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Chapter 611: War Tribunal and Astronomical Reparations

"Respected Governor, I am the Captain and Chief Executive Officer of the 37th Squadron of the Geometric Civilization. Please forgive our previous transgressions! In fact, this conflict was merely a misunderstanding; we came to this star system not with malice, but with goodwill and friendship."

The CEO's body faintly glowed with white light as he spoke, his tower-like form splitting and bending at a ninety-degree angle, a gesture of submission typically reserved for inferiors in the presence of their superiors.

After enduring a devastating interstellar war and multiple strikes, the CEO was nearly certain that they were dealing with a supercivilization whose technological prowess far exceeded that of their homeworld. Consequently, his attitude was exceedingly humble.

"Goodwill and friendship?"

Before Lynn could respond, Alade, who was amongst the assembly of divine servants, sharply interjected. "Are you referring to the unprovoked attack on our probe?"

"It was not without reason, esteemed Governor!" the CEO quickly explained. "We detected the probe accelerating as it approached us closely, potentially with great malice, prompting our... feint attack."

The word came out of his mouth after a moment of struggle.

"That's merely your side of the story. We've precisely calculated the trajectory of the attack; without evasive action, fifteen energy cannons would have struck the probe from various directions," Alade retorted coldly, with Raphael chiming in.

"Moreover, this probe was merely patrolling the borders of the star system. It sped up only to verify your movements after detecting them, yet it faced the most fierce attack..."

Their words left the CEO speechless. Indeed, they had struck first, but if not for the misleading actions of the other party, he would have been more cautious.

However, the next moment, the CEO realized a significant misjudgment on his part: he had interpreted the probe's acceleration as a prelude to an attack.

For traditional propulsion systems, this might indeed be the case, as deceleration requires a cycle. The most advanced warships of Geometric Civilization typically need about twenty atomic seconds to halt from sub-light speeds.

But with curvature engines, decelerating from maximum speed to a standstill could occur within a thousand atomic seconds! Realizing this, the CEO felt a shiver run through his body, as if on the verge of disintegration. His misjudgment had inadvertently sparked this unwarranted interstellar conflict...

Even if he returned to his homeworld now, he would likely be imprisoned or even executed for inciting war.

"This seems to be an unfortunate misunderstanding, Governor..." the CEO hurriedly continued, his ship using an antimatter-driven propulsion system that made altering course and decelerating at extremely high speeds relatively challenging. "At a distance of one million kilometers, accelerating is typically considered a precursor to an attack..."

The CEO earnestly recounted his process of misjudging the situation and launching an attack, expressing willingness to self-destruct as penance. Of course, this could not fully compensate for the damages of the war, but Geometric Civilization could offer appropriate reparations.

"Reparations? What do you have in mind? An entire star system or a hundred system-level battleships?" Raphael's face showed a trace of disdain, but his heart throbbed with excitement and delight. The destructive capabilities of Geometric Civilization, particularly their planet-destroying cannon which had tempted Raphael, were potent enough to slay true gods and obliterate worlds!

The superweapon Lynn had named 'Black Hole' was even more terrifying, capable of repelling the chief deity!

Naturally, the CEO was unaware of Raphael's covetous thoughts, interpreting his remarks as overt sarcasm. Yet, considering the technological superiority of the other civilization, procuring satisfactory reparations was no simple task.

"Respected Governor, regarding the reparations, I cannot directly promise you a resolution—I need to consult our leaders to make a decision," the CEO said, lowering his demeanor even further.

"I have given you an entire month, and you still haven't drafted a charter?" Lynn suddenly interjected.

This statement sent a chill down the CEO's spine, as he realized that his ability to contact his homeworld was a deliberate allowance by the other party, possibly under constant surveillance, and yet they were completely oblivious.

"Well then, I'll give you a few more days to think it over," Lynn gestured dismissively, and a dozen divine servants escorted the odd-looking Geometric beings away.

Under the strict watch of several divine servants, the CEO alone returned to his spacecraft, using the onboard computer to meet with the awaiting disc-shaped leaders and report all his conjectures and news.

Nevertheless, such significant matters clearly could not be resolved in a short time; there were many voices both for and against within.

Fortunately, Lynn did not demand an immediate response. During these few days, the Geometric beings, now captives, received no special treatment but were incarcerated

 in a prison built within the moon's core—a satellite prison hastily constructed by Lynn through divine manipulation. The facility was vast, albeit rudimentary in appearance.

Hundreds of Geometric beings were segregated and imprisoned. Additionally, Lynn deliberately created some prisoners, modeled after intelligent beings like the Mokans and Laites of the main world, using divine power to insert them as the captives' cellmates, facilitating the next step of his plan.

This alien civilization possessed advanced technology that could significantly benefit from even a slight exposure. However, since they were currently masquerading as a civilization from a higher dimension, directly requesting 'low-end' technology would likely raise suspicions.

Moreover, the 'barrenness' of this star system severely contradicted their boasted narrative. This could perhaps deceive the other party for a while, but if this went on for too long, they would inevitably need a plausible explanation.


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