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Chapter 601: Trust me, they are merely a fragile planet-level civilization!

"Great Moon God, I beseech you to awaken from your eternal slumber!" "Lord, please send down your divine punishment and burn these blasphemers to ashes!"

In the vast cosmos, aboard a spaceship located on the Moon, the intermittent cries of the believers gradually reached Aila's mind.

Due to the arcane locks that bound her, sealing off space and time, her connection with the believers was significantly hindered. She could only feel the thoughts of the believers at the moment of their death.

Recently, the frequency of the believers' deaths had noticeably increased. From their final cries, Aila distilled some useful information: the wizards had begun to deliberately eradicate her worship within the kingdom and were actively hunting down her devout followers.

Had they realized the source of her power?

Aila pondered in secret, recalling how she had deceived the gods of the main world and the Wizard Council during the war. It was normal to be targeted.

However, the situation was dire. If she lost the support of her believers, the chances of her escaping on her own were slim.

Her only hope now was the strand of her soul left in the main world. If it could successfully cooperate with the gods, there might be a chance for freedom.

Complicated thoughts flitted through Aila's mind as she continued to slowly gather strength. The numerous deaths of her believers slightly replenished her nearly depleted divine power.

Although uncertain of the next opportunity to escape, regaining strength was always crucial.

As Aila silently awaited her moment, she suddenly sensed someone entering the engine room. Her eyes snapped open, and upon recognizing the intruder, her brows furrowed.

It was Lynn!

Aila's heart sank. Had he noticed her accumulating power and thus decided to completely strip it away?

But she dismissed the thought the next moment. Upon entering, he did not act but rather scrutinized her with a contemplative gaze, a trace of… satisfaction?

As the Moon God frowned, she indeed felt like a prisoner, albeit one who had accumulated some power for self-destruction.

After Lynn scanned the area, he spoke indifferently. "I'm here to remind you, Aila, the spaceship is about to embark on a lengthy journey. You better behave. If I find you sneaking around again, then you won't need to exist anymore!"

The stark threat left Aila feeling profoundly humiliated, her face turning a shade of iron blue. She glared at the male wizard but swallowed her harsh words. She knew well that antagonizing him now would only disadvantage her.

Lynn then raised his hand, and more arcane locks surged forward, reinforcing the protection. Aila ceased her futile resistance, further convincing Lynn that his tampering with her power of faith had gone unnoticed.

With that confirmed, Lynn ceased his pretense of investigation, fortified the protection further, and completely isolated Aila from probing the outside world. He then disassembled the entire engine room from the spaceship and transported it to a giant projector located at the Eternal Star's zenith.

This giant projector had been under construction for over two years. The base was enchanted with anti-gravity magic, allowing it to hover in the air.

Inside the council, uninformed wizards were curious about this structure, and rumors abounded. However, this site was actually a high-tech experimental area.

The projector, spanning five kilometers, was divided into dozens of sections, each a rudimentary small spaceship. If the institute's spaceship designers had any new ideas, they typically tested them here first, collecting accurate data before installing them on new spaceships.

It was also used to test the effects of super-high-speed travel on the atmosphere.

Now, Lynn planned to use this device to send Aila skyward!

"Chairman Dennis, is the modification work completed?" Lynn stepped inside the projector and saw Dennis and others making final adjustments.

"Almost done. The tests went very smoothly. If everything goes as planned, continuous travel for six months shouldn't be a problem," Dennis confidently stated, then began explaining the internal modifications of the small spaceship to Lynn.

First, the weapon systems were removed, leaving only the protective, propulsion, and communication devices. Additionally, since no crew was needed, the space was minimized and energy consumption greatly reduced, meeting the requirements for long voyages.

He also installed a device that could separate the front and rear at Lynn's instruction.

"How about the screen issue? Is it resolved?" Lynn asked again.

Previously, during super-high-speed travel, the spaceship moved faster than light, compressing the information carried by light and making it appear as a series of disorganized light points.

