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Chapter 569: Lynn: We Need to Build Our Own Faster-Than-Light Spaceship!

What's the most crucial aspect of a spaceship? Naturally, it's the propulsion system!

After all, when traveling through the endless void of space, speed is a critical element—how fast and how far you can travel remains one of the most important metrics for measuring a spaceship.

However, this area also seems to be the most severely damaged, suggesting that the ship's downfall is related to this...

In fact, Lynn found many wreckage parts beneath the moon's rocky layers, which he brought back, although by shape and size, they didn't quite match the damaged parts of this spaceship.

This likely means that more than one spaceship reached the moon, but the others were completely destroyed, erased on a microscopic level, probably by some sort of divine magic similar to the "Skyfall" spell, leaving only what seems to be the main ship's hull intact.

Fortunately, despite the severe damage, Lynn and his team have made numerous discoveries, such as a powerful magnetic field restraint device that could still sense strong energy fluctuations.

"Is this a nuclear fusion device?" Victorio suddenly became interested, as this was the only thing he could understand.

"No, more precisely, it should be an anti-hydrogen fusion device," Lynn explained.


This novel concept surprised Harof and others, and Lynn quickly explained. Antimatter, like a mirror image of matter, is identical in every aspect except that it has opposite properties.

Since normal elements can undergo fusion, combining into heavier elements and changing their places in the periodic table, the same is true for antimatter.

"Then, couldn't we use anti-uranium-235 to cast 'Skyfall'?" Anthony, whose imagination was running wild, said.

"Of course, that's no problem!" Lynn nodded and continued. "But it's somewhat pointless. The power of an anti-'Skyfall' is strong, but much weaker compared to the energy released from direct matter-antimatter annihilation!"

This device was likely used to produce larger masses of antimatter, just as they could in a normal fusion reactor where isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium, combine into helium, which then fuses into carbon.

Capturing and creating heavier antimatter isn't easy, so during his battle with the Necromancer, Lynn used anti-hydrogen or even anti-electrons.

He guessed there was originally a normal hydrogen fusion reactor here, synthesizing heavier elements while continuously using the matter-antimatter annihilation effect to generate enormous energy to power the spaceship.

"It's an unimaginable masterpiece..." Victorio couldn't help but marvel after listening to Lynn.

A fusion reactor entirely composed of antimatter—he couldn't even begin to imagine what that would be like.

Maybe it could be called an anti-sun reactor?

What would happen if this thing collided with a real sun? Thinking of this, Victorio shuddered.

Harof and Anthony were equally amazed and apprehensive.

Lynn, on the other hand, was relieved. Antimatter, though powerful, was still within his understanding, which was good news for him, proving that the technological gap between them wasn't as vast as anticipated.

In his own time, the Federation was also working on anti-fusion reactors, with plenty of records and even design blueprints in the brain-computer's database.

From an energy acquisition standpoint, this star system's civilization had a higher level of technology, but not enough to crush the Federation by several tiers.

It was like a civilization still in the midst of its first Industrial Revolution encountering the Western European powers at the end of World War I. The technological gap was significant, but there was hope of catching up.

If the other side used quantum tides or dark matter and dark energy as propulsion sources, then their only option would be to surrender.

Lynn was pondering this when Aurora's voice suddenly called out.

"Come over here and look at this!"

The group immediately turned their heads. Aurora was standing in front of a damaged device, speaking puzzledly.

Inside the device was a rotating, flashing red energy sphere.

"Could this thing still be operating?" Anthony exclaimed in surprise. From their entry into the spaceship, everything they had seen seemed to have been destroyed or fallen silent due to the loss of power supply. Discovering a device that was still operating was utterly astonishing.

Lynn carefully observed for a moment, then placed his hand on the device. After several minutes of investigation, he suddenly acted, and a burst of intense magical power erupted within the spaceship.

Harof and the others looked at Lynn, who had just exploded into action, in shock and confusion. The red light inside the device began to tremble violently, flashed brightly after about five seconds, and then completely disappeared from sight.

And in Lynn's hand appeared a phantom bottle, with a red dot constantly circling inside it.

"Is there some new discovery? What is this thing?" Victorio quickly


"This might be a quantum communication device!" Lynn said with a serious expression.

