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Chapter 566: Cosmic Wars and a True Galactic Civilization!

As the lingering consciousness of the Moon Goddess Diana was trapped, Harof and the others sighed in relief, but Aurora remained somewhat uneasy, saying, "Why not just kill her?"

"With me here, she won't be able to cause any trouble, and right now, we urgently need intelligence," Lynn said calmly, noting that Diana's recent attack was indeed powerful and had taken him by surprise.

However, the attack had also significantly depleted her remaining power, which is why Lynn was able to bind her so easily.

"Let's go and see what happened here a thousand years ago," Lynn said after setting up several seals.

Harof and the others nodded. Since the goddess's domain and divine body were here, it indicated that this was where she had died. They were all curious about what kind of power had caused the demise of this foreign deity.

As they explored, what lay before their eyes was a barren desert without rivers or trees, just endless barren soil.

"Even the most barren northern borders of the kingdom offer a better environment for life than this!" Lynn knew that this desolation was the result of Diana's divine power altering the landscape; otherwise, it would be even more desolate.

About half an hour later, the group reached the far side of the moon, and the terrain became increasingly lower, filled with rugged canyons.

At the very center was an enormously large abyss, stretching out of sight, and only upon reaching an altitude of ten thousand meters could the group see that about a quarter of the moon's far side had disappeared! Lynn's expression grew serious, understanding that such catastrophic destruction was not naturally formed.

It could have been caused by a large meteorite impact or by some powerful force.

Both Lynn and Harof believed more in the latter, as the entire backside of the moon looked like a battlefield.

It was likely that this strike had penetrated the goddess's defenses and killed her!

The group exchanged glances, then followed Lynn as they flew towards the bottomless abyss.

Surrounded by overlapping mountain ranges, they flew for several minutes. Just as Lynn wondered if they were heading towards the moon's core, they finally saw the bottom.

It was very close to the moon's mantle, surrounded by walls made of sturdy metal. Upon landing, a huge, bizarre-looking disc suddenly appeared before them.

It was over a hundred meters tall, even though only a part of it was visible, with most of it buried under the hard rock layer. The exterior was a deep blue color, and despite hundreds of years, its surface was still as smooth as new, as if no dust could leave a mark on it.

"What is this? Some kind of alchemical creation?" Victorio frowned, sensing no traces of magic on the object.

"This is likely a spaceship... a cosmic spaceship!" Lynn said gravely, lifting the heavy rock layer, and the million-ton giant disc was raised.

When the full view of the disc was revealed, Harof and Aurora realized that what they had seen was just the tip of the iceberg. The device's diameter was over two kilometers, but the part buried below was severely damaged and nearly twisted, almost like a sieve.

Aurora curiously looked at Lynn, wondering what a cosmic spaceship was.

"You can think of the universe as an ocean, with each planet like an island suspended in the vast sea, and a spaceship as a means of travel between planets..." Lynn explained succinctly.

"So, it's like a faster, longer-lasting airship?" Victorio immediately understood, though the object didn't seem capable of flight, lacking even jet nozzles or visible doors, and it was unclear which end was the front or back.

"It's much more powerful than airships and fighters; they really can't be compared," Lynn shook his head tightly.

Although he had previously guessed this, knowing that the Moon Goddess Diana's death was related to an extraterrestrial civilization still made him uneasy.

A true interstellar civilization is terrifyingly powerful, and Lynn knew this all too well.

Not to mention, just being able to perform interstellar travel was enough to be overwhelmingly dominant.

Even the nearest star was light-years away!

After Lynn explained the scale of the universe, Victorio and the others immediately realized the gravity of the situation, and the unit of measurement called "light-year" made them gasp in astonishment.

Traveling at the speed of light for a year?

How terrifying is that?

Using the calculating power of legendary wizards, Harof and the others calculated in less than a second that one light-year equals 946 billion kilometers!

If traveling at twice the speed of sound, even flying for a hundred thousand years wouldn't cover one ten-thousandth of the distance.

