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Chapter 570: Curvature Engine, Concept for a Faster-Than-Light Spaceship!

“Curvature... engine?!”

The assembled wizards were momentarily stunned, then began to ponder what exactly this so-called curvature engine was.

Lynn didn’t immediately explain, but instead turned to the two who had just spoken, saying, “Master Dennis and Speaker Anthony, your ideas are both insightful and indeed feasible, but there are also numerous problems…”

Firstly, there was Anthony’s electromagnetic acceleration method!

It must be said that this was a fascinating idea, using a strong magnetic field's Coulomb force to continuously propel the spaceship, much like the strong magnetic field tunnels in particle colliders. With each orbit, the spaceship’s speed would increase by one grade…

However, the closer you get to the speed of light, the more terrifying the energy consumption becomes. Even if Lynn personally constructed a giant electromagnetic accelerator using the sun as a magnet, it could at best accelerate the spaceship to one-tenth the speed of light.

While that was certainly fast, it still fell short of meeting the demands of interstellar travel.

Most importantly, accelerating and decelerating the spaceship became a major issue; they couldn’t always wait for the spaceship to orbit around the sun hundreds of times for each journey—if so, the enemy would have attacked long before.

Dennis’s method was even simpler, much like the previous explosive propulsion devices. Using the energy waves produced by nuclear or antimatter explosions was indeed capable of increasing the spaceship’s speed to a terrifying degree.

But where to find materials that could continuously withstand hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature and extreme pressure was a currently unsolvable problem, especially since even the material from their intercepted spaceship hulls couldn’t last long under an 【Antimatter Sword】.

Under Lynn’s explanations and analysis, the likes of Harof who were about to agree to these two proposals immediately became hesitant. Dennis and Anthony also frowned deeply, aware of these drawbacks, but these were the most reliable methods they could think of.

“What kind of propulsion does your curvature engine use?” Dennis asked thoughtfully.

“Curvature…” This was a term from advanced mathematics, typically referring to the degree to which a curve deviates from being straight, commonly seen in differential equations.

Harof and Victorio vaguely thought of something.

“Do you remember how Aila achieved super high speeds during our battle against her?” Lynn asked with a smile.

Aila’s speed wasn’t much faster than theirs, but it felt “incredibly fast” because she altered the curvature of space, bringing distances closer!

Being able to directly manipulate spacetime with magic and mental power was their greatest technological advantage over traditional scientific civilizations!

Lynn still had considerable authority in this area; the technological level of his previous life’s federation had already met the minimum requirements of a stellar civilization, at least several levels above theirs, yet they were still struggling to find a truly stable, controllable source of gravity, let alone managing spacetime manipulation to the extent wizards could!

If used well, there might be a chance to overtake others on the curve!

“Moreover, I believe the potential of the curvature engine is very high, it’s the only method I can think of that could surpass light speed!” Lynn stated emphatically.

Since they were dealing with spaceships, they should naturally choose the most promising propulsion device!

And the council’s resources were limited, and their time was even scarcer, only enough to focus on one direction!

“But I remember you said that the speed of light is the upper limit of this universe…” a senior wizard interjected anxiously.

He had always found this theory somewhat implausible, especially the concept that the faster you go, the slower time flows, even to the point of stopping at light speed, which was absurd. So upon hearing Lynn mention surpassing light speed, he immediately became excited.

Either quantum theory was wrong, or this curvature engine was not reliable!

“The so-called unattainability of light speed is based on the properties of three-dimensional space itself; any object with mass can at most approach sublight speed, but the curvature engine is different…” Lynn replied with a smile.

To help everyone clearly understand, Lynn lightly tapped on the round table with his finger, and the next moment, the wooden table became as malleable as putty.

“Let’s assume this is the spaceship…” Lynn formed a ten-centimeter model of a spaceship using elemental magic, and had it move forward at one centimeter per second.

When the spaceship model reached halfway, Lynn tapped his finger again, and the speed of the spaceship suddenly increased more than tenfold!

All present were senior wizards, and they could see that the spaceship’s speed hadn’t changed at all; it was the table that had altered.

The space in front was compressed, while the space behind was stretched, pushing the spaceship forward at a high speed.

