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Chapter 284: Multiple Parties

The Zoldyck family's dragon is raised on the rim of a volcano.

Maha personally brought two people to the volcano, and only a handful of people in the world receive such treatment from him.

Arriving at the edge of the volcano, they looked down to see a creature lying below that resembled an Eastern dragon, but it also possessed some characteristics of Western dragons. Overall, it leaned more towards the Eastern type.

The dragon had four limbs, short but with sharp claws, a somewhat bloated body, and three pairs of wings on its back. One pair of wings, even when retracted, was not small, while the other two pairs, closer to the tail, were quite petite.

This was the dragon tamed by the Zoldyck family. It had good stamina, suitable for long-distance flights, and was not slow in flying.

Maha had the two wait on the side and then leaped down onto a haystack to wake up the sleeping dragon.

Like any magical beast, it possessed mature intelligence and could understand human speech, which was also true for the Zoldyck's dragon.

Maha woke the dragon and explained the situation to it.

The dragon quietly stood up, lifted Maha, and then spread its wings, easily flying out of its resting spot, creating strong gusts of wind, and landed next to Luo and Isaac Netero.

Maha jumped off the dragon and said, "Go."

Though he said that, he was looking at Luo, not Netero.

Even though Netero hadn’t specified, Maha could tell that it was Luo who wanted to borrow the dragon; otherwise, there was no need for Luo to come along.


Luo thanked him and then jumped onto the dragon. Having been delayed by a day coming from the Association, borrowing the dragon now would cut the travel time to Akatitz Island by more than half.

The dragon flapped its wings and flew up like a sinuous serpent soaring into the sky.

Maha and Netero watched silently as the dragon ascended into the clouds and disappeared from their sight.

Above the clouds, there was a vast expanse of clear sky with no landmarks to determine direction. However, Luo had a map and a navigator, and with the dragon being a communicative magical beast, there was no worry about losing their way.

Before heading to Akatitz Island, Luo told Machi to return to the Heavens Arena and also mentioned it to Buhara and the others.

The island was dangerous, not just because of nen battles but also due to various poisonous creatures. Without certain experience, it was easy to fall victim.

Luo left the decision to Buhara and the others, offering them the choice to come by sea.

After helping Luo secure the dragon, Netero used his method to handle the situation and did not linger any longer. He said goodbye to Maha and took an airship back to the Association.

When Netero and Luo had left, Maha also turned back to his residence, where Illumi was waiting for him at the door.


Seeing Maha return, Illumi greeted him.

"Waiting here specially for me?" Maha asked.

"Yes." Illumi nodded.

Whether it was Maha, Zeno, or Silva, before taking over the family business, they all tended to develop a habit of not spending too much energy on matters outside of their commissions, thus also showing little interest in external people and affairs.

It wasn’t strange for Illumi, who was still quite young, to be interested in matters beyond commissions.

He was waiting here to clarify the relationship between Luo and Maha.

They didn’t engage in small talk. Illumi directly posed the question.

"The reason you could taste such delicious Buddha Jumps Over the Wall was thanks to him," Maha responded to the question.

After that, he headed to his room, not sure if the cartoon had ended.

Devil Island.

As of today, the 500 people who had landed on the island during the earlier period had all been cleared out, mostly ending up as food for magical beasts, and from a physical standpoint, they were considered more than adequate as sustenance.

Ordinary people had no chance of survival, but nen users had the privilege of living a little longer.

The Hunter Association had taken on the task and dispatched ten hunters, including Sanbica Norton.

Now, apart from Sanbica who had taken measures to delay being captured, six of the nine other hunters had died, and the remaining three had become test subjects for a sophisticated man.

Klotho Prison was a state-run facility designed to detain exceedingly vicious criminals, but the sophisticated man’s actions clearly placed him in opposition to the state, though his actions had not yet been discovered.

In this world, there are many irredeemable criminals, and due to hypocritical humanitarianism, imprisoning

 them in perpetually dark cells after assigning them a meaningless number far exceeding their lifespan was considered a form of judgment.

This was the external view, but internally it was different.

Many prisons used these criminals as test subjects, and Klotho Prison was one of them, since the inmates there were exceptionally evil.

One hundred—that number represented not only the man-made creatures but also the existence of one hundred nen users and one hundred magical beasts.

The sophisticated man had used unknown methods to merge the heads of human nen users with the powerful bodies of magical beasts, ensuring normal vital functions.

These one hundred man-made creatures were the result of five years of his efforts, and it took him a total of ten years to reach this point.

Everything...was for revenge!

Sanbica’s cell had transformed into a dark green world, emanating a dangerous aura.

In this dark green environment, Sanbica curled up in the middle, her eyes tightly closed, maintaining a faint breathing rhythm.

The wall smashed by a bear had been repaired, and Sanbica's cell was now enclosed with incredibly hard transparent glass, confining the dangerous area within.

The sophisticated man stood outside the glass, watching Sanbica as if looking at a precious treasure.

Beside him stood two people: one was an eagle carrying a fan-shaped knife, and the other was a middle-aged woman with long black hair and black-framed glasses, dressed in a light green office uniform.

"I threw ten prisoners in there, staying durations ranging from one minute to ten minutes," the sophisticated man said excitedly, pinching his lips between his thumb and forefinger. "Guess what I discovered?"

The middle-aged woman spoke in a deep voice, "Get to the point."

"You're still as straightforward as ever," the sophisticated man said, straightening his grease-stained white coat and slightly reining in his excitement.

The woman's brows furrowed, seemingly impatient.

Seeing this, the sophisticated man chuckled and then said, "This woman is an extraordinary weapon, but for now, I can't reach her. In about five days, this state of hers should be lifted."

The middle-aged woman looked at Sanbica through the glass, nodding slightly, and said, "You don't have much time left, better not waste energy on pointless matters, start working on it as soon as possible."

"If circumstances allow... I don't want to wait a moment longer."

Suddenly, the sophisticated man's face showed profound hatred, his features slightly contorted.

The eagle standing beside him, seemingly affected by the sophisticated man's words and emotions, subconsciously clenched his fist.

They were... survivors of a hypocritical sanction, and now, they intended to return the executioner's blade to their enemies.

"Hunter Association has already started to reach out for investigation, be careful of Netero, I've done my best to stall him, but that old man is not ordinary in his shrewdness, we must not expose ourselves before we are fully prepared," the middle-aged woman cautioned.

"I know."

Hunter Association, Chairman's Office.

Netero listened to Bean's work report, his eyes reflecting deep contemplation.

There was an extra person present, Linne Horsdoeuvre. Although she was a member of the Association, she usually stayed out of worldly affairs and had no interest in handling tasks, but she had taken the initiative to step in on this matter.

"Being entangled in mundane affairs, even my steps are unstable," Linne said expressionlessly.

Netero hooked his cheek, smiling indifferently, "That's only true for work and position."

"Since the permission cannot be granted, I'll act outside the rules, not sure if my old bones are still up to it," Linne said calmly.

You really are going all out to find a long-term personal chef, old friend...

Netero thought to himself silently.


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