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Chapter 565: Sword Slashing the Moon, Mobius Barrier!

"What's wrong, Chairman Lynn?" Aurora looked at Lynn, whose expression had suddenly changed, and asked in confusion.

Although no sound can be heard in the vacuum, as legends, they could still communicate through electromagnetic waves and the language of the soul.

Lynn didn't speak but connected them to the magic network.

Harof and the others looked again at the moon rushing towards them, feeling a chill in their hearts.

They saw a corpse, enormous beyond imagination, shrouded in starlight, floating in the cosmic void!

The state of the corpse was somewhat similar to Althok's, but the probability cloud covering it was infinitely larger, encompassing the entire moon!

The most eye-catching feature was a huge hollow in the chest of the corpse, nearly splitting the entire body in two!

This was undoubtedly the Moon Goddess Diana!

Lynn instantly understood. It seems that the first arrival of the Moon Goddess Diana into this universe was not at the Eternal Star but on the moon!

She had spent time mastering and assimilating this satellite before stepping into the Eternal Star, where she created several portals, preparing to further expand her divine realm to this life-bearing planet.

Indeed, he could complete the deification ceremony within a few days, thanks to the preparations made by Diana, who had infused a massive amount of magic into this world over many years, simplifying some complex steps for him.

Of course, due to Lynn's limited mental strength, he only managed to control a continent, not an entire planet or a dimensional plane like Diana.

"Is this how the Moon Goddess Diana died?" Harof asked, shocked.

The entire moon was the body of this moon goddess, and in his view, its tens of trillions of tons of matter could crush any existence!

She died like this, and unlike the Lord of the Necromancers, she died within her own divine realm!

In this universe, who could have done such a terrifying thing?

Lynn was also surprised. According to his previous guess, the moon goddess was weakened due to the different universal rules after arriving in this world, plus she fell due to unknown dangers after leaving her divine realm.

Now it seemed different; she had assimilated a satellite and still lost the battle at home.

But since Diana died here, how did Aila obtain divinity?

Could it be that she also came to the moon?

Lynn pondered as the giant satellite approaching them suddenly began to move.

Indeed, the entire moon started moving, slowly rotating, its surface radiating intense starlight, and accelerated towards them.

The feeling of a planet tens of trillions of times larger than oneself rushing towards you is indescribable...

Harof, Aurora, and Victorio were overwhelmed with a profound sense of helplessness.

"Is she still alive?" Aurora asked incredulously.

"Probably just a remnant of consciousness!" Lynn explained.

The Moon Goddess Diana was undoubtedly dead, probably not entirely gone; her divinity, divine realm, and divine body were still present, though her divinity was stripped away, and her divine body was severely damaged but still retained a certain degree of power.

Harof had just shouted the goddess's name in close proximity, which had triggered a response!

This was a conditioned reflex...

Even so, facing a rushing satellite, even if just a moon, no one could afford to underestimate it. Lynn raised both hands, gathering a massive amount of basic hydrogen elements in his left hand while continuously producing anti-hydrogen atoms in his right.

In just a moment, the moon was already much closer to them.

It was a planet towering thousands of times higher than any mountain, more vast than any ocean. Under the tremendous pressure, Harof and the others were extremely tense.

Three seconds later, unable to bear the terrifying pressure, Victorio was the first to act!

Harof and Aurora followed suit.

[Endgame - Atomic Breath]

Three terrifying waves of energy instantly erupted, directly flying towards the moon that was turning to face them. This was the most potent magic Harof and others had mastered, star-level power!

The diameter of the light cone increased from small to large, the energy wave's coverage diameter quickly exceeded several kilometers, but even so, it only covered less than one-thousandth of the moon's surface.

This was a wizard's challenge to a god!

The massive light cone soon struck the starlight covering the moon's surface, a brilliant burst of light instantly bloomed in this starry sky, endless energy accompanied by violent vibrations spread out in all directions!

Lynn shook his head, indeed not optimistic about this grandiose strike.

After all, the power... was too dispersed!

As the range of the light cone expanded, the density of energy would also rapidly decrease.

If Harof and the others could withstand the pressure and act a bit later, they might have a chance to break through the moon's protective barrier.