“Brilliant!” Dennis clapped his hands in admiration. The curvature engine did not directly increase speed, but rather, it shortened the travel distance, its real

 speed still not exceeding the speed of light!

In other words, it was the space that moved, not the spaceship itself!

This was the most irrational part of the curvature engine!

After Lynn finished explaining the design principles of the curvature engine, the focus of the discussion quickly shifted to how to implement curvature propulsion.

As the saying goes, two heads are better than one, and this was why Lynn brought up the discussion; often, inspiration suddenly springs from the mind.

For example, Harof suggested that perhaps they didn’t need to build any engine at all; they could directly use a wizard’s domain to achieve this, which would be both convenient and fast…

However, creating such a strong gravitational field would require at least several legendary wizards to take action.

“Let’s go with a two-pronged approach, it’s best to achieve it through alchemical means, otherwise relying solely on a wizard’s magic power would be insufficient for long-distance travel,” Lynn advised.

Victorio nodded, having listened to Lynn’s ideas about the curvature engine, he already had a rough plan in mind and immediately began discussing it with everyone.

This discussion lasted a full week, and the blueprints for the curvature engine that Lynn had brought out were completely transformed thereafter; they then began work on retrofitting the entire spaceship.

This was undoubtedly a major project, and even with a hundred senior wizards working together, it would take at least half a year to complete.

Lynn did not devote all his energy here, as he also needed to research another topic—the establishment of a spacetime gate!

Whether it was the Moon Goddess Diana or the Master of the Undead, both possessed this ability seen as highly advanced by scientific civilizations, capable of long-distance spacetime jumps.

After some time researching, Lynn had some ideas, starting with the positioning problem of the two spacetime gates, which involved the entanglement of micro-particles at a high-dimensional level, an extension of quantum communication technology.

Then came the most important issue—how to open a spacetime tunnel.

The Master of the Undead had opened a gate in front of him once, and it might even have been a spacetime node across different universes, likely using all the energy released by the soul of a ninth-ring legendary wizard!

However, they clearly didn’t have so many legendary wizards to sacrifice, not to mention that the council didn’t have a single ninth-ring legend at the moment, and even sacrificing Harof and others might not be enough to open the gate.

Lynn then turned his attention to antimatter annihilation. In this universe, only extremely high speeds, extremely large masses, and extremely strong energies can significantly affect spacetime!

Of course, these three are also essentially the same thing!

When he faced off against the Master of the Undead previously, the final antimatter cannon shot even broke the vacuum, triggering a quantum tide.

Using quantum entanglement effects as a positioning method, could colliding two supermassive matter and antimatter particles instantaneously twist spacetime to connect to a higher-dimensional level?

Magic power was also important, as the annihilation of large mass particles couldn’t continue indefinitely, so they needed to use magic power that could directly affect the spacetime interval to stabilize the channel.

In the following months, the first phase of the kingdom’s major construction was essentially completed, and the second and third phases of construction were also put on the agenda. Fortunately, after three years of preliminary study, the students from the civilian academy had also graduated, and with the connection to the magic network, suddenly an additional 30,000 wizards were available, greatly alleviating the labor shortage.

For the kingdom’s civilians, life was changing at a visibly rapid pace, filled with enthusiasm, and various novel creations were emerging one after another, making trade extremely active.

Only the senior wizard council members could understand the threats from beyond the spacetime gates and the universe.

The promotion ceremony for legendary wizards had also been restarted, and Lynn personally issued a thousand quantum mechanics questions. Those who could successfully answer them had the qualifications to be promoted.

This way, even if the promotion failed, they wouldn’t end up completely destroyed.

Harof, Victorio, and others frequently used the magic network to feel the high-dimensional spacetime, and they were not far from breaking through to become eighth-ring legendary wizards.

Aurora, based on her analysis of the instruments on the spaceship, came up with a magic projection device that could record the movements of mimic elements within a certain area and store this information in a special container, which could be activated to reproduce the scene.

After Lynn received the report on this spell, he was very interested—it was like a magic version of a video recorder!

The divine spell 【Time Retrospection】 he developed was much more advanced, but not everyone could use it, whereas the magic Aurora developed had the potential to be widespread.

With this, they might even be able to create magical movies, a powerful tool for propaganda…


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