"We've solved half of it!" Dennis replied helplessly. The communication device installed on the small spaceship was the latest prototype. Aurora had improved the light and shadow projection magic, now using quantum entanglement to transmit images back, achieving communication.

The only downside was some delay, potentially affecting precise targeting.

Lynn nodded, satisfied with the progress

 in solving the screen issue, even if it had some flaws. They weren't engaging in interstellar warfare; transmitting information back was sufficient.

"Then let's install this device!" Lynn patted the hovering engine room, placing it in a specially designed recess on the spaceship.

After Dennis made final adjustments and confirmed everything was correct, he pulled the launch switch. The runes on the exterior lit up one by one, and after a few seconds of charging, the rudimentary spaceship, only about ten meters high, vanished before everyone's eyes, moving so fast that even Lynn could only see a blur!

"Fly, Aila!" Lynn murmured silently, now all they had to do was wait.

According to the coordinates of the alien fleet, it would take three months to reach the Eternal Star, about 0.3 light-years away.

The rudimentary spaceship would travel at 1.5 times the speed of light, meaning they would encounter the other side in just over a month.

Under the seven-fold time dilation in the main world, even if the gods decided to cooperate with the avatar Aila had sent out, it should take no more than four or five days for a full-scale invasion to commence...


In the great cosmos, second spiral arm, fifteen disc-shaped giant warships swiftly passed through a star dust cloud known as Korda. A hundred atomic seconds earlier, the pyramid-shaped flagship's chief official had awoken from his slumber.

Now, as they approached their target, there was still some time to go, but space travel inherently carried risks. Some advanced civilizations could extend their protective nets to very remote areas, and they were already within the warning range of most star system-level civilizations, vulnerable to attacks at any moment.

"How's the preliminary observation of that star system going? Have you made any discoveries?" The chief official turned to the long, monitoring officer beside him, communicating through emitted electromagnetic waves.

Preliminary observation involved decrypting the information carried by the light received by their spaceship.

The further the distance, the more blurred the information; the closer the distance, the clearer and more complete the images.

The only problem was that the information carried by the light was from the past and lacked timeliness.

"Chief Official, from what we've observed, it appears to be a planet-level civilization incapable of deep-space travel!" the monitoring officer confidently replied.

The home planet's standards for classifying civilizations ranged from level one to nine.

The first three levels were planet-level civilizations, meaning they were limited to activities on their home planets. Criteria such as the emergence of intelligent life, the possession of advanced fusion technology, the transformation of planets within their star system, and the capability for cosmic voyages were used for classification.

From their observations, the target did not even meet the standards of a second-level civilization.

Firstly, there were no signs of large-scale transformations on the planets within the star system, excluding the possibility of interstellar colonization technology. Secondly, the brightness of the star had not diminished at all, indicating that the civilization had not harnessed this massive energy source, leading to such conspicuous waste.

Third, the process of receiving and decrypting the information carried by the light went exceedingly smoothly.

For civilizations skilled in using electromagnetic wave technology, such an oversight would be impossible because numerous technologies could prevent the leakage of information.

"From what we've observed, the target civilization poses no threat!" the long-shaped monitoring officer disdainfully stated.

"Don't forget, it was there that our exploration fleet was destroyed!" a deputy officer interjected as a reminder.

Such preliminary observations could only serve as limited references because some civilizations might deliberately alter the information carried by electromagnetic waves. For example, one of their exploration fleets had reported that a seemingly empty space actually contained a highly advanced civilization.

"A civilization with such technological capabilities wouldn't even be able to hide their coordinates..." the monitoring officer countered. There were many factors that could obliterate an exploration fleet, such as spatial turbulence or a sudden cosmic storm.

After all, the technology aboard the exploration fleet belonged to a previous era, and surviving these cosmic disasters was a possibility.

The chief official also did not believe the target's technology could reach such levels, suggesting that their mission would likely proceed smoothly.

However, the next moment, an emergency message was projected from the detector sent ahead.

An unexpected attack had arrived!


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