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Chapter 575: No God Can Escape Our Control!

News about a large plane instantly moved the gods within the Pantheon, with the gods of thunder and war undoubtedly being the most stirred.

Thousands of years ago, he had become a deity of great divine power by capturing over a dozen planes, just one step shy of forming his own pantheon. If he could completely control this large plane, it might provide the chance for his ascension!

"Lord Moragrus!" At this moment, the gods of harvest and fertility stepped forward and spoke. "According to the intelligence I received, the native of the plane who stole the lunar divinity has assassinated the master of the undead and then resealed the connection to the main world, escaping into the endless void."

This meant that it was difficult for them to locate the existence of the lunar domain.

No one knows how vast the endless void is or how many unknown worlds it contains, as even with divine power, it would take tens of thousands of years to reach the end!

This undoubtedly posed a problem.

"No god can escape our control..." Lord Moragrus spoke, and instantly it seemed as if countless voices echoed simultaneously within the Pantheon.

The power that shook the void and the meaning within the words made the faces of the gods present change slightly, serving both as an explanation and a warning! The god of thunder and war undoubtedly looked the most upset, but under the envelopment of divine light, no emotion was visible.

Lord Moragrus spoke again, in an unquestionable tone. "Go back and prepare, everyone. When the second primary star crosses the sky, I will open the spacetime gate to the lunar domain!"

"The fall of the lord of the undead has left the ownership of those divine realms, and this war will decide it!"

"I obey your will, Lord Moragrus!" The god of harvest and fertility was the first to verbally agree.

She understood that once Lord Moragrus knew of the existence of this large plane, the possibility of monopolizing it was gone. Instead, it was more practical to achieve enough merit to incorporate several former realms of death into her domain.

Not all gods shared the ambition of the god of thunder and war, who sought control over one or two planes to enhance their own strength, which was quite commendable.

After receiving the gods' promises, Lord Moragrus quickly departed, and the shaking void returned to calm.

The god of thunder and war was the first to retract his projected power, followed by more and more gods leaving to prepare for the upcoming war.

The god of life and creation was no exception. He had previously been reluctant to get involved because he knew that even if he took over the domain of the lord of the undead, he lacked the strength to keep it.

Now, with Lord Moragrus's permission, there was no longer any need to worry about a divine war breaking out again.

In his contemplation, the god of life and creation couldn't help but recall the rumor that the chief god seemed unable to easily leave the main world, which might be why they, the gods, existed—to conquer new planes... as pioneers!


At this very moment, in the vast universe, an unknown galaxy, the second spiral arm, the Eternal Star, within the Magic Kingdom.

Raphael, Arad, Geoffrey, Dennis, and Sanchez, who had made outstanding contributions in destroying the church and the last war with another realm, gathered in the underground of the City of Fire Oil, in front of the Sun Forge, anxiously preparing for their ascension!

After more than a year of preparation, the reserves of deuterium and tritium were sufficient for fifty people to complete the legendary ascension ceremony.

Quantum mechanics, however, was really challenging—this year, over thirty great wizards took the quantum exam, and only five succeeded!

Although they were mentally prepared, standing in front of the Sun Forge still made Raphael and the others somewhat nervous, especially since two six-ring great wizards had died during the last ascension, with only Anthony completing the ceremony.

"Let me go first!" Geoffrey took a deep breath and was the first to step onto the high platform engraved with countless alchemical runes. After connecting to the magical network, he signaled the council members to begin.

Victorio immediately initiated the ascension ceremony. The normally stable Sun Forge suddenly exploded, its size expanding exponentially in an instant. A massive amount of energy was manifested in the form of thunder, pouring into Geoffrey's body along with the runes.

With the massive computational power provided by the magical network, Geoffrey could clearly feel his body being torn apart and incinerated by the violent electric current, and then his soul was left unprotected!

The key to ascending to legend was to reshape the body, creating a form of magic and energy that surpassed the limits of a human body. This process was excruciating, and the pain was not something ordinary people could endure.