Victorio realized another terrifying fact: if this device was like an airship or fighter jet, then it was likely energy-powered!

A creation capable of mass production and used for slaying deities, Victorio couldn't even imagine how powerful the civilization that created it was.


ynn's expression was equally grave. Even the Earth Federation of his previous life only reached the level of a quasi-interstellar civilization, barely capable of long-distance space travel, which was far weaker compared to a true interstellar civilization that could easily traverse stellar distances and slay gods with just one spaceship.

However, they had their advantages, which were... magic!

The Eternal Star was a junction between two universes, and magic was an incredibly miraculous energy.

Lynn felt that by harnessing the power of magic, they might be able to create some of the cutting-edge technologies of the Federation, which were currently only theoretical due to material and energy limitations.

Thinking this, Lynn looked at Harof and others, reassuringly saying, "There's no need to worry too much, this battle happened a thousand years ago! Since the Eternal Star hasn't been attacked in such a long time, I don't think there will be any trouble in the short term..."

On the contrary, capturing this spaceship could bring them a lot of convenience. If they could fully understand and transform the opponent's technology into their own power, then they wouldn't need to fear the threats from the 【Main World】 on the other side of the space gate anymore!

"A real interstellar civilization..." Lynn muttered, gazing at the huge spaceship.

Meanwhile, in the vast universe, in an unknown galaxy, on the second arm, next to a bright red star flickering with dazzling brilliance, an interstellar war of life and death was underway.

Tens of thousands of interstellar warships were arrayed in a nearly surrounding formation, enveloping three lonely deep blue spaceships floating in the void, with intense energy beams continuously bombarding from their cannons.

On the other hand, the three disc-shaped spaceships, which did not seem large, even smaller than the opposing main ships, turned the tide of the battle completely.

A large number of energy beams were deflected before they could even hit the energy shields surrounding the spaceships. Then, a crack suddenly opened at the front of the disc-shaped ships, and millions of fist-sized neutron clusters flew out!

This was one of the weapons on the spaceship, the 【Scatter Particle Cannon】, capable of accelerating neutron clusters to half the speed of light in ten thousand atomic seconds!

The tremendous kinetic energy, along with their extremely sturdy nature, made these neutron clusters an unstoppable force! Supported by the massive volume of the warships, these seemingly ant-sized neutron clusters caused unimaginable destruction, tearing through the energy shields of the warships, with hundreds of neutron clusters penetrating them and igniting intense explosions that lit up the entire void.

Extreme speed meant extreme power. With the computational power of the onboard quantum devices, not a single neutron cluster missed its target even from hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and with just one strike, over two thousand warships were turned into brilliant sparks!

In a sense, this wasn't a battle of life and death, but a one-sided slaughter...

About two hundred atomic seconds later, the battlefield was left with only debris, and the three deep blue spaceships were undamaged on the outside.

After clearing these resistance forces, a deep black dot suddenly appeared on the foremost main ship, then quickly expanded, containing unimaginable energy.

The civilization within the sandy-yellow planet had also realized the danger, or rather, the arrival of death, as countless interstellar ships frantically flew out from the planet, escaping in all directions.

But it was all too late. After a moment's accumulation, the 【Star Annihilator Cannon】 suddenly exploded, turning into a fierce beam of light that struck the sandy-yellow planet ahead!

This was the 【Star Annihilator Cannon】!

A thousand atomic seconds later, the debris of the front-line warships instantly vanished into the deep black light, and then this energy, unstoppable, burst into the core of the planet!

Accompanied by a dazzling light bursting from the planet's core, the planet, which had existed for billions of years and weighed quadrillions of tons, suddenly exploded!

Countless materials erupted outward at high speed, sweeping up the fleeing interstellar ships.

This was indescribable despair; under the technological gap, resistance or escape was futile!

And on those three spaceships, a long, bar-shaped creature pressed a confirmation key on a screen projected in the void.

A star-level civilization had thus fallen...


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