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Chapter 583: The Goddess of the Moon Drained of Divine Power

Under the powerful energy provided by divine power, the space around the spaceship was bent into an arch shape that was narrow at the front and wide at the back, propelling this spaceship, which weighed hundreds of thousands of tons, forward at an unimaginable speed!

However, Harof and the others inside the spaceship could not feel how fast the spaceship was actually moving, as they had completely lost any point of reference.

Previously, they could roughly locate their position by relying on distant celestial bodies, but now the screens in front of them, which were meant to display the outside scenery, seemed to malfunction, showing nothing but chaotic points of light…

Raphael immediately turned his head to look at Aurora, asking in confusion, "What exactly is going on? Chairwoman Aurora, could it be that your projection magic is broken?"

Aurora looked at the few projection screens in front of her and frowned.

She was certain that there was nothing wrong with her magic, but the screen that should have displayed the view in front of the spaceship only showed a bizarre array of colorful light points, and the screen showing the view behind was completely dark.

"This is a proof that the spaceship has reached, or even surpassed, the speed of light!" Lynn explained with a smile.

Harof and the others paused for a moment, looking at Lynn with a mixture of surprise.

"I suppose you all haven't forgotten how we see things, right?" Lynn reminded them.

"It's because our eyes receive electromagnetic waves that can be recognized, which are then converted into images in our brains," Alade was the first to respond. They naturally hadn't forgotten this basic theory, and they soon realized what Lynn meant about the screens.

Any scenery they saw was actually information brought by light!

Since the speed of light is extremely fast, for those on a planet moving at low speeds, this exchange of information is almost instantaneous, and even legendary wizards could hardly sense the subtle delay brought by light traveling across distances.

But now it was different; they were traveling faster than light, and at this time, the stream of information carried by electromagnetic waves was speeding towards them.

"This is quite similar to a sonic boom…" Dennis mumbled, quickly thinking of a similar phenomenon, which occurs when a jet breaks the sound barrier.

But light has no mass, so its obstruction to the spaceship is minimal.

Lynn nodded, this was similar to the redshift and blueshift phenomena produced by the expansion of space in the universe, only much more exaggerated.

To put it more accurately, as they flew faster than light, the incoming information stream was compressed, like pressing the fast-forward button several times, or even dozens of times, on a video.

In the cosmic space, the most abundant and fastest-passing elements they could see on the projection screens were the myriad points of light emitted by stars, naturally turning into a mass of chaotic light and shadows.

As for the light behind them, since its speed was slower than that of the spaceship, it couldn't catch up with them, thus the screen turned dark.

In fact, this 'delay' in the flow of information had already existed during their previous test flight at half the speed of light, since the curvature engine differed from traditional propulsion methods, altering the perceived speed of light's transmission for them.

But they were in the dark, vast space of the universe, where it was difficult to notice this.

"What should we do now to locate our target if a battle occurs? Attacking and aiming would also be a significant challenge," Harof said thoughtfully.

Lynn pondered for a moment, as this was indeed an urgent problem that needed to be addressed, and then he replied.

"Perhaps we should approach it from a higher dimension…"

In lower-dimensional space, the propagation speed of information cannot break the speed of light, a rule set by the universe, so the solution must come from a higher dimension.

He could think of two methods. The first was to use quantum entanglement technology for positioning.

For instance, they had once visited the Brown Star, and Lynn had casually left a quantum coordinate there. Through the high-dimensional effects of quantum entanglement, even at superluminal speeds, they could still accurately determine the position of this planet.

The second method was to include the entire area within the realm of the gods, establishing a four-dimensional spacetime model, so that no matter where the spaceship flew, he could determine its position.

Both methods had their drawbacks. The cosmic space was vast, and even the space of a single star system was at least billions of times larger than that of the Eternal Star. To transform it into a realm of the gods required an astronomical amount of magic power.

As for quantum coordinates, although they were useful and low-cost, requiring only three different coordinates within the current star system, they could determine their position relative to the spaceship through these coordinates.

But this was only suitable for travel within a star system. The distances between stars were measured in light-years, making it virtually

 impossible to accurately determine their position with just a few quantum coordinates, let alone locate enemies during flight.

The wizards present all began to think about this issue, which was new to them, but they managed to come up with some solutions by brainstorming together.

For instance, Harof suggested that since the information stream was accelerated, if they knew how much it was accelerated, they could naturally calculate their exact speed at that moment, since the speed of the information flow was a fixed value, that is, the speed of light.

Once they knew their speed, based on the three-dimensional model of the star system they had observed earlier, they could also determine their exact position.

However, Lynn shook his head, not agreeing with this approach. Under normal circumstances, it might be useful, but now it was different; the curvature engine created a ring of distorted spacetime on the outside of the spaceship.

The space in front was being continuously stretched in, and since the distance was shortened, it appeared in low-dimensional space that both the light carrying information and the spaceship exceeded the speed of light.

In reality, the distance between them was significantly shortened due to the distortion of spacetime.

So, the appearance of the screens was not because their speed had truly surpassed the speed of light by many times, but because light itself was accelerated as it crossed this space…

As the group continued to discuss, Lynn suddenly spoke up to interrupt.

"Let's stop the spaceship, we've arrived!"

"So soon?" Harof paused for a moment, immediately looking at the atomic clock placed inside the spaceship, watching the time slowly pass.

From the moment they started, it had been only about a minute and a half.

Victorio, though also somewhat surprised, reacted at the moment he received the command.