Geoffrey, of course, was not overwhelmed by mere pain, but witnessing two great wizards perish under the fierce

 thunder had left him with a significant psychological shadow.

A shiver originating from his soul suddenly took over his mind, and the flesh, bones, and organs that had quietly formed because of a moment's distraction suddenly disintegrated.

Seeing the originally smooth ascension ceremony suddenly go awry, everyone present was extremely nervous.

A failed ascension could mean death, and it would also mean a delay in restarting the legendary ascension ceremony.

After all, one failure could affect the mindset of others like Raphael, causing a chain reaction.

Just then, Lynn intervened, and the raging thunder and surging elements all froze at that moment.

Geoffrey, who was resigned to his fate and waiting for death, suddenly found the intense soul-deep pain disappear, and the surrounding violent thunder seemed to freeze beside him.

No, Geoffrey soon realized that time had not completely stopped but had slowed down hundreds of times; the current was still flowing, just much slower.

"What are you waiting for, Master Geoffrey?" Lynn asked, puzzled.

Geoffrey then recovered from his astonishment and quickly reactivated the spell [Body Reformation]. The previously violent energy became incredibly gentle, and without much resistance, he completed the ascension ceremony.

"Congratulations on your ascension to legendary wizard!" Lynn said, patting his shoulder.

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Councilor Lynn!" Geoffrey said with immense relief, having thought for a moment that his soul was about to be extinguished.

"Is it my turn now?" Raphael said eagerly.

Knowing that even a mistake would have someone to back him up, Raphael's anxiety was completely alleviated, and his ascension went very smoothly without any incidents.

Then it was Dennis, Arad, and Sanchez... Although they suffered a lot, they ultimately made it through.

This made Geoffrey quite embarrassed.

Lynn did not intervene again throughout the process. In fact, with his current power, it was not a problem to forcibly create a few legends, but without penetrating quantum mechanics, even if the ascension was completed, it would still be a pseudo-legend, unable to unleash much power or have much potential for further ascension.

Moreover, the pain brought by the ascension ceremony was not without benefits. In addition to physical reshaping, the spirit at the limit of a six-ring wizard would also undergo transformation under the baptism of thunder and energy!

Suddenly, the council had five more legends, significantly boosting their high-end power. Lynn was naturally very satisfied, which meant that their production of special alloys would be more than doubled!

During the time they prepared for the ascension ceremony, Victorio and others had already completed further modifications to the spacecraft, and the development of the Annihilation Cannon had been successful. After initial tests, this weapon was ready to join the battle.

So Lynn instructed the council to build two more galaxy-class warships, keeping the exterior as similar as possible to the ones they had intercepted!

Time had once been their most scarce resource, but now it was their biggest advantage over the so-called main world's heralds of the stars!

After all, the difference in time flow speed was sevenfold, allowing them to prepare more comfortably for either offense or defense.

"I think there's actually no need to completely mimic that alien spaceship, at least not in terms of appearance," Victorio said reassuringly.

According to the experiments these days, a circular shape does not have any advantages in space travel, at least not for curvature engines.

Victorio had tested it with a model at a scale of one to ten thousand, and it didn't help at all. On the contrary, a diamond-shaped spacecraft could increase the speed by about ten percent just by changing the shape!

This was already quite terrifying. After further optimizations, the spacecraft's maximum speed had nearly reached one-third of the speed of light, and even a ten percent increase was a significant figure!

"Sometimes we need to consider not only tactical victories but also strategic changes that can influence the course of a war," Lynn explained with a smile.

Victorio raised his eyebrows, pondering what Lynn meant by strategic changes. Surely he wasn't planning on using the shape to make the enemy think they were friendly forces and then suddenly attack?

That seemed a bit far-fetched!

Lynn didn't elaborate further, simply instructing directly. "For now, the second and third starships will be made exactly like the one we captured. After that, we can use our own designs!"


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