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Chapter 248: Strike

This place is not a hotel, nor should there be any special services.

However, when Uvogin and Nobunaga saw Bisky, having come out from Meteor Street some time ago, their first thought was far from simple.

Luo had a history; he once used his Nen ability to strip Machi’s clothes, so…

As Machi and the two others stared oddly, the atmosphere became much more awkward.

"Just a broken lock, is it that hard to get in?"

Bisky, lounging on the couch with a magazine covering her side, then sat up straight, looking towards Machi and the others.

At first glance, one could only discern that Machi and his companions were Nen users from their use of Ten. From the level of their Ten, she made a basic assessment.

Their strength is not bad…

Bisky internally gave a fair evaluation.

“She is my master.”

Noticing the unusual gaze from Machi and the others, Luo touched his forehead and explained immediately, then looked at Bisky, slightly annoyed, “You could at least say something, send a message or something.”

Bisky stood up, hands on her hips, and said, “Such a hassle, I wouldn’t bother.”

She went on a shopping spree in the commercial street, almost spending all the money she won from gambling, buying a lot of luxury brands. Thinking she might continue to bet on Luo winning, she bought him a set of clothes.

With Nen ability training time coming soon, she simply came to Luo's room first to wait for him to finish his meal.

However, she didn't expect Luo to bring his friends back to the room with him.

Hearing Bisky’s response, Luo gave her a 'you got me' look, then led the others into the room and closed the door.

“There are drinks in the fridge, help yourself if you want.” Luo walked to the windowsill and casually mentioned.

“Is she really your master?” Uvogin eyed Bisky skeptically, and Nobunaga felt the same.

Though they had only been exposed to Nen abilities for just over two years, their cultivation was not too bad. They could tell Bisky was also a Nen user, but didn’t think she was very impressive.

Bisky just glanced at them and said nothing.

Buhara and Sanbica went to the fridge to get drinks, while Machi was silent, sharing the same thoughts as Uvogin and Nobunaga.

Unless Bisky tore off that facade, anyone who knew of Luo’s strength would find it hard to accept this fact, just like Buhara and Sanbica before.

“Is this just some random excuse you came up with?” Uvogin’s gaze moved from Bisky to Luo, who was sitting on the windowsill, still looking odd.

Luo waved to Buhara, who was opening the fridge, and the latter understood, throwing a bottle of chilled mineral water to him.

Luo caught the water, opened it and took a sip, then smiled at Uvogin, saying, “You like to fight, don’t you? If you want to know for sure, you could try sparring with my master.”

At that moment, Buhara felt Uvogin was about to follow in his footsteps.

“That tiny frame, you wouldn’t last a punch, would you?” Uvogin smirked.

Nobunaga and Machi, seeing Uvogin stepping forward, didn't join in.

Machi walked towards the windowsill, asking Luo to move over so she could sit.

Sanbica quietly watched Machi sitting next to Luo, her gaze calm, showing no sign of peculiarity.

Nobunaga ran to the fridge, asking Buhara to grab him a beer.

“Why not try it out?” Luo’s smile turned sinister.

At that moment, Bisky glanced at him, and he immediately toned down the sinister smile.

Three minutes later, Uvogin lay on the ground, his head sporting several large bumps, staring at the ceiling with an expression of disbelief.

He had been utterly devastated by a little girl!

Uvogin had been thoroughly defeated.

Nobunaga and Machi looked towards the petite figure flipping through luxury goods, both with a look of horror.

In three minutes, Uvogin was completely at a disadvantage. Given his personality, if suppressed, he would erupt no matter the place.

However, the result was that Uvogin had no chance to fight back, completely dominated by Bisky.

The gap in strength was too evident.

Machi and Nobunaga silently thought, no wonder she is Luo’s master, that makes sense.

Luo pitied Uvogin, who couldn’t even use ‘Flow’ properly now, his capacity wasn’t as good as Bisky’s before transforming, and his

 skills were worlds apart. How could he not be dominated?

If Uvogin’s confidence was to be restored, they would have to reveal Bisky’s age, but Luo would never do that. Recklessly mentioning Bisky’s age would surely earn him a beating.

Was Uvogin ever mentioned in the original work encountering Bisky?

Thinking this, Luo felt sentimental, finding it quite amusing to see the battle-crazed Uvogin being dominated by Bisky.

You know, Uvogin was always more resilient with each defeat. He was beaten a hundred times by him and still wasn’t discouraged, but now, just one time by Bisky, and he was like this.

“Luo, come here.”

Bisky suddenly spoke.

Luo jumped down from the windowsill and walked over.

Bisky dug out a bag from the pile of luxury goods and threw it to him.

Sanbica helped Bisky sort through the items.

Luo took the bag and asked, “What’s this?”

“Clothes I bought for you.” Bisky was busy organizing the luxury items, digging out several bags marked with luxury brands, then having Sanbica sort them out.

Luo opened the shopping bag and saw a set of black casual clothes, then looked at the floor covered with shopping bags, easily over a hundred bags, and asked, “Just one set?”


Bisky responded.


Luo packed away the shopping bag, but saw Bisky taking out some sexy, fashionable clothing, continually measuring them against Sanbica, while Buhara held a pile of expensive sweets, eating away.

“Bisky, I… don’t like these clothes.” Sanbica looked at the pink tank top and short skirt in front of her, feeling very uncomfortable.

“Why, they look pretty good.”

Bisky put down the clothes, then took out lipstick and perfume from another shopping bag.

Seeing these items, Sanbica gave Luo a pleading look.

Seeing Sanbica’s pleading eyes, Luo scratched his cheek and said, “Bisky, isn’t it time for training?”

Upon hearing this, Bisky glanced at the time, realized it indeed was time, and put down the items.

Sanbica breathed a sigh of relief, continuing to let Bisky indulge would probably have forced her to wear those clothes and use makeup and perfume soon.

Afterward, Bisky supervised Luo in practicing Nen ability techniques, mainly focusing on manipulation.

Machi and the others, seeing such systematic Nen ability practice for the first time, became interested and followed along, finding it quite challenging, with low completion rates.

For instance, using Nen to form various numbers or patterns. Seeing Luo complete these tasks with ease, they thought it was simple, but once they tried, they realized it was difficult.

Bisky knew Luo’s manipulation was very delicate. Conventionally, the focus should have shifted to other areas, but Bisky didn’t do that.

She believed, the stronger the control over Nen, the better Luo’s ability traits could be utilized, so she required Luo to complete this aspect of training every day.

Their previous battle with Arsonist Sundy was an embodiment of Luo’s delicate manipulation.

For instance, using ‘In’ to erase the presence of Nen, manipulating stone slabs for surprise attacks, kicking the stone slabs and using ‘Hatsu’ to evenly distribute Nen over the shattered pieces, was an example of skill.

As Luo’s manipulation grew stronger, his fighting style became increasingly unpredictable.

Machi and the others joined in the fun, but they received a not-so-light shock, realizing Luo’s pace was getting faster.


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