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Chapter 263: Biscuit, I want you...

A spaceship takes off from the exclusive airport of the Hunter Association, heading towards the Heavens Arena.

Meanwhile, in a mansion in La Xiang City, Elly turns off the TV and fiddles with a pink cellphone in her hand. She is tempted to send Luo a text or call him.

But the thought of Luo not initiating contact herself quashes that idea.


Elly stops fiddling with her phone and looks at Kenda, who is standing beside her, and says, "Help me check what qualifications are needed for the 'ringside seats' at the Martial Olympics."

By "ringside seats," she doesn't mean the spectator seats, but those few prestigious seats.

Kenda understands and says, "I'm on it."

Saying so, he directly walks out of the room to handle the matter.

Whatever Elly requests, no matter how excessive, Kenda gives it his 100% support.

Heavens Arena.

Luo and Antomu's match concludes, and although the restless reporters couldn’t interview Luo, they still spend lavishly to report on it.

With the Martial Olympics approaching on August 8, the reporters think it's time to highlight a few dark horses, and the youngest, Luo, is an ideal target.

Thus, taking advantage of Luo's recent victory over Antomu, the reporters unabashedly hype him up, nearly proclaiming him a once-in-a-century prodigy.

Luo, indifferent to this, becomes the lord of the 230th floor, gaining control over it. He monopolizes the entire floor, and although he can't alter the competition venues, he can redecorate the other rooms as he pleases.

Luo doesn’t plan to stay long at Heavens Arena and naturally doesn’t care much about this aspect. He simply has the staff clear out the items Antomu left behind and selects a relatively large room as his residence.

The floor is large and has many rooms, so Luo lets Buhara and others come to the 230th floor to choose rooms to live in.

Buhara, needless to say, eagerly follows, and Uvogin and others decisively move to the 230th floor, randomly choosing rooms to settle in.

Antomu had been on the 230th floor for a long time, and many rooms had been modified, including a martial arts training room specifically designed for training, filled with various types of training equipment.

Discovering this room, Uvogin and Nobunaga are thrilled. These two spend all day training in the martial arts room and then head to a room transformed into a bar to relax.

Two days after the match, Luo sends a text to Sanbica, who replies with a symbol emoji and then goes quiet.

Today, Biscuit seeks out Luo.

The moment Luo sees Biscuit, he guesses her purpose.

As per the agreement, Luo defeated Antomu, and Biscuit can also retire successfully.

"I’m leaving."

Biscuit walks into Luo’s room, stating her intentions straightforwardly, then heads to the fridge, takes out a beer, and starts drinking.

Luo closes the door and then asks, "When?"

"Tomorrow." Biscuit chugs half the bottle in one go, then walks over to the couch and plops down.

"That soon?" Luo looks at her.

"I've delayed enough time on you, even missing the annual ‘Stone Betting Festival’ at Mount Abikos. Plus, there were many places I wanted to visit before, but changed plans because of you."

Biscuit casually places the empty can on the table, lounges on the couch like a lazy cat, and beckons Luo over.

Seeing her gesture, Luo immediately understands, runs to the shoe cabinet, takes out a men’s magazine from the top shelf, and hands it to Biscuit.

Handing over the magazine, Luo says, "Stay a few more days?"

Biscuit glances at Luo, opens the magazine, and declines, "No, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Seeing Biscuit so resolute, Luo sighs softly, knowing it was inevitable but still finding it hard to let go.

Having spent over a year with Biscuit, he’s grown accustomed to her occasional teachings. If Biscuit suddenly wasn’t around, he really didn’t know how long it would take to get used to her absence, especially since…

"What, can't bear it?" Biscuit looks at Luo with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

A year isn't long, but it's the first time Biscuit has spent over a year teaching a disciple. Fortunately, she is very satisfied with Luo, believing the time spent on him was worthwhile.

"Sigh, of course I can't bear it!"

Luo, visibly distressed, sadly says, "What will I do

 without you?"

Seeing Luo so deeply moved, Biscuit raises an eyebrow, pulling back some of her attention from the magazine and focusing entirely on Luo.


Luo sighs heavily again, turns away from Biscuit, and mourns, "It’s more than just not being able to bear it, Biscuit. I can’t even imagine how to get through the days without you."

"Just the thought of it makes me feel terrible. I wonder if I'll even be able to sleep well. Maybe I’ll have sleepless nights? After all, I’ve grown used to…"

Thinking of Biscuit not being by his side, Luo feels a profound sadness.

"It’s all my fault…"

Hearing Luo’s heartfelt confession, Biscuit is moved to tears. She hadn’t expected Luo to become so dependent on her.

"It’s all my fault for being so reliable that you’ve developed such a strong dependency. But people have to be independent eventually, starting from tomorrow, you need to try to get used to it."

Tears well up in Biscuit’s eyes as she looks at Luo’s back, feeling a sense of loss and becoming sentimental.

"I will, but I have one request, and I hope you can agree to it." Luo slowly turns around, his face filled with sorrow.

"Go ahead, I’ll agree to it." Biscuit sniffles, almost brought to tears by her overly tender-hearted self.

Luo nods earnestly, continuing, "I want you…"

Biscuit’s eyes widen in anticipation of his next words, her cheeks twitching slightly.

"Let Ms. Cookie give me a massage tonight…no, make it four hours. Actually, make it six hours. Just thinking about not enjoying Ms. Cookie’s massages after you leave makes my heart feel cold and uncomfortable."

Luo looks sincerely at Biscuit, whose face gradually turns dark. He had long grown accustomed to daily massages from Ms. Cookie.


Biscuit struggles to smile, slowly clenches her fist, and nods, "Alright, I’ll have Ms. Cookie give you a six-hour massage tonight, but I have a request before I leave."


That evening, Luo has the Heavens Arena staff prepare the kitchen and ingredients within an hour, then sets up a large table of dishes to bid farewell to Biscuit.

"One, two, three...eleven, twelve...huh?"

Buhara counts the bumps on Luo’s head, stopping midway when he realizes he's counted wrong. The swelling is too dense, making it as difficult as counting stars.

Seeing the bumps on Luo's head, Uvogin and others, even without asking, know who is responsible and secretly rejoice.

The two of them never got any favors from Luo, so seeing someone able to discipline him is a delight.

"What did you do?" Machi helps Luo with the dishes, and when she returns to the kitchen, she nudges Luo's arm and asks.

Luo glances at her, lowers his voice, and says, "Let's not talk about that, it's all tears."

"…" Machi.

Once all the dishes are served, Biscuit sits at the head of the table.

Buhara secretly swallows, thinking to hurry it up.

"Knock, knock."

At that moment, someone knocks on the door.

Instantly, everyone looks towards the door.

Luo hesitates for a moment, then gets up and opens the door.

Outside stands an old man with braids and wooden clogs.

"Um? I seem to have come at just the right time."

The old man tilts his head to one side, his gaze passing over Luo's body and looking at the dishes on the table.

Luo is startled.

"Netero, Chairman, how come you…"

In the room, seeing the old man, Biscuit immediately stands up.


Netero scratches his cheek and shamelessly says, "Just passing by, and if it's convenient, I’d like to join you for dinner."


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