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Chapter 574: The Assembly of Gods

In the dead of night, within the main world, a grand temple of the God of Life and Creation floated above the City in the Sky.

The chief priest of the Yawar people, Rupert, was devoutly praying, and his prayers were quickly answered by the gods.

Above the temple, a vast rift appeared in the sky, followed by a brilliant beam of light descending from above, illuminating the dim City in the Sky.

This beam was not just a mere light but a manifestation of divine life force, a type of energy perfectly absorbable by all living beings.

On the ground, plants surged in growth and flowers bloomed in abundance, while trees, wilted from seasonal changes, sprouted new buds once more.

The Yawar people, marked by scars and sickness from labor and battle, felt their wounds heal and their ailments vanish...

For some gods, their very descent was a blessing! "Praise be to You, great God of Life and Creation!" "You are the father of all beings, praise be to You, who spreads the grace of the gods to every corner of the earth!"

The entire city's Yawar populace knelt down, thanking the gods for their gifts, and Chief Priest Rupert, overwhelmed with reverence, also knelt and revealed the reason for his prayerful summoning.

"Great Lord, according to our divinations and explorations, it seems there has been a significant upheaval in the necrotic realms at the edge of the world..."

"Indeed, the Lord of Death has fallen!"

A deep, resonant, gender-indeterminate voice boomed above.

For higher-dimensional beings, gender is of little consequence.

Upon hearing this news, Chief Priest Rupert was both delighted and horrified.

Delighted because the Lord of Necrosis and the great God of Life and Creation had their conflicts, even to the extent of possibly sparking a divine war, and now a threat had been removed.

Yet horrified that a god of death, nearly equal in power to the great Lord, could also fall!

Though his emotions were mixed, Rupert quickly regained composure and urgently inquired, "Great Lord, should we do anything?"

This was undoubtedly an opportune moment to kick an enemy while down, especially with the Lord of Necrosis's domain now leaderless and within reach...

"No, there is nothing to be done!" The voice of the God of Life and Creation thundered again, dismissing Rupert's thoughts.

The bait was indeed tempting, but the risks were not trivial...

After all, this god knew that many deities were aware of this situation, and even a chief deity had taken notice, clearly understanding that getting involved in this conflict might not yield much benefit.

Though the God of Life and Creation offered no explanation, His decree was supreme, and Chief Priest Rupert immediately responded, "I will obey Your will, great Lord!"

The God of Life and Creation was immensely pleased, and a boundless light poured into Rupert, swiftly merging into his being.

"Thank you for Your blessing, great Lord!" Rupert exclaimed excitedly.

"There may soon be a new divine war; do not get involved, nor do anything unnecessary..." The God of Life and Creation instructed once more before His voice was abruptly cut off.

He had felt a summoning, from a chief deity!

It seemed there were new developments, unexpected even to Him.

The God of Life and Creation hesitated for a moment, soothed the high priest with a few words, and then the light that had descended on the City in the Sky quickly receded.

It seemed He had no choice but to involve Himself in this matter.


The Pantheon, standing in the rift between the main world and the endless void, is a place beyond the concept of time, where the assembly of gods convenes.

Except for the summoning of a chief deity, gods typically had little desire to descend here.

And the last time He had come here was seven hundred years ago!

Upon arriving, the God of Life and Creation assumed the form of a Yawar person.

Gods do not have a fixed form, but for ease of action and to gather faith, they usually appear as they did before becoming gods or as their followers imagine them.

This time, the summoning by the chief deity was clearly not only for Him as the God of Life and Creation felt no less than forty powerful presences upon entering the great hall.

In the deepest part of the hall, a vast shadow emerged in the void, its true face obscured, exuding a terrifying presence that seemed to distort and twist the surrounding space-time, unable to withstand His descent.

The only thing the God of Life and Creation could see was a strange symbol on the forehead of this chief deity, resembling an eye.

"Your Grace, Morlagus!" the God of Life and Creation respectfully saluted.

The chief deity Morlagus in the Pantheon, without any pretense of civility, looked towards the gathered deities and stated bluntly, "The Lord of Nec

rosis, Danatus, has fallen!"

This news was not unexpected; the turmoil in the necrotic realms was already well known.