The divine power continuously emerging in the engine room was abruptly cut off, and the surrounding distorted spacetime gradually returned to normal as the universal rules restored it…

From superluminal speed to completely stopping the spaceship, it took less than twenty seconds, which also highlighted the power of the curvature engine!

Even though Victorio's response was quick, by the time they completely stopped, they realized that the destination, the Brown Star, had already been left far behind.

This speed was simply unbelievable!

To think that from their departure point, which was about a billion kilometers away from the Brown Star, it would take an hour at the speed of light!

But now it had taken only...

"One minute and fifty seconds!" Harof exclaimed excitedly, and this was still far past the Brown Star, so the actual arrival time would have been even earlier!

Anthony and the others were also secretly shocked; they didn't think the spaceship's speed had reached twenty to thirty times the speed of light, it must have been a difference in the flow of time!

"Let's make a few round trips and see what the time tells us!" Lynn reminded them.

Victorio nodded, then activated the spaceship to head towards the Brown Star, where he placed another atomic clock, and then returned to the moon again.

After several round trips, testing the stability of the spaceship's power system while also calculating its speed, they determined that the maximum speed they could achieve had broken one and a half times the speed of light!

This was undoubtedly a new milestone!

Using a living god as a fuel supply for energy, the boost in speed could only be described as astonishing!

However, the greatest contributor, Aila, clearly didn't think so, as nearly continuous superluminal travel had almost drained her divine power, and if not for Lynn removing the Necrotic Fog at the critical moment, her consciousness and divine soul would have been erased.

Lynn was then pondering the issue of the flow of time, as he had discovered on the previous trip that the rate of time passage on the spaceship did not match Einstein's gravitational time dilation formula at all, and there was a significant difference.

This was probably because when the spaceship was traveling, the surrounding space was not centered around a normal massive celestial body, spreading out in all directions, but rather a special structure with space compressed in front and expanded in the back.

So, this required a new equation for the curvature of spacetime per second to meet the computational needs.

"It seems that that alien civilization is not much after all," Raphael said with a smile.

Previously, when they heard that the unknown civilization had killed the Moon Goddess Diana and could perform spacetime jumps and subluminal flights, it really scared Raphael enough to be on edge all day, with even a grand wizard pessimistically thinking that the moment the other party arrived would be the moment the council was destroyed.

Now not only could they create spacetime nodes, but they had also completely surpassed the other party in terms of speed, causing Raphael to feel a sense of relief as if the other party was nothing special after all.

The group of wizards nodded in agreement, the gloom that had been hanging in their minds instantly dissipated.

Seeing Harof and the others becoming increasingly optimistic, even thinking that they had now surpassed the

 alien civilization, Lynn shook his head in speechlessness.

"We were able to manufacture a superluminal spaceship so quickly just by using some clever tricks; unless we capture a second god, such a spaceship can only be produced one at a time, but the other party's spaceships can be mass-produced, possibly having thousands or tens of thousands of subluminal spaceships…"

Not to mention, the materials they used to make the spaceship were from the other party's technology from a thousand years ago, and how to resolve issues such as the light screen and accurate enemy positioning under superluminal flight were problems that needed to be addressed!

This is the downside of jumping directly in technology; many things were cobbled together.

But this was also an unavoidable method, even with the support of a smart brain database and the magical energy source, a few years was simply too short to jump from a magical agricultural civilization directly to an interstellar civilization.

As Lynn spoke, Harof and the others' growing confidence gradually settled back down, starting to focus on how to resolve these encountered issues.

"How much time do we actually have?" Aurora asked.

"From a distance perspective, about four or five years!" Lynn said hesitantly, as the other party's travel speed had tended to stabilize, and they had not performed any long-distance space jumps during the time they prepared to attack the foreign territory and manufacture interstellar spaceships.

Four or five years is not long, but not short either; from the time they left the Land of Wizards to counterattack the kingdom, it had been less than eight years.

"Just stay here for now!" Lynn turned his head to look at Aila, who was trapped in the Klein Bottle, and reinforced it again to prevent her from escaping.

After resolving the issue with Aila, their former great enemy, over the next few months, the council's focus was on the spoils of the war—the foreign territory filled with a vast amount of magical energy.

This was undoubtedly another source of energy, but also a huge mess!

It was not until Lynn took the time and effort to expand the divine realm to the entire plane that he realized the situation of this planet was much worse than he had imagined, with a massive loss of material turning the land into vast deserts, and the entire plane on the verge of collapse, with the planet reaching the brink of disintegration.

The three positron cannons that penetrated deep into the core clearly exacerbated this situation, directly affecting the planet's gravity and rotation, and this plane would completely collapse in no more than five years.

Even with Lynn's current power, he could not save a planet about to collapse, only able to delay the moment of disintegration as much as possible, and have the engineering teams rush to transfer some useful materials and as much magic as possible into the Eternal Star.

At the new round of council meetings, a large number of council members quickly formulated a five-year plan to empty the foreign territory, but due to the difference in the flow of time between the two places, there was not actually five years, so they could only try to select some of the most important things to move…

"Rescuing the minerals is the top priority; we must explore the interior of the foreign territory as quickly as possible to see if there are any rare minerals that are not found within the Eternal Star," Victorio proposed, such as the minerals used to make the Corona Medal originating from the foreign territory.

Sanchez, an expert in shaping studies, also added, "And those magical beasts living in the foreign territory can be driven to the Eternal Star; we can specifically designate an area for breeding them."


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