Sure enough, just as Lynn had thought, after the light faded, this giant satellite

 was completely undamaged, not even slowing down in the slightest, the only effect was to shave off a layer of starlight from the surface.

"This is really..." Harof let out a wry smile, feeling quite dejected.

Their full efforts had failed to break the protection laid by a deceased deity, the gap was simply too great!

At this moment, Lynn made his move, atoms and anti-electrons converged and collided together,

This was the super-level magic [Antimatter Sword] he had used in the battle with the Lord of the Necromancers!

The blade made up of neutrons was one of the hardest substances in the universe, and the annihilation energy was also the most powerful blade!

Almost in an instant, the length of this antimatter sword exceeded two kilometers.

Facing the directly colliding moon, Lynn coldly raised his hand and swung down!

The starlight barrier on the moon's surface, which had withstood three [Endgame - Atomic Breaths], was like paper and was instantly pierced, then directly slashed into the barren land behind!

In the vacuum, there were no sound waves, but Harof and the others could faintly hear a sound, that was the wail of quantum tides triggered by the super-limit vacuum!

The several kilometers long antimatter sword carved a huge trench on the ground, as if to split the entire planet in half!

The intense explosion vibrated in the void, terrifying heat spread all around, the mere energy remnants kicked up a sandstorm hundreds of meters high, the sandstorm raged like a storm, enveloping countless rocks and dust, burying everything!

When the dust settled, Victorio and the others were horrified to find that the moon's surface now had a bottomless great canyon, and at the same time in the high-dimensional view, there was also an ugly scar on the body of the moon goddess.

The entire planet trembled violently, that was the residual will of the Moon Goddess Diana in anger!

Mountains rose, elements rioted, endless starlight erupted on the planet's surface, a strong oppression enveloped the entire land!

Lynn stretched out his hand again, the curvature of the space around him immediately rolled up layer by layer, blocking the starlight emerging from all directions, he did not continue to use the antimatter bombardment, but was waiting for the right moment.

Destroying the moon, or the body of the Moon Goddess, was very difficult and not feasible; otherwise, the ecology on the Eternal Star would likely suffer severe damage!

So Lynn could only choose to pinpoint and further weaken the residual consciousness of the opponent!

The strike just now was meant to draw out the opponent's remaining consciousness...

Brilliant starlight continued to burst, and the exploding starfire continuously emerged around them.

Harof, Aurora, and Victorio were sweating coldly, they were well aware that if they were caught up in it, they would surely die!

Realizing that such an attack was utterly meaningless, the starlight spreading on the moon's surface began to rapidly converge towards the center.

The energy intensity ahead became even more terrifying, but within a dozen seconds, a virtual figure appeared in front of everyone.

She towered above the skies, back against the fierce sun, her silver pupils like the moon, her figure hazy and indistinct, holding a crescent long spear in her hand, and with a raise of her hand, the spear transformed into a silver crescent moon, crossing time and space, crashing down!

This strike was unavoidable...

Lynn immediately realized this because the opponent had firmly locked him from a high-dimensional level.

Undoubtedly, this was a method different from the 'Fishing Net Technique' to directly attack high-dimensional beings.

Nine actualized arcane wheels immediately appeared in front of Lynn, the silver crescent moon pierced down, six wheels shattered on impact, and the seventh wheel also cracked.

Lynn could not afford to delay any longer, with a thought, several arcane locks flew out of the void, binding the remaining consciousness of the Moon Goddess Diana.

Due to the lack of the planet's support and not being in her own divine realm, the arcane locks were still made of graphene, quickly cracking layer by layer under the burning of the starfire.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lynn clasped his hands together, creating a [Mobius Barrier] in this space!

This could be considered a high-dimensional prison, ordinary three-dimensional materials cannot trap high-dimensional life forms.

To use a low-dimensional example, drawing a circle on the ground cannot restrict a person's movements, but building several walls naturally can trap the opponent inside.

This barrier could also work effectively against low-dimensional beings, such as when he first used a lower-grade [Mobius Barrier] against the [Assassin].

High-dimensional beings have the ability to see and smash through walls, while low-dimensional life forms might not even realize what is trapping them, merely looping endlessly!

Fortunately, the Moon Goddess was already dead, and the residual consciousness did not have such high intelligence, otherwise a mere dimensional wall would not be enough to restrict her!


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