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Chapter 582: A Lightspeed Spacecraft Fueled by Gods!

Countless doubts flashed through Aila's mind, but none mattered now. What was important was that the opponent had also broken through that realm and arrived before her.

"It seems that you were the one who killed the Lord of the Dead!" Aila said with certainty, resolving a doubt in her heart.

"This was thanks to you sealing the spacetime gate connecting the two places," Lynn replied with a smile. Otherwise, even if he could defeat the Lord of the Dead, he wouldn't have been able to prevent his escape!

Aila's expression darkened. She had lured the Lord of the Dead to the Eternal Star as a strategy to drive the tiger to devour the wolf, not expecting the wolf to actually consume the tiger, and she was next! "Where is the Moon Goddess Diana?" Aila asked again, having previously sensed the presence of the Moon Goddess's power.

Could it be that these wizards had awakened Diana, who was still not completely dead on the moon, and reached some kind of cooperation?

"You'll find out soon!" Lynn's face broke into a smile, and then nine huge, elaborate gears appeared in the surrounding airspace.

He wasn't just here to chat with Aila. A grey mist of Arcane Locks soon emerged from inside the gears, swirling from all directions towards the new Moon Goddess.

Aila didn't think mere words could make him retreat. With a wave of her hand, endless starlight appeared in her palm, quickly condensing into a slender silver sword tens of meters long, which she slashed at the gears!

Accompanied by a teeth-grinding thud, the collision left no mark on the surface of the gears. Instead, the blade began to decay where it touched...

Aila's expression changed slightly. Despite being protected from the positron cannon earlier, her power had inevitably declined. But within the divine realm, facing a being of the same level, she couldn't even disrupt the extension of the opponent's power.

In an instant, the layers of Arcane Locks had already swept over, sealing the surrounding space, then winding around the helpless Aila, binding her arms, waist, and legs as if alive.

The nine huge gears began to slowly rotate, and under the law of exponents, the binding force increased tenfold instantly, applying billions of tons of high pressure on Aila's divine body.

Not only that, the grey mist on the surface of the Arcane Locks, like the most corrosive acid, began corroding pits into her divine body upon contact...

Aila finally remembered, this was clearly the deathly divine power of Lord Danatos!

Her body bound, space locked, and even the blade condensed from the Moon Goddess's power couldn't shake the Arcane Locks at all. Under such a near-hopeless disadvantage, Aila, the new Moon Goddess, still did not give up. Her cold eyes stared at Lynn, suddenly shouting.


At the moment the word fell, Aila transformed into the moon, a moon bound in chains!

Then, this moon began to expand rapidly and finally exploded violently!

Aila had spent months building her divine body using the resources of the entire plane, erupting with a force comparable to an antimatter annihilation of the same mass!

The Arcane Locks, composed of special materials and endowed with deathly divine power, also began to disintegrate under such force!

A fierce energy wave ravaged the foreign sky.

Faced with Aila's almost suicidal move, even Lynn had to switch from attack to defense.

A vengeful deity was not easy to deal with, especially now that he was still within her divine realm. Aila might have the power to detonate an entire planet, which could seriously injure him if he was caught in the blast.

However, Lynn realized the next moment that he had overestimated his opponent. Aila did not have the courage to perish together with him.

Taking advantage of the explosion to break the Arcane Locks, a strange polygonal crystal suddenly flew at an incredible speed from the terrifying energy shockwave, heading straight for the endless void outside the planet.

This was undoubtedly the Divine Core, the most important source of a deity's power!

After a round of probing in the fight, Aila immediately chose to flee.

Losing the divine realm was a significant blow to a deity, possibly even causing a fall from grace, but as long as the Divine Core was intact, and if luck was good enough to find a new plane in the endless void, there might be a possibility to start over!

This pseudo-self-destructive move indeed gave her a chance to escape. Aila nearly maximized her spatial control ability, her Divine Core flashing across thousands of kilometers with each blink.

Yet, for Lynn, this was still too slow!

Just as Aila crossed the troposphere, she quickly discovered Lynn's figure directly appearing before her, clearly more adept in spatial research!


 end this!" Lynn extended his hand, making a flipping motion, and the surrounding spacetime immediately curled towards the center from all sides.

