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Chapter 257: Investigation and Discrepancies

Rather deal with the trouble now than have it become more troublesome later.

Behind the Heavens Arena, there's the support of the Hunter Association and the shadows of V5. Luo cannot be too reckless. To check the surveillance without leaving traces, he needs the help of Black Cat.

Luo hasn't retrieved the poison that Black Cat had swallowed. Taking Black Cat back into the passageway, before the audience had exited, he had Black Cat slightly transform.

Then, Luo took Black Cat to the area near the surveillance room, letting Black Cat act alone, while he himself took the elevator downstairs.

After Black Cat began to move alone, it acted just like a domestic cat, leisurely walking through the corridor.

Upon reaching the area outside the surveillance room, it paced around a few times to pinpoint the cameras, then began its move.

The method was simple: destroy the cameras, then morph into smoke to invade the surveillance room, delivering the sea slug's poison into the bodies of the employees sitting inside.

The employees had no idea what happened and just fell to the ground, unconscious.

The surveillance room, dimly lit, had screens flickering with white light lined up.

A uniformed employee slumped beside a chair, and a black cat squatted on the chair, its silver eyes gleaming with interest, which looked rather eerie up close.

After a moment, the floor of the surveillance room, like a sewer manhole cover, was suddenly flipped open, and a person sprang out from below.

"Too slow."

Black Cat exuded an air of an ace agent, glancing sideways at Luo with a tone mixed with a trace of disappointment, but the next second, its tone shifted.

It was eager, unable to wait to ask, "What's next?"

Luo ignored Black Cat, rushing to the surveillance screens, fumbling like a toddler learning to walk, trying to figure out how to operate it.

All the employees had been poisoned by the sea slug, not deadly, but it would keep them asleep for a long time, so Luo could afford to fumble around.

It took him about half an hour to get the hang of it, thankfully the surveillance controls were not complicated.

He found the surveillance footage of the exit outside the passageway, rewound the time, and called up the image.

In the footage, Hisoka lay on a stretcher, carried by two employees, while a middle-aged man in a black shirt walked in front.

Zooming in on the camera, Hisoka's eyes were tightly closed, presumably unconscious, and the two employees' movements were slightly odd, but they moved quickly.

It looked like they were walking, but their speed was like running.

"It's him..."

Luo's expression changed slightly, following these four individuals' movements, gradually pulling up surveillance footage, discovering Hisoka wasn't taken back to the medical room but instead took the elevator straight down to the first floor and then out of the Heavens Arena.

Luo didn't recognize the middle-aged man in the black shirt, but he recognized the pearl-headed pins stuck in his head and face, which were Illumi's Nen abilities.

From the walking motions, the two employees had become Pin-Men, while the middle-aged man's walking was normal, his face also had pearl-headed pins, but he was not a Pin-Man.

This appearance was obviously Illumi after using pearl-headed pins and Nen to disguise himself.

Luo wasn't very concerned about Illumi's appearance here.

After figuring out Hisoka's whereabouts, he reset the surveillance footage back to normal, casually checked the location of Machi and the others, who were still waiting for him at the rendezvous point.

Silently apologizing in his mind, he then gestured to Black Cat to retreat, controlling the circular cutout of the floor, jumping down to the lower level while using his ability to restore the cutout to its original state.

It took some effort to review the surveillance footage, learning that Hisoka had been taken away by Illumi. Considering the timing was too late, he had to give up.

Luo really hadn't expected Hisoka to make such preparations, nor could he understand what Hisoka was thinking in his head, just hoping that this painful lesson would make Hisoka more sensible and stop troubling him in the future.

"Is this it?" Black Cat reverted to its original form, sitting on Luo's shoulder, clearly unsatisfied.

"Let's go back."

In the empty room, Luo raised his right hand, signaling for Black Cat to return to the back of his hand.

"Tch, don't forget to prepare a full Manchu feast for me tonight!" Black Cat dropped a word before shrinking into Luo's hand, turning into a cool silver flame tattoo.

What he referred to as a full Manchu feast was merely about the quantity of food for dinner, not a real Manchu feast, and indeed, a

 hundred dishes might not be enough for him.

Luo left the room, heading towards the rendezvous point to meet up with Machi and the others, inevitably getting some teasing.

Having made Machi and the others wait for over forty minutes, even though he was showered with various toilet-related teasing words, Luo could only take it in stride.

After the meetup, the group went out to raid the food street again, returning to the room in the Heavens Arena only when night fell, starting their routine Nen ability training.

The longer they interacted, the more Uvogin and the others gradually noticed the more formidable aspects of Biscuit, and Luo's rapidly increasing strength was obviously Biscuit's doing.

They too wished to receive teaching from Biscuit, but she ruthlessly refused them, with a very blunt reason: no time.

For this, Luo was helpless. After his battle with Antomu ended, Biscuit would leave immediately.

Luo knew well, whether it was Uvogin or Hisoka, they were all in the process of growing, and even without his interference, in ten years, they would become top Nen users.

It was clear that Uvogin and the others earnestly wished to grow stronger, but Luo didn't plead on their behalf. He knew Biscuit well; even if he relied on their relationship to intercede, it would be utterly ineffective.

Whether she wanted to teach depended on Biscuit's own mood and decision, not even Chairman Netero could persuade her, let alone Luo.

That night, after the routine training, Luo took a hot shower and then enjoyed a massage from Ms. Cookie.

Biscuit sat on the sofa flipping through a handsome men's magazine, Buhara got hungry again and went out for food.

Sanbica occupied the room's computer, diligently devoted to her work, while Black Cat grabbed a huge stash of snacks, munching away while watching TV.

Uvogin and Nobunaga made plans to go to a bar for drinks, while Machi squatted by the bed, studying Ms. Cookie's massage techniques, she found out that when the strength is increased tenfold, the massage techniques could cause the bones in various places to be dislocated.

After discovering this, she brought it up.

Startled by the massage he was enjoying, Luo immediately inquired whether it was true from Ms. Cookie.

Hearing Luo's words, Ms. Cookie still maintained her perennially unchanging smile, which usually seemed comfortable, but Luo found it rather terrifying this time.

On the sofa, Biscuit moved the magazine she was holding in front of her face down, glanced at the casually frolicking Luo, thinking to herself that Luo was not nervous at all, even though his battle with Antomu was imminent.

Of course, being relaxed was a good thing, being able to be so laid back before a match was also a good sign.

The atmosphere in the room was harmonious and relaxed, but everyone failed to notice that Sanbica, sitting in front of the computer, gradually looked increasingly uneasy.


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