The scramble for the 'inheritance' left by the Lord of Necrosis had already begun, with many gods eyeing the leaderless domains. No one dared to make a move hastily, merely sending their followers to probe the necrotic realms.

Now, with Chief Deity Morlagus suddenly calling them together, many deities were concerned that their plans to seize the domains of the God of Death might be impacted.

The God of Life and Creation was also deeply puzzled; he had no particular interest in the 'inheritance' left by the Lord of Necrosis, as typically, chief deities would not interfere with the ownership of realms.

This time seemed to be an exception...

Chief Deity Morlagus was indifferent to the minor thoughts swirling in the minds of the gods. As divine power surged, the chaotic, twisted space within the hall suddenly split open, revealing a dark portal that led directly to the necrotic realms.

In the next moment, ripples appeared in the distorted space-time, and a summoned Stitched Sovereign stepped out from the twisted space-time door.

Its form was even stranger than the twisted space, appearing as if it were composed of numerous different corpses, with a long dragon tail for a left arm and a scythe-like sharp claw for a right hand, its body exceeding seventy meters in size!

Yet, compared to its enormous body, the Stitched Sovereign's movements were exceedingly cautious, as if afraid its ugliness and filth would desecrate the sacred hall.

As a being of the ninth ring of legend, it had undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of the mundane, but the Stitched Sovereign was acutely aware that any one of the gods in the hall could crush it with a mere flick of a finger.

Thus, its movements were extremely restrained; upon entering the hall, it immediately and unhesitatingly prostrated itself, though its short legs made this gesture somewhat comical.

"Reporting to the great chief deity, my lord Danatus met with an accident while conquering a new realm, and this was related to the departure of the Moon Deity from the main world..." The summoned Stitched Sovereign was very clear on why the high and mighty deities had summoned it, so it hurriedly relayed everything it knew.

From the reasons why the Lord of Necrosis sought the Moon Deity Diana's departure from the main world to dispatching the great lich Cecil to probe the Moon Deity's realm, to discovering a new realm, its explanation was incredibly detailed.

"That new Moon Deity remained hidden within the godly realm, not making a move until the Lord of Necrosis opened a portal between two worlds and ventured into the new realm, whereupon she suddenly struck, completely sealing off the space-time channel..."

What happened next, the Stitched Sovereign was not clear, as it had not witnessed the fall of the Lord of Necrosis firsthand. However, the necromancers who had remained in the Moon Deity's realm suffered a massacre, with barely one in ten managing to escape back to the necrotic realms. If not for its good fortune, it would likely have been reduced to dust by now!

Hearing that the Lord of Necrosis had died in such a pitiful manner elicited some schadenfreude from several deities who had been at odds with him. They had previously thought that their adversary had encountered a powerful foe and had no chance to escape, but it now appeared that he had merely been foolishly outmaneuvered.

The God of Life and Creation, however, did not share this sentiment. There had been cases in the past where deities had suffered setbacks while capturing new realms; after all, leaving one's godly realm meant significantly reduced combat power. But now, two deities had fallen in succession in foreign realms, which could not be ignored.

The Lord of Necrosis might be said to have been caught off guard and ambushed, but the Moon Deity had not only died; her divinity had been stolen. This new realm clearly was not as simple as it seemed.

The God of Life and Creation pondered as he listened to the Stitched Sovereign once again drop a bombshell. "Great chief deity, my lord Danatus had once mentioned that the realm discovered by the Moon Deity Diana was likely a large-scale realm."

This statement immediately ignited a flicker of intense interest in the eyes of the assembled deities, the God of Life and Creation included. Such a large-scale realm represented too much for any ambitious deity to ignore.

A large-scale realm meant a plethora of complete laws and a massive amount of energy. If one could fully control it, one might even have hopes of ascending to the position of a chief deity!

No wonder the Moon Deity had abruptly isolated her realm from the main world.

He had initially thought she was fleeing from the Lord of Necrosis's threat of divine

 war, seeking survival by this means. Now, it seemed she had done so to monopolize this large-scale realm.

Even the rumors might have been deliberately spread by Diana herself.

The consecutive falls of two deities were no longer surprising; a large-scale realm could give rise to some incredibly powerful beings.

The God of Life and Creation quickly quelled the desire arising within him, realizing that this large-scale realm was clearly being eyed by Chief Deity Morlagus. This was likely the reason he had summoned them...


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