This was the divine art "Four-Dimensional Prison—Klein Bottle!"

Space from four different dimensions, and emerging inside, was the grey mist—deathly divine power!

Divinity is a peculiar thing, akin to a massive aggregation of uranium-235 undergoing fission, or matter and antimatter annihilating each other, one of the many laws of the universe.

Death is one of the most important of these laws, after all, everything must eventually come to an end, even the universe might not be an exception!

However, Lynn also realized that the divinity he obtained was not as powerful as imagined, more akin to slow decay rather than immediate death.

After all, Danatos was known as the Lord of the Dead, not the Grim Reaper or a master of death, and his divinity must only be a branch of the concept of death, otherwise, he wouldn't just be a mid-tier deity!

Fortunately, this was enough to deal with Aila!

The grey mist of the dead continuously eroded the Divine Core, further weakening Aila's dwindling power, pushing her, the first major foe Lynn encountered since crossing, step by step into a dead end...

Deities can die, no doubt!

Once the Divine Core shatters, the divine realm collapses, and the followers perish, even a high-dimensional life form will be obliterated in consciousness, merging into the void in a quantum state, becoming one of the myriad surging microscopic particles.

"Think again!" Aila's angry roar came from within the Divine Core, bursting out with powerful Moon Goddess power, preparing to use her last strength to detonate all elements on the planet along with the enemy in front of her!

"Too late!" Lynn sneered, saying if the opponent had gambled everything earlier, there might have been a chance to perish together, but now his divine realm had enveloped the entire planet, killing Aila's last chance to counterattack.

It must be said, her earlier tolerance of his encroachment on this divine realm was an extremely foolish move! Now was the time to pay for that misjudgment!

At this moment, Aila finally realized she suddenly lost control over the planet's elements, only able to despairingly be consumed by the grey mist of the dead...

Her divine power corroded, her will worn down, just when Aila thought she was going to fall here today, the grey mist of the dead suddenly receded.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Aila, freed from the fear of annihilation, stared at Lynn with a strange, puzzled look. She did not believe he was kindly prepared to let her go.

"Of course, to take you to see the Moon Goddess Diana, haven't you always wanted to meet her?" Lynn said lightly, then reached out and grabbed the space of several kilometers in front of him, turning it into a Klein Bottle along with the trapped Aila, and placed it into his palm.

The Moon Goddess?!

Lynn's words plunged Aila back into fear. Being able to step into divinity was precisely because she had seized Diana's divine core. If the opponent was still alive and had reached a cooperation with these wizards, it would undoubtedly be the worst scenario!

Lynn had no intention of explaining to Aila, this obstinately ignorant divine scholar, and directly replaced the Moon Dust in the four-dimensional prison with Aila.

Unlike Diana, whose consciousness was merely a remnant, the still rational Aila obviously would not willingly become a starship's power source, requiring the use of some coercive measures.

Numerous Arcane Locks swept up again, firmly binding the Divine Core, and the grey mist of the dead reappeared. If Aila did not want her will obliterated, she had to continuously draw on divine power to envelop the outside of the Divine Core.

Then, as the two divine powers collided and dissolved each other, the powerful energy released would be channeled into the ship's power system, providing energy.

The drawback of this was also very clear—that Lynn himself had to stay here continuously providing energy, but regarding the alchemical array for drawing divine power, that could be studied later. Right now, the most important thing was to verify their previous conjecture!

Vittorio piloted the ship through the spacetime rift back to the moon. After declaring victory in this war and arranging for personnel to mop up in the foreign realm, he began the speed test.

The target was still that distant brown star.

Vittorio maxed out the power system's efficiency in one go, with the Divine Core bound by the Arcane Locks shaking continuously.

Anger, humiliation, resentment, and unwillingness surged in Aila's mind, but to avoid having her consciousness erased, she paradoxically had to increase the supply of divine power to resist the invasion of the deathly mist.

Under the strong energy produced by the collision of the two divine powers, the curvature engine began to overoperate, and the spaceship flew out of the moon in one ten-thousandth of a second, speeding towards that brown star.


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