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Chapter 258: Deathmatch

On the screen of a desktop computer, an opened email is displayed.

The sender’s name is unknown, and the content is just a number: 8.

Sanbica knows who sent this unsigned email and what this number represents.

She pursed her lips and then deleted the email.

Thirty minutes ago, the Hunter Association had sent her an email assigning her a task, and thirty minutes later, this email containing just a number arrived in her private inbox.

Two emails within thirty minutes with no apparent connection—the first was official business, while the latter seemed like spam.

However, the confidentiality of Sanbica's email address is very high, known only to a select few...

Moments later, Sanbica closed the email interface and looked back at the people in the room, hesitation apparent in her eyes.

In a few days, Luo will face a crucial battle, yet she must leave at such a moment. If Luo were to get injured, she wouldn’t be able to treat him.

"Just now, the Association sent down a task," Sanbica suddenly said to the people in the room.

Bisky quickly put down a magazine featuring handsome men and asked, "Is it urgent?"

Luo was about to face a tough fight and might get injured. Just at this moment, the Association had assigned Sanbica a task.

"Yes, I need to leave first thing in the morning," Sanbica nodded.

"There’s nothing we can do then," Bisky shook her head slightly. Without Sanbica, they would have to rely on the local medical services.

Luo interrupted Ms. Cookie’s massage, sat up straight, and looked at Sanbica, asking, "Do you need help?"

Sanbica shook her head. Truth be told, Luo’s abilities could indeed help her, and this task was slightly related to him.

However, Luo had his own important matters to attend to, so she couldn’t possibly ask him to come along.

Seeing that Sanbica didn’t need help, Luo nodded slightly, not saying much since it was a task assigned by the Association. He figured it must be related to a virus.

Just as Luo guessed, the task that would involve Sanbica naturally related to a virus, but he didn't expect that it would also be somewhat connected to him.

In a city in the southern part of the central inland region of the Yorbian Continent, a virus outbreak occurred without warning and spread rapidly.

The local government claimed it was "just the flu" and asserted that everything was under control. However, the truth was that they were unable to resolve the virus, which displayed symptoms that threatened both health and life, similar to the G2 virus, but with more severe effects.

Information about the G2 virus and its treatment methods had been uploaded by Sanbica to the database, yet the methods from the database were ineffective, and research confirmed that this virus was indeed related to G2.

Consequently, the nation entrusted this tricky matter to the Hunter Association and specifically requested Sanbica’s assistance.

The information obtained from the emails wasn’t much; Sanbica would only understand more once she entered the quarantine zone, and the situation seemed very urgent. She had to leave first thing the next morning.

Luo didn’t ask what the task was, so Sanbica didn’t say.

The next morning, Luo drove Sanbica to the airport.

"If you need help... just call me."

At the boarding gate, Luo gestured a telephone with his hand near his ear.

Sanbica smiled faintly, but her face mask hid it from Luo.

"I will."

She nodded, paused, and then said, "That match is very important, I hope you can win it without a scratch."

"Of course, I’ll win it easily," Luo said with a smile.

Winning without a scratch against Antomu was obviously unrealistic, but Luo confidently accepted the challenge, even though he knew injuries were inevitable.

"Well, I’m off then," Sanbica said.

"Go on," Luo responded.

Sanbica turned and walked into the boarding tunnel leading to the tarmac.

Her record at Heavens Arena was four wins and one loss—a record that would have been unrealistic a year ago, but after all, she had been with Bisky for a year, yet her direct combat experience and skills were still limited.

Luo watched as Sanbica boarded the airship, then turned and left the airport.

Outside, Bisky was waiting for him.

"Have you decided on the date?" Bisky asked.

Luo looked ahead, calmly stating, "The sooner, the better!"


Heavens Arena took each challenge match seriously, with countless benefits arising from them, and high-standard fights were something Heavens Arena welcomed.

After Luo submitted his challenge application, Heavens Arena didn’t immediately proceed to arrange the match but delayed it by five days.

During these

 five days before the match, Heavens Arena and reporters hyped up the event, steering the discussion into two opposing camps, creating a fiery situation.

Luo was a rising star, having quickly secured his right to challenge for the layer after ten victories. Antomu, on the other hand, was an old-timer at Heavens Arena. Before becoming a layer master, he had his share of wins and losses.

But ever since Antomu became a layer master, he had never lost.

Every layer master knew what losing meant—it meant having to return to the status of a challenger.

Even without this factor, no contestant likes losing a match.

The day before the match, Antomu finally agreed to an interview with the reporters. The reason he accepted the interview was to issue a challenge from afar.


He mentioned this term, displaying a determined killer intent, and even admitted that the three fingers he lost a year ago were caused by Luo.

The reporters got explosive news from Antomu and were almost too thrilled for words. On this day before the match, they recklessly exhausted their integrity with various shameless reports, not caring how much exaggeration or fabrication was involved. These reports were merely to pressure Luo into accepting the challenge of a deathmatch.

After all, Heavens Arena was a formal fighting venue, not an underground fistfighting ring. While it was normal for people to die in the ring, matches determined by a deathmatch were rare.

In regular matches, the death rate was very low, but when switched to a deathmatch mode, the death rate had to be one hundred percent.

If the reporters had known that Luo intended to initiate deathmatch mode from the start, they wouldn’t have needed to go through so much trouble.

A brutal fight where one must die was something many wanted to see.

With just one day left until the match, the potential audience's interest had been ignited by the unscrupulous reports from the reporters.

On the day of the match, the venue was unsurprisingly packed, and every place with a broadcast of the match was filled with people.

Fans of Antomu and fans of Luo were divided into two camps. Even before the match started, the atmosphere in the venue was highly charged.

Today’s match, the commentator, a young woman who always covered Luo's matches, was excited. Since Luo usually finished his matches quickly, leaving her no room to perform, but today was different...

Her opponent was layer master Antomu, and she believed that today, her professional commentary skills would have a proper environment to shine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting!"

The commentator injected unprecedented enthusiasm into her voice.

"Please welcome layer master Antomu to the stage!"

As her words fell, the burly Antomu emerged from the tunnel, stepping onto the platform, his massive fists adorned with dark-toned knuckle dusters!


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