, sheer enjoyment was revealed.


"So unwilling..."

The gloss in Shasha's eyes gradually dimmed, the endless agony making her recall the past.

The plan for revenge hadn't officially started yet, but she had to say goodbye to everyone first...

She fixed her gaze on the departing figure.

"Make sure, you succeed!"


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