Quantum communication involves using quantum superposition and entanglement effects to transmit information. Because it operates through higher-dimensional links, it can even communicate faster than light, making it a convenient method for communicating across cosmic scales.

At that instant, Lynn also used this higher-dimensional contact to locate the other party's position.

"I've detected several locations, the nearest one is about tens of light years away..." Lynn spoke thoughtfully, his feeling very vague, possibly with some delay or error.

Upon hearing this, Harof and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Tens of light years away meant it was incredibly distant, requiring decades even at the speed of light...

This meant they still had plenty of time.

However, Lynn continued. "They are approaching very quickly... We cannot rule out that the opponent possesses the ability to traverse space, much like a space-time gate."

Harof and the others, who had just relaxed, tensed up again, looking at Lynn speechlessly, almost wishing he had just stated the worst possibility from the start.

"Regardless, we must quickly build our own light-speed, even faster-than-light spaceship!" Lynn stated decisively.


In the months following Lynn's bold declaration, all the high-ranking alchemists in the council devoted themselves to researching the disc-shaped spaceship.

Thanks to the power and mystery of magic, even though the opposing civilization's technological level far surpassed theirs, using material deconstruction techniques to analyze and reassemble still yielded plenty of useful findings.

Every few days brought a new discovery.

New elements, new materials, new technologies—each one was exhilarating enough to earn a Morning Star or even a Silver Moon medal! Lynn even gave everyone a crash course in quantum mechanics, using divine magic to instill the knowledge, whether they could learn it or not.

This was akin to forcibly speeding up their growth, causing Raphael and a host of grand wizards to suffer headaches from the overload, but it was somewhat useful nonetheless.

Also, their primary goal wasn't to start from scratch but to modify the relatively intact spaceship, accumulating some experience first.

The spaceship was still mostly intact, with its weapons and various technologies ready to use, rivaling the power of a god.

If they could produce a hundred such spaceships, then they would have the capital to wage a full-scale war against the main world!

However, because the power and energy area was severely damaged, figuring out how to make this behemoth, weighing millions of tons, fly and even achieve the speed necessary for space travel became the most headache-inducing issue for Harof and the others.

"Why don't we use electromagnetic propulsion?" suggested Anthony, looking at the pondering alchemists in the Dead Zone's research institute.

Using an electromagnetic field to accelerate an internal conductor was a common method of increasing speed, but its potential was tremendous!

For instance, the high-speed particle collider Lynn created could accelerate protons to one-fifth the speed of light, and that wasn't even the limit. As long as there was enough energy, it could almost infinitely approach the speed of light!

"But how much energy would that consume?" a grand wizard furrowed his brow. They could accelerate protons to an incredible speed because they were so small. According to Lynn's formula for relative mass and velocity, the energy required would be astronomically high.

"We could completely use the planet's magnetic field to provide power!" Anthony explained again. Lynn's method of dealing with the Necromancer gave him much inspiration. They could use the planet as a magnet, setting up a super-large strong magnetic field, with the spaceship continuously speeding up around the planet,

the principle being similar to that of a particle collider, only with the magnet and conductor expanded by more than a billion times!

"That's actually a good idea!" Harof mused, nodding his head, and immediately began discussing the possibilities of a planetary accelerator with Aurora, Victorio, and a dozen electromagnetism-expert grand wizards.

And Dennis even proposed a new idea: using the energy wave produced by an antimatter explosion as propulsion!

This idea made all the wizards present break out in a cold sweat. Dennis' idea was not just wildly imaginative but could be described as madness, but they had to admit it was feasible—if they could find a material that could withstand an antimatter explosion...

"Anyway, we can start with nuclear explosions!" Dennis said excitedly, ready to make a big impact, then turned his head to look at Lynn, sitting in the main seat, hoping to win the approval of this star of magic, no, now the god of magic!

But Lynn paid no attention to their discussions, busy drawing on a piece of paper, occasionally frowning in thought.

About three minutes later, Lynn suddenly stopped his handiwork, clapped his hands to draw everyone's attention, and spoke succinctly.

"Actually, about the propulsion system of the spaceship, I already have some ideas..."

"I call it the curvature engine!"


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