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Chapter 564: This is not the Moon, it's a Dead God!

"So, you're planning to fly to the moon to check it out?" Victorio looked at Lynn, surprised.

Harof, Aurora, and Anthony were also quite interested in Lynn's lunar landing plan.

At their current level of life, they no longer needed oxygen to maintain bodily functions, and could survive even in the vacuum of space. However, to date, Harof and the others had never truly left the Eternal Star under their feet, so they were somewhat intrigued.

"Exactly!" Lynn nodded. The moon, compared to the Eternal Star, was small, estimated by some astronomical wizards to be about one-fiftieth the size, but for living beings, it was immensely huge, with a mass of several quintillion tons, affecting the Eternal Star's tides, atmosphere, rotation, and ecology.

If this satellite were controlled by enemies, it would be like a Damocles sword hanging overhead, constantly posing a threat.

However, how to travel to the moon required careful planning, considering the rotation of the Eternal Star, the moon's orbit, and their flight speed to determine the best time and route for departure.

After all, the linear distance between the two celestial bodies was over 400,000 kilometers, and even traveling at twice the speed of sound would take 200 hours, or eight and a half days. If the course deviated mid-way, it could take much longer.

Lynn's speed, however, was several times faster than Harof and the others. By himself, he could arrive within a day, but Lynn didn't dampen everyone's spirits and quickly decided to set the departure time for tomorrow night.

Having addressed the most urgent matters, the meeting shifted focus to the kingdom's future development. After years of construction, the Magic Kingdom was beginning to take shape.

The council had built train stations, magic power stations, and civilian academies in every major city. The next step was to expand these infrastructures to towns and villages, expecting to complete the initial magical transformation of the kingdom within ten years.

This large project would also help alleviate poverty and promote economic development.

By providing labor, the council paid wages, and various magic workshops could smoothly sell the goods they produced, forming a positive economic cycle. As long as food and resources were plentiful, the kingdom could develop at a very fast pace.

However, Lynn still felt that ten years was too long and planned to develop some constructive divine techniques and personally assist in some major construction projects to further shorten the time.

Several hours later, the wizard council meeting concluded, with nearly every council member assigned tasks. Now was a time of rapid development for the kingdom, and every hand was needed, even those of high-ranking council members.

Indeed, no one dared to idle, as the changes in the kingdom and council over recent years were too significant, and anyone not paying attention could quickly fall behind the times.

Now, the number of grand wizards in the kingdom had exceeded two hundred, and the criteria to become an official council member had also gradually increased. In the past, a third-circle wizard could be nominated for significant achievements, but now, one had to be a grand wizard at minimum.

Thus, those who had not yet made a breakthrough, or had failed in their attempts, were deeply worried about being excluded.

Tiek was among them; having been previously chosen for an exploratory team abroad, his promotion to grand wizard had been delayed. Just two days ago, he submitted his application only to find out that this year alone, five hundred third-circle wizards were prepared to use the magic network's computing power to attempt their breakthroughs, which meant it would take a year and a half just to get to him.

Many sixth-circle grand wizards had also submitted applications for legendary promotions, as they all understood that the number of council leaders couldn't increase indefinitely without undermining the original purpose of establishing the position. It was likely that in the future, the position might require wizards of the eighth or even ninth circle.

All these applications were gathered in Lynn's hands, more than anticipated. Other than letting them queue up and using examinations to eliminate some who didn't meet the promotion criteria, there wasn't much else to do.

The magic network's computing power seemed ample, but it had to supply tens of thousands of wizards casting spells while also providing massive computing power for promotions and reserving some capacity for potential threats.

Compared to this, Harof and the others had it much easier. All arrangements had been made, and the only thing left was to prepare for tomorrow's moon landing.

The least experienced, Anthony, stayed behind to oversee the overall situation, preventing any leaderless chaos in the council in case of emergencies.


A day quickly passed. Since the moon landing was only announced internally within the council, it didn't cause much stir, only attracting attention from some astrological prophets and astronomical school wizards.

Orlando was the most eager, even asking if he could bring more people along, clearly wanting to witness the moon for himself


"Not this time. There might be battles, and we might not be able to take care of you," Lynn shook his head, bluntly refusing.

