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Chapter 262: Attention

The Nen that becomes stronger after death is also an obsession that Nen users themselves cannot let go of.

The wisp of black aura formed after Antomu's death seemed like his last proof of existence in this world.

After death, where does the soul go? Is that wisp of black aura really Antomu’s soul? Then, is it only Nen users who have the privilege to preserve their soul in this world?

In the spectator seats, Machi and others abruptly stood up. However, at that moment, Luo stopped in his tracks, did not turn around, but simply raised his right hand and absorbed all the darting black aura.

"Rest in peace."

Luo muttered softly to himself and then ignored the restless reporters nearby, heading straight to the exit.

Throughout the match, until shortly after the fight ended, Machi and her companions had not dispelled 'Gyo', hence they witnessed that wisp of black aura and instinctively stood up, but before they could act, they saw Luo casually erase the black aura with a wave of his hand.

Luo absorbed the black aura, but to outsiders, it seemed as though he erased it.

Seeing Luo unharmed, Machi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo left the arena alone, with countless spectators watching him go, while the reporters ultimately failed to interview him.

On the brutally battered stage lay a decayed and withered corpse, its eyes wide open in death.

At that moment, Luo became the tower master of the 230th floor and also earned the right to participate in the August 8th Combat Olympics. Moreover, the tower master must accept challenges from others and can also challenge other tower masters of the same rank.

Among the many tower masters who averaged over twenty years of age, Luo was the youngest, which theoretically would make him a prime target for challengers, but after this battle, those qualified to challenge weighed their options more carefully.

Seeing Luo enter the tunnel, Bisky and her group also got up and headed towards the tunnel.

Kukuroo Mountain.

Silva and Zeno switched the still ongoing broadcast on the screen to a recording, playing the battle from the beginning.

Because Silva could not determine Luo's category, it instead sparked greater interest in Zeno.

The recording started, and Zeno watched intently, his gaze serene.

The disk-shaped Nen bullet and the marble-sized Nen bullets, judging from the damage they caused, were undoubtedly powerful Emitter abilities.

Manipulating slabs from afar, and the Nen field that slowed down the opponent's punch speed, were basically Manipulator abilities.

The individual named Antomu had considerable physical strength and his Nen skills were top-notch, yet he was still defeated by a single slash that severed his arm. Considering the rusty blade of the long knife, it certainly seemed like an Enhancer ability being used adeptly with 'Ken'.

Finally, the conjured book and the rusty knife were undoubtedly Conjurer abilities.

A Nen user can master abilities from five categories, but if the focus is scattered, it ultimately leads to mediocrity, pleasing nowhere.

The abilities Luo displayed in this battle resembled the path of mediocrity, yet each category's ability was performed well, and considering Luo's age, this was an incredible feat.

It’s known that the success rate of mastering categories varies; training in one's inherent category is the proper way. Diverting too much energy to other categories is a misallocation and a waste of energy.

"Dad, any conclusions?" Silva asked Zeno, who was deep in thought.

He knew well his father’s skill; that uncannily accurate experience often allowed him to determine an opponent's category and abilities right at the start of a warm-up.

"No definitive conclusions." Zeno shook his head slightly and said: "The abilities he used were independent, with no common points. I lean towards Conjurer, but…"

"What if his Nen is a combination of these abilities?"

Zeno walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and continued: "If this hypothesis holds, only Specialist makes sense, of course, this is just speculation, and I don't particularly need an answer."

"What I'm more interested in," he added, "is where he learned… Middle Chinese."

Silva fell silent for a moment, then asked: "Should we investigate?"

Zeno looked at Silva and calmly said: "It's not related to the commission, but I won't stop you if you're curious."

"Understood." Silva nodded.

"I just received a tricky commission; come with me, we'll split the reward fifty-fifty," Zeno said, which was his reason for coming to Silva.

Silva rose from the couch and asked: "When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible," Zeno replied.

Heavens Arena and Kukuroo Mountain are on the same continent,

 just under two days’ travel apart.

Luo could never have imagined that two heavyweight figures from the Zoldyck family would take an interest in his matches at Heavens Arena.

Moreover, he wouldn’t have guessed that the phrase "God's Hand" in Chinese was recognized by Zeno, who read it out in Chinese, obviously not just recognizing it but understanding how to use it.

If he knew, it wouldn’t be surprising.

In the original story, whenever Zeno went out on missions, he always wore a Chinese character plaque on his chest, like: Active Career, One Kill Per Day.

Furthermore, the Emitter ability Dragon Head Play used by Zeno was entirely in the form of an Eastern dragon, not to mention that the Zoldyck family even kept a living Eastern dragon at home.

What exactly the connection between the Zoldyck family and Chinese culture on Earth was, remains unknown.

The key here is that Luo doesn’t know he’s being watched, and this blame should be carried by Illumi, but Illumi didn’t expect even his grandfather to watch Luo’s matches, thinking at most his father would take notice.

Though the Zoldyck family usually operates on commissions, being watched is certainly not a good thing, and Luo, unaware of this, is spared a potential worry.

Knowing that Silva alone is much stronger than Antomu, not to mention Zeno, and above Zeno, there’s another old monster, that's the Zoldyck family for you – few in number, but formidable in individual combat capability.

Meanwhile, in the chairman's office of the Hunter Association, Bean stood in front of the desk, clutching a piece of paper, his expression one of utter despondence.

Documents were scattered at his feet, indicating he likely came to the office with a pile of files to find Chairman Netero but didn’t find him, instead discovering a note on the desk.

Then, he saw the note, and as if struck, he unconsciously let go of the documents, causing them to scatter all over.

The note read: I'm out to play.

At the end of the message, there was a doodle of an old man making a V-sign with his fingers.


Bean muttered resentfully.


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