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Chapter 267: This Is Not Just For Fun

What use could a simple request have? Luo didn't know, but since the request was from Netero, its value was immeasurable.

Most importantly, this request had no limits. In other words, if Luo won this volleyball game, it meant that Netero would let him take over the presidency of the Hunter Association. Given Netero's principles, he would likely agree to this.

"We must win!"

Previously, it was all half-hearted, but now, Luo was as if injected with a dose of chicken blood, full of fighting spirit.

If it were a fight, Luo wouldn't even bother trying, but this was a game with rules. By abiding by and utilizing the rules, there was a chance to win.

"Not bad, not bad, this makes it interesting," Netero nodded in satisfaction.

Even without looking at Luo’s transformed expression, just from the flow of aura, Netero could see Luo's combativeness.

"May I make a request?" Luo's desire to win had fully ignited, so he was figuring out how to achieve this victory.

Netero slowly infused aura into the volleyball and said, "Let’s hear it."

"If it's one point to decide the winner, that would hardly be satisfying," Luo smiled.

Before this, he had wanted the game to end with one point, but now, he needed more opportunities to pave the way to victory.

"Hoho," Netero instantly saw through Luo's thoughts and was not bothered, saying, "Then how many points do you want to decide the winner?"

"Six points!" Luo said firmly.

He initially thought about deciding the winner with ten points, but considering the total potential aura difference between them, ten points were too many.

"Six points..."

Netero’s eyes twinkled, and his lips curled up, saying, "I might... take this a bit more seriously now."

As he spoke, a robust aura emanated from his not-so-sturdy body.

This aura wasn't specifically directed at Luo, but Luo suddenly felt the pressure.

Six points, this was Luo’s most appropriate estimate, and in Netero's view, it was quite accurate, so Netero also felt a bit of combativeness ignite.

"Then it's six points. But no matter who wins or loses, you have to play with me until dawn," Netero's body's aura flowed differently than before.

Was this a buildup?

Whether it was or wasn't, they had to start the game quickly.

Sensing the difference, Luo didn't say more and didn't respond to Netero’s request, saying sternly, "Serve the ball."

Did you notice...?

Netero gave a faint smile, then reined in his aura, concentrating it on the volleyball.

He tossed it up, hit the ball!

Following through with the action, accompanied by a deafening thud, the volleyball charged towards Luo with tremendous momentum.

Direct hit!

Luo's expression tightened, and he had mentally prepared, quickly distributing the flowing aura in his body, mostly gathering it in his hands and feet.


An invisible resistance spontaneously formed, blocking the trajectory of the incoming volleyball.

The volleyball came thunderously fast, its momentum noticeably weakened as it passed through the one-meter domain in front of him, and then Luo caught it forcefully.

"Such strong power!"

The moment he caught the ball, the aura from both sides treated the volleyball as a battlefield, clashing with each other, producing a grating friction sound!

Luo's hands felt like they were holding a high-functioning earth drill, shaken by the power from the volleyball, causing his hands to tremble slightly.

"This ball is much stronger than the previous one, but I can catch it!"

A moment of realization crossed Luo’s face, and just when he was about to celebrate for a second or two, the tightly gripped volleyball suddenly exploded.


Luo's expression shifted slightly, his hands pushed back, and he also stepped back a step or two before stopping.

"One point."

Seeing this, Netero said with a smile.

The ball exploding after catching it meant Luo didn’t catch it, according to the rules, Netero won this point.


Luo looked down at his hands, silent.

Netero pulled out a small phone from somewhere, made a call, and soon after, a staff member entered the room pushing a cart full of volleyballs.

The cart of volleyballs, roughly fifty in total, seemed to remind Luo that in the upcoming game, every ball he caught would continue just like now, exploding with a bang, then losing a point.

Luo glanced at the cart outside filled with volleyballs, took a deep breath, and had five more chances.

At this moment, Netero tossed the ball to Luo, who caught it slightly startled.

Without much talk, Luo prepared to serve the

 ball. This time, he didn’t hold the ball in front of him but, like Netero, tossed it into the air.

Netero had tossed the ball up to about two meters high, while Luo tossed the ball up to about five meters, just touching the ceiling, thankfully the Heavens Arena had a high ceiling, giving Luo room to play.

The higher toss was to allow more time for gathering aura.

Luo raised his right hand, wrapped in aura emitting a bright light, while subtly leaning his body slightly to the left, very covertly, but enough for Netero to notice.

This small movement was naturally noticed by Netero, possibly indicating that Luo intended to hit the ball into the right side of his court.

The volleyball flew up and slowly came down…

Luo suddenly struck, his right hand, glowing with gathered aura like a light bulb, fiercely slapped the volleyball.

Whether it was the small movement during aura gathering or the current trend of hitting the volleyball, both indicated that Luo would hit the ball to the right side of the court. However, after Netero made this judgment, he did not prepare in advance.

Luo, preparing to hit the ball, didn’t notice this. The aura-rich right hand was actually a feint; the real direction wasn't towards the right side of Netero’s court.

Luo’s right hand missed the falling volleyball, while simultaneously, he quickly gathered some aura to his left hand and then pushed forward, hitting the ball towards Netero’s left side.

The applied aura wasn’t much, so the power was much less, but the speed didn’t decrease much.

However, this feint didn’t deceive Netero, to be precise, it couldn’t.

Only at the moment Luo touched the ball did Netero suddenly move, darting to the right like a cheetah, easily catching Luo’s ball.

Unmatched coordination, a perfect harmony between neural reactions and physical motion.

Luo exhaled, not at all discouraged, and immediately prepared to catch the ball.

Netero served, and with the sound of the ball touch, it once again flew straight towards Luo.

Still a direct hit...!

Luo still tried his best to catch this ball, yet the result was the same as before; although he blocked the power, when his hands and the ball were at a standoff for a few seconds, the ball suddenly exploded!

Two to zero.

After the ball exploded, Netero had already gone to the cart outside and picked up a volleyball, then returned to the court.

His actions were like confirming that Luo couldn’t catch this ball, so after serving, he wasn’t on standby in the court, but ran outside to get a ball.

This could be said to be full of confidence, or it could be said to be indifferent to any threat Luo could bring.

Netero tossed the brand-new volleyball to Luo, smiling, "Do you want a tip from me?"

His serve, as well as Luo’s serve using a feint, were related to nen techniques, so this was not just a game of hitting the ball, and whether Luo could benefit from it depended on himself.

Luo looked at him, calmly saying, "If listening to your tip is a good thing for me, or a bad thing?"

"Of course it's... a good thing," Netero said.

Luo nodded, then said, "Then it must be a bad thing."

Netero shrugged, expressing regret.

Whether he regretted not being able to trick Luo or regretted that Luo missed an effortless victory factor was unclear.

At this time, others started to gather in the arena, attracted by the collision of nen.


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