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Chapter 255: Reinforcement

Dragging his severely injured body to stand up, was it just to say "I surrender"?

Those with keen eyes could see that Hisoka was staggering, with severe internal and external injuries. Even those without such keenness could tell Hisoka was badly hurt, as if he might collapse the next second.

Seeing that Hisoka had no will to fight and had spoken words of surrender, the referee immediately declared Luo the winner of the match.

As the referee made the announcement, the commentator's voice congratulating Luo on his victory echoed throughout the venue, instantly causing a roar that nearly lifted the ceiling.

This was Luo's tenth victory! This meant that Luo had secured a ticket to challenge the floor master with a perfect record.

All eyes in the venue were on Luo, the treatment reserved for the victor, while the loser could only exit the stage in silence.

Hisoka slowly restrained his eerie smile, then disregarded the medical staff rushing towards him and dragged his severely injured body towards the exit corridor.

That final punch was filled with killing intent straight from the heart.

Hisoka was well aware that Luo's last punch was genuinely intended to finish him off, but he had barely managed to withstand it.

It's a pity, isn't it?

Hisoka's eyes were calm, showing none of the emotions typical of a defeated fighter.

Every step he took towards the exit corridor was incredibly strenuous; every cell in his body was crying out in pain, the intense agony stimulating his nerves non-stop.

Enduring such pain, Hisoka, with a battered face, kept his gaze fixed on the corridor ahead; he had to reach it to truly be safe.

Inside the venue, everyone's focus was on Luo, not noticing Hisoka, except for two stretcher bearers and Luo, who watched Hisoka slowly making his way towards the corridor exit.

Luo stood quietly on the ring, watching, while the two workers followed Hisoka to assist him.

"Wait a bit."

Luo silently watched Hisoka about to enter the corridor, suppressing the urge to follow immediately.

The length of each entrance and exit corridor was not short; with Hisoka's injuries, it would take at least ten minutes to walk through, but with the intervention of the two workers, it might only take five minutes to escort Hisoka away.

Hisoka's pre-match statement of being 'at mercy' was something Luo would not believe, so in the recent fight, he did not miss any opportunity to deliver a potentially fatal blow.

Now, if he wanted to finish off Hisoka, he couldn't appear too eager in front of everyone; he had to wait until Hisoka was in the corridor and then wait another three minutes before following. Even if he was too late, he could still find Hisoka in the medical room.

Watching Hisoka enter the corridor, Luo withdrew his gaze, surrounded by the frenzied stares of countless fans, his ears filled with their indescribable excitement.

Journalists who had secured seats near the spectator area, like wolves, pounced towards the ring.

This match's outcome was different from the previous ones; this was Luo's tenth win, and next, he would challenge a floor master. They had to get an interview with Luo this time.

The journalists sprinted up to the ring, excited to see that Luo wasn't walking away as he had after previous matches. One by one, they pushed forward with their microphones.

"Mr. Luo, now that you've achieved ten wins, do you have any floor masters in mind to challenge?"

"Mr. Luo, how are you feeling right now?"

"Mr. Luo, there have been rumors of a grudge between you and Mr. Antomu. Is it true?"


Inside the exit corridor, there was not a single person visible. Although the match had ended, Luo was still on the ring, so the audience remained in the venue, leaving the corridor completely empty.

After entering the corridor, Hisoka leaned against the wall just a few meters in, his eyelids drooping, looking half-dead.

He supported his faltering body against the wall, head bowed, and said, "That was a close call."

This statement was not to himself but directed at someone.

As his words fell, a shadowy area untouched by light slowly revealed a black-haired young man, who appeared only two or three years younger than Hisoka.

"Knowing you couldn't win, yet you still charged in. Isn't that foolish?" the young man looked at Hisoka's almost disfigured face, his unusually black eyes reflecting a hint of perplexity.

This person was Illumi, unexpectedly present and somehow related to Hisoka.

"Before the fight, I did intend to win," Hisoka said, slightly raising his head to look at Illumi.

"Oh, I don't believe that," Illumi replied flatly.

"My words... lack credibility?" Hisoka's facial skin twitch

ed, making his flattened face appear rather grotesque.

"Of course," Illumi suddenly raised his hand, holding two bead-headed pins between his fingers, calmly saying, "My being here is proof of your lack of confidence."

"That's troubling to hear," Hisoka cracked a smile.

"Enough talk."

Illumi shook his head slightly, flicking his hand in the direction of footsteps approaching, and the two bead-headed pins flew out, piercing the brains of the two workers who were rushing over.

"Good timing; this way, we don't need to carry you."

Illumi watched the two workers, now expressionless, and ordered them to come over.

This was his Nen ability, injecting Nen into the bead-headed pins, and anything pierced by these pins could be manipulated at his will.

The two workers, hit by the pins, instantly became 'pin people', in a sense, at that moment, they had lost their souls, becoming zombies.

"We need to hurry; he'll be coming after us," Hisoka mentioned, his consciousness nearing blurriness.

It was a fight he knew was hopeless from the start, but Hisoka had hoped to find a slight chance of winning during the battle. However, he failed, and now he was facing the risks and consequences he had prepared for before the match, which was why Illumi was there to back him up.

All along, Hisoka had been a loner; his acquaintance with Illumi was both accidental and incidental, and they weren't friends but had a long-standing cooperative relationship.

It wasn't an assassination contract but a reinforcement one, yet Illumi still took it, and Hisoka had no one else to turn to but him.

"Don't worry, if he catches up."

Illumi ordered the 'pin people' to place Hisoka on a stretcher and then quickly walked ahead, saying, "I won't hesitate to leave you behind."

As Hisoka was about to lose consciousness, he heard Illumi's irresponsible words and managed a weak smile.

"If it's not necessary, I'd rather not face him..." Illumi looked ahead, quickening his pace.

After hearing Illumi's words, Hisoka lost consciousness.


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