Harof and the other legends were fine, at least having the ability to survive in the cosmos. Orlando was different; once out of Lynn's protection, he might not last even a few minutes, with lung rupture being one of the quicker, more humane ways to die.

Orlando was quite disappointed but didn't insist, merely watching the council leaders ascend into the sky in their energized forms.

"The moon!" Orlando looked up at the bright, twinkling stars in the night sky. According to Chairman Lynn, each star represented a star or even an entire galaxy, potentially with its own kingdoms, churches, or wizards...

While Orlando and others were lost in thought, Harof, Aurora, and Victorio had already flown to an altitude of 10,000 meters, piercing through the troposphere, though they still had a significant distance before completely leaving the Eternal Star's atmosphere.

As they climbed rapidly in altitude, a sense of fear subtly arose in Harof and the others. This wasn't cowardice, but the apprehension of leaving the planet that sustained them and venturing into the endless void.

In the vastness of space, direction, speed, and time seemed to lose their meaning. After flying out of the ionosphere, this sensation became even more pronounced.

Harof wasn't even sure if he was still flying, nor how fast, because Aurora and Victorio moved at speeds not much different from his, with no reference points and no air resistance.

The three floated aimlessly in the cosmic vacuum, gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts of relative speed and distance in quantum theory.

"Is that the Eternal Star?" Aurora turned her head and looked down at the huge, magnificent planet below, communicating through electromagnetic waves with a sense of awe.

Harof and Victorio were no exception. Even though they had seen planets up close in their own microcosmos, they were still amazed by the grandeur and majesty of the Eternal Star.

The entire planet was a brilliant blue, with most of the visible area covered by oceans, dotted with islands.

In the center of the ocean was a continent that occupied a third of the visible area, the kingdom's territory, shrouded in thin clouds, with green forests, yellow deserts, and white snowy areas...

This was the full view of the world they relied on for survival, a unique planet of life.

Apart from the continent where the kingdom was located, there were several other smaller landmasses on the planet, not visible from their current perspective.

The council had already sent explorers there; the latest news indicated they had only found primitive tribes.

According to church records, a thousand years ago, people on this continent also lived in tribal forms. It must be said that the lunar goddess from another realm and the divine techniques she brought significantly advanced the civilization of the beings on this planet.

"Let's look again when we return. We'll have plenty of time then..." Lynn said with a smile. Having been a spaceship pilot in a past life, he was very accustomed to such sights and found the Eternal Star far more beautiful than Earth due to its unspoiled magic and dreamlike beauty, intoxicating to behold.

"By the way, Chairman Lynn, how's Althok doing?" Victorio suddenly remembered this colleague who had become quantum in form and couldn't help but ask.

Since Lynn had broken through to the divine realm and acquired the ability to interfere with higher-dimensional levels, perhaps he could rescue Althok.

"Unfortunately, it's too late. I visited the Land of Wizards a few days ago, and his consciousness has completely dissipated, even his domain showing signs of collapse," Lynn said, somewhat helplessly.

If only he could have achieved his breakthrough a month or two earlier, there might have been a chance to save him. Now, Althok was likely almost assimilated.

Upon hearing this, Harof and the others fell silent, and after a long sigh, they resigned themselves to this outcome. Even the process of ascending to legendary status carried many risks, let alone a deification ceremony.

Attempting to control a power far beyond one's capability was extremely dangerous.

Then a long silence followed, the bad news dampening their spirits. No one spoke for the remainder of the journey.

Traveling through the vast universe was undoubtedly monotonous; all novelty was exhausted within days, leaving only the endless dark space.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the planet below became smaller and smaller. Aurora grew somewhat impatient, beginning to wonder if they had taken the wrong path, when Harof suddenly spoke up.

"Look, it's the moon, coming towards us!"

Everyone immediately looked in the direction Harof was pointing. A silver-gray dot was slowly approaching, growing in size as it neared them. Just as they had calculated, the moon's orbit was bringing it right in front of them!

"This is..." Lynn, watching the scene, had a grave expression. From a higher-dimensional view, this was not a planet at all, but a corpse—the dead body of the lunar